Chapter 5

Jake and his friends went to third floor to clear all of the zombies they could find.

With how many zombies there were they all went past over 40 in kills.

Jason was searching for the main cast while Jake and Brad were covering for him.


The three of the heard a high pitched scream coming from under them.

Jake said while stomping the head of a zombie.

"Could that be a player? We didn't see one in ages."



Jake's eyes widened and he said. "Gunshots? Jason do you know something like that being in the anime?"

"Yes, but it's much later in the series."

Jake frowned and said. "Players."

Brad suddenly said. "Should I test my skills?"

"Good Idea, I want to see your skills in action."

"Alright, but if I touch somebody my invisibility will wear off. If there are multiple gunmen I might need help."

Jake thumbed up and said. "Good luck."

Brad started taking his clothes off and as soon as he was completely naked he became invisible.

You could still hear his footsteps but they were weird.

"Are you walking on the wall?"

"Yeah, It feels weird but I can get used to it."

Jake narrowed his eyes and tried to focus on where the voice came, no matter how hard he did he couldn't see Brad.

It was like he completely disappeared from your sight.

What Jake was a little worried about was what if there exist detection skills.

Even if he is a ruthless person he wouldn't abandon his friends for a dumb reason like testing skills.

Since he is confident in no one being stronger than him in this zombie world then he will not hesitate to save his friend.

He heard Brad going down the stairs so Jake opened the window opposite to the stairs, he looked down and saw that the window on the 2nd floor was closed.

"Tch, Jason stay at the stairs and knock out anyone who gets up here.

Make sure to stay hidden."

"Yes sir."

He got out of the window and and plunged his fingers into the wall, he started descending while making sure he wasn't being seen.

He put his ear to the wall while hiding himself, he was trying to listen to what was happening.

If you looked from outside on his position you would totally find it weird.

He was basically glued to a tall wall dangling and only supporting himself with his fingers.

'No good, I can't hear shit. I'll just go to the other stairs and sneak around.'

He climbed back up and said. "How do the other 4 members of the main cast look?"

"One is a tall beautiful woman with blue hair and a sword, one is a beautiful short girl with pink hair and glasses.

One is a beautiful mature lady with blonde hair and big boobs.

The other one is a fat boy with glasses and an obsession for guns."

"A lot of beautiful women huh, aches my heart for what I'm about to do.

I'm going down there, you can stay here.

And if something happens don't hesitate to your skill."


Jake started running very fast, he was probably faster than any track runner.

He finally arrived at the stairs after about 30 seconds of running so he descended and started running again.

As he was about to pass a corner he stopped himself from doing so.

He could hear the sound of a conversation going on.

He peeked the corner and saw the 4 people described by Jason, but they weren't alone.

With them was a man dressed in a military uniform.

He was a man who looked over 40 years old with small eyes and scars all over his face.

Even the way he was looking around was different then anyone Jake has ever meet.


For a split second the man looked exactly towards Jake, Jake had an insane reaction and managed to cover himself.

'That guy's bad news! He's probably sent from the military of some country to confirm what these missions are about.

I now know why Brad didn't make his move, that guy would sniff you out in a heartbeat.

I got cocky!

I should have expected this kind of thing to happen.'

Jake calmed down and thought. 'Alright, I don't know what kind of skill he has but there's a high chance it's combat oriented.'

Jake's expression hardened and he said in his head. 'You're dead.'

He turned the corner and saw the man looking straight at him.

Jake smiled at him and said. "Hello."

As soon as the man saw him clearly his eyes widened a lot but he didn't say anything, he decided to listen to the person in front of him.

The girl with blue hair and a sword grabbed her sword tighter and frowned at Jake, she got the exact same feeling from him that she got from the man besides her.

The man claimed to be a soldier in charge of evacuating them but he was unusually strong.

From the moment she met him she could feel her hair stay on its end, it was like being stared at by a predator.

The man put a hand in front of her and stepped forward. "Your name?"

"Jake Kim."

The man's eyes widened once more and he said with his eyes closed. "I see, no wonder you looked familiar.

You look exactly like your father in his younger days, Gapryong Kim."

It was Jake's turn to become surprised. "You know him?

No, that's not what's important right now.

Did you fight him?"

"Fight him?

I did, he was a strong fellow."

Jake smiled and said. "I see, you came out alive after fighting the mighty Gapryong Kim."

"I guess you could say something like that."

Jake's face went serious and he said. "I'm going to stop playing around the bush.

Give me those four high schoolers."


The four of them were surprised by everything that was going on.

The man stepped once more forward and took a combat stance. "And if I don't?"

Jake too got into a fighting stance and he said. "I'll kill you and your family."

The man's expression changed for a moment, it became very ugly but then it came back to normal.


Jake took advantage of his emotions acting up and ran towards him and punched him in the face.

The man blocked the fist with both of his arms and thought. 'Heavy, he fractured on or two bones.'

At the same time the fist made contact with his hands he was propelled backwards but he performed a crescent kick that barely touched Jake.

Jake looked down at his abdomen and saw a very shallow cut on there, even though it was very shallow there was still blood coming out of it.


'He managed to cut my skin with his foot, it probably has something to do with his skill.'

"Impressive, I was aiming to make your guts fall out. It feels like your skin is very tough, probably your skill."

Jake's face was serious and he said. "And this sharpness of your attack was produced by your skill."

"No comment."

Jake again rushed towards him aiming to punch him in the head.

The man raised his two hands anticipating the attack.

Jake changed fists at the last second and tackled him.


He was taken by surprise and he was naturally smashed into the wall.

The wall broke and they were floating in the air falling from the 2nd floor.

Jake was holding him going straight to the ground while the man was panicking, he was desperately using his elbow to strike Jake's back.

Jake felt like someone was stabbing him in the back with a knife but he clenched his teeth and didn't let go.


They landed on the ground, the man's back made contact with the ground and his spine was obliterated.

Jake didn't care to check his opponent's injury, he raised both of his elbows high up in the air and said.

"Let me return the favor."


He brought his elbows down on the man's face, breaking his skull.

He got up on his feet.

He touched his back and saw blood on his fingers. "His skill has something to do with making his attacks sharp.

If he was using a knife I would have suffered even more danger.

Too bad he underestimated me while I was fully serious about killing him, I am sure he had more to show me."

He looked back up at the place where he fell from and saw Jason and Brad fight the blue haired girl.

Jake went near the wall and started to climb it.

As he arrived on the second floor he saw that Jason and Brad were actually fighting that girl somewhat seriously.

Jake came from behind her while she was distracted and...


He twisted her neck in an unnatural manner and she fell to the ground, she wasn't dead yet since you could see the arm holding the wooden sword was swinging around.

"That's 3."


He grabbed a girl with pink hair who was crying on the ground by the leg and swung her directly into a wall.

"That's 4."

He looked at the hot blonde who was backed up against the wall.

He felt bad for what he was about to do but he had to do it, all for gaining power.


He lifted her up in a princess carry and kissed her on the mouth.


While he was kissing her he suddenly folded her body in half.

"That's 5."

He literally broke her spine in two while distracting her.

The reason he kissed her was because her head was a mess anyway, so to take her mind away from what was about to happen he distracted her with a passionate kiss.


He then went to the fat guy on the floor who had one leg broken and stomped him on the head.

His skull took the form of Jake's foot and he died.


"That's all 6."

His face wasn't happy.

He doesn't take pleasure in killing innocent people but he did it with a goal in mind.

'In order to survive in this world I will have to become even more ruthless.

Only doing everything possible for achieving strength can make you stand at the top of the world.'

He looked back at Jason and Brad who were staying against the wall catching their breath. "I think we still have some zombies to kill, let's check how many."

Jason looked at his pocket and said. "45 more."

Brad too did the same and said. "52 more."

Jake looked at his own pocket and said. "39 more.

Let's go finish our quests, I'm tired of running around in this apocalyptic world."

"Me too."


The three of them finally finished off their hundredth zombie on the street in front of the school.


Jake looked at his pocket and read out loud.

"Congratulations on completing the mission, return to your world to or choose to remain in this world until the next mission.

Neat, that means that after a mission we can just chill in this world. But I don't want to."

The three of them were engulfed by a light and they appeared on the side of the road they were driving on near the car.

Jake jumped on the hood of the car and sat down on it.

"Let's check our rewards."

Jake opened his mail and read the first reward in his mind.

[Skill name: Demon's nails.

Skill grade: C+

Description: When using this skill your nails will turn black and become very sharp."


Jake used the skill right away and looked at his nails, they did become black but they didn't grow at all.


He dragged his finger against the hood and a clean cut was made.

He then put his finger against his skin and applied force.

It went past his skin and he started bleeding a little.

Brad looked at the scene and said. "New skill?"

"Yea, what did you guys get?"

Brad got on the hood of the car and jumped upwards.


He suddenly accelerated towards the ground with insane speeds while he was midair and a small crack was made in the concrete.

"I can make myself weigh as much as 500 kg at will, but this puts pressure on my bones."

Jason looked at the hole in the ground and said. "Then be careful with that power, or if you have stat points just put them in durability."

"What about you Jason?"

"Just watch."

Jason started running and he jumped as high as he could, while he was up in the air he looked like he landed on something and jumped again high up in the air.

Jake's eyes widened and he said. "Double Jump?"

Jason came near him and said. "Not really, it's called sky walk.

It allows me to make the 'sky' I touch tangible, meaning if I time it right I can jump a second time. The cooldown is very short so I can probably use it repeatedly in combat."


Jake thought about it and declared that it was a ability that many would envy.

'If it is upgradeable like most of them are that means in the future he should be able to even walk on air for longer periods of time.

But for now let's check my other reward.'

[Skill name: Second Chance

Skill grade: Error

Description: As per pleasing the tastes of a certain being you were granted this special power.

After dying, your soul will leave your body and merge with the soul of the person who killed you.

Making the two of you become one single person.

If the soul of the person is too strong, skill will be rendered useless.

Notice ! This skill will disappear after being used once.]

Jake looked blankly at the description and said. "What the fuck."