Chapter 6

Jason reacted first and he said. "What?"

Jake closed his eyes and put one hand on his forehead. "Nothing, I was just surprised by one of my thoughts."

Even if he trusts his friends he has no intention of revealing this skill to them, it is probably one of the best skills out there even if it can be used just once.

Jake decided to not think about it now since there are more important things to do.

Jake looked forward at the road and said. "There's about an hour to Tokyo. What annoys me is that we have no mobile phone to see what's happening with the world."

Jason too looked at the road and said. "Personally, I would avoid going in a big city in this kind of situation.

C-graded skills which can make one superhuman were given to everyone on the planet. We don't know what kind of outbreak is going on right now or even if the situation is more stabilized than we thought."

Jake crossed his arms and said. "We're going to Tokyo, maybe there is something that we can take advantage of.

And now that the world is probably unstable right now we should create our own organization."

Jason said with a stoic face. "The decision is yours boss."

Jason and Brad were following Jake since middle school.

While they are friends, when it comes to decisions and things like that Jake is responsible.

You could say he is their boss while still being their friend.

The three of them got in the car and started driving towards the city.



Brad whistled and said. "That's a lot of cars."

That's true, on the road they were currently on there were a lot of cars on the other side of the road, it was like they were running away from the city.

Jason started saying "That's not exactly a good sign of being in the city, police would have blocked the roads if they could which probably means that...."

Jake interrupted him and said with a smirk. "Probably means that the police is preoccupied with something else."

Jason continued and said. "Yes, that means that there is something happening that needs the presence of the police, so there is some type of altercation happening."

Jake gripped the steering wheel harder and said. "I'm getting excited."


As they entered the city they were welcomed by the sound of gunshots.

They looked around and saw pure chaos, in one part of the street there were people stuck under rubble and cars and on the other side there was a police man shooting a bystander.

Brad looked at an infant who was squished by some rubble and said. "That's horrible, he got spawnkilled."

Jason looked away and said. "That's a fucked way of saying he didn't even get to live."

Brad scratched the back of his head and said. "This whole skills thing made me almost think that we are in a video game, can't really think of this as the real world."

Jake said while driving in a zig-zag pattern to avoid the people who were laid down on the ground.

"I get how you feel, the whole world changed in one single day and we gained powers in the same day.

Our brains wouldn't perceive this as real when we see something totally different then what we were used to our whole lives."

Jason closed his eyes and said. "Yeah, but we're better off then the weak minded people who think that by dying they would 'wake up' from this dream.

I saw some people look blankly at the sky, as if they lost all life had to offer.

I'm guessing this chaos is really getting to them."

Jake nodded and said. "True, we should probably search for people with powers that cause mayhem so we can recruit them."

On their way to the city they checked out the status too.

While not having a full understanding of how it works they just added points to where they thought would be best.

Jake put them in speed, Jason in strength and brad in Durability.

The increase in their performance was slightly increased, there was no big change but they were still satisfied with the result.


While driving their car something hit the windshield.


The three of them instantly got out of the car and looked around.

Jake smiled and said. "Nice reaction guys."

Jason looked around with a cold face and said. "I was on guard since we entered the city, I am not willing to risk anything."

Even Brad was silent, the man who cracks jokes even in the most tense situations.

Jason and Brad were standing close to Jake looking around for the person who shot towards them.

The three of them already identified the size of the hole in the windshield.

Jason looked at the damage once more and said. "A bullet, it's of big proportions too.

Probably a sniper."

Jake frowned and said. "A sniper? Why is he taking shots at us then?"


Another loud sound was heard.


The three of them reacted.

Brad tried to cover Jake from one direction while Jason tried to cover him from the other.

But Jake was the one who responded the fastest.

He summoned his gloves and put them in front and on the back of his head.


The bullet landed on the palm that was at the back of his head.

Jake looked behind and saw the person who was shooting at him.

He didn't really see him but he saw the small red dot from the sniper rifle.

He was at least 1km away but Jake saw it by accident.

He took a mental photo of that building and grabbed his underlings and began to run into a shop.

As they took cover behind a counter Jake said. "No questions allowed right now. My gloves are nearly indestructible so the bullet didn't have any effect on me.

I saw the building where he was shooting from so Brad will have to use his skills and go after him.

Don't kill him, I want him alive.

He's a potential recruit."

Someone who can take a perfect shot from such a big distance?

There has to be some kind of skill involved.

After Jake gave him instructions of which building he should go to Brad got naked and went invisible.

He had 1 hour of invisibility paired with one minute of sticky feet.

Making him able to walk on the building while being invisible too.

There's almost no chance of Brad failing bringing the sniper here.

They are currently in a shop, hiding behind a counter. Even if there are almost no chances of that person being able to shoot in the shop there are chances he has some kind of skill that will make him able to do so.

Jake looked at the things on the ground and found a pack of cards.

He grabbed the pack and took the cards out.

"Until Brad comes back wanna play?"

Jason stopped scouting the general area and said. "Sure."


As Jake and Jason were playing poker they heard the sound of someone entering the shop.

Jake put his cards down and looked over the counter.


Jake was surprised by what he saw, Brad was carrying a person on his shoulders but the thing that surprised him was that he had cuts all over his body.

"What happened?"

"This guy knows how to handle a knife, the only reason I was able to knock him out was because he was very exhausted.

I think this guy stood on that rooftop for hours sniping different people with no signs of stopping."

"Do you know why he shot at me?"

"No, but I heard him say some nonsense about the Yakuza killing everyone he loved or something along the lines."

Jake had a confused expression on his face and he said. "What does that have to do with me?"

Jason looked at Jake's body.

He had his shirt off and he was bleeding a little from his abdomen and back.

You could see the tattoos that he had on his chest and arms.

"Your tattoos boss, you have Yakuza tattoos."

Jake looked down at himself and said. "Oh, right.

My father's friends forced me to make them at a young age."

"Well, you are technically a gangster too.

No one in the yakuza world who knows who you are will try and mess with you out of respect for your father."


His father, Gapryong Kim, was the strongest yakuza in his times.

No one could match him when it comes to strength, he could demolish statues with his fists.

He was a monster, feared by many but loved by his friends.

But Jake saw him in a bad light since he slept around with multiple women, going around to fuck other bitches.

Jake probably has a lot of half brothers that he doesn't know of and doesn't really care about them too.

Because even if he had multiple children they were all considered illegitimate besides Jake who is the only legitimate child.

Jake looked at the guy who was unconscious on the ground.

"Check his body for any kinds of weapons, I don't want him thrashing around when he wakes up."

They did as told and took his clothes off and everything that he was hiding.

He had another two knives hidden on his stomach tied to a belt and multiple sniper magazines.

But what was surprising was the fact that he had a lot of scars on his body, old scars too.

Wounds from knives and bullets were all over his body, the only place free of them being his neck and face.

Jake looked at his body and said. "Looks like he's been through some shit, this amount of knife and bullet wounds wouldn't be accidental."

Jason agreed and said. "He's probably been a mercenary his whole life, that's the most plausible explanation we have right now.

Taking into account his sniper skills that makes it even more believable."

"Enough about him, let's go check the city out more.

Brad what's your opinion on the situation right now since you were the one who was on a building earlier?"

"I checked the internet before fighting the sniper and I found out that all civilians are recommended to evacuate the city.

Tokyo has become a lawless zone until the government can stabilize things.

And things are worst on different parts of the city too.

I saw big explosions happening all around.

The cause of this are mostly the Yakuza and other criminal organizations who took advantage of the situation and took the big guns out.

Another thing that was broadcasted was that there's a rumor that all large scale bombs disappeared after 'that being' first appeared."


Jake's and Jason's face were the most surprised they have ever been.

Jason stuttered a bit and he said. "Y-you mean no nuclear weapons or hydrogen bombs?!"

Brad nodded and said. "That's just a rumor though, but there is evidence of this happening and the government worldwide didn't respond to this accusation."

Jake's face was serious, he leaned backwards and thought. 'This is probably the work of that being, getting rid of those mass destruction weapons will make the people in charge lose most of their military power.

He's trying to plunge this world into chaos.

Since people will gain supernatural abilities, naturally they will be able to defeat trained soldiers with ease.

But at this point it's still not so bad.

Since the power range is not so high right now.

Wait. What about the other two missions that are graded with A and B difficulty?

Is there someone that actually completed that fourth quest especially?

That one to seduce Esdeath was probably taken by a lot of people and there is a abysmal chance that someone actually completed it from what Jason told me.

Useless thoughts, I should think of expanding my organization right now.

Having underlings that I can use however I please would put me in a stronger position in this world.'

Jake looked at Jason and said. "Give me your honest opinion on this situation, you know that I want to make my own organization. How should we proceed?"

Jason put both of his hands under his face and said with his eyes closed.

"Taking into account what Brad said, I think going full force would be the best course of action.

Now when the government is at its weakest can we take advantage of the situation."

Jake started walking towards the exit and said. "We'll create our own organization, but first we need 10 magical crystals."

Jason's face changed to confusion but then his eyes widened and he said. "You're thinking of making a guild?"

Jake smiled and opened his arms wide. "Exactly.

And I will make it the strongest guild no matter what.

But for that I need you guys to server under me for the rest of your lives.

Without you, this guild will just not come into existence.

What do you say, Jason, Brad? Are you willing to risk your lives for me?"

As soon as he finished speaking he turned around and the sun was getting lost in the horizon, makin the sky a combination of gold, red and orange.

With rays of light coming from behind Jake as he had his arms spread wide with a smile on his face.

Jason and brad had their eyes wide open while looking at Jake.

Jason snapped out of it and said with a smirk. "We were already going to follow you everywhere, boss."

Brad thought with a serious face. 'There's no doubt about it.

Jake is the best boss you could ever ask for.'

Jake's charisma was always unusually high, but what he didn't know was the fact that a silver of arrogance was starting to infiltrated his heart.

While arrogance in excess can become annoying, it is what made other people follow the ancient kings.