Chapter 13

Everyone except Jake's teammates were surprised by this development, they were treating this like a normal thing.

They had stoic, cold expressions on their faces just looking at the demon slayers. They were ready to jump in on signal.

They already got used to Jake's personality and overall moodswings, which are somewhat understandable.

Living under constant psychological pressure for a week made him become easily violent on a moment's notice.

And there is a way to relief some of the stress you are feeling under the fear of death and surprise attacks.

And that's to take pleasure from inflicting violence on others.

As fucked as it sounds, this is exactly what happened to Jake.


Jake swung his knife multiple times towards Tengen who was at a distance and air slashes moved towards him at incredible speeds.


As Tengen delfected the attacks, Jake came in close and kicked him in the stomach.


Tengen blocked with his elbow and attempted to cut Jake's head with the other hand since he uses a duel wielding sword style.


Jake jumped upwards and deflected the big cleaver that was coming towards his neck and also rotated his body mid air to knee him in the temple.


Tengen used both of his muscular arms in order to defend against that attack.

Tengen was sent flying five meters flying and smashed through a tree.

Coming from behind Jake was Inosuke who had a boar mask on his head with his two swords raised high up in the air, as Jake looked back and was about to defend a loud sound resounded in the whole area.


A projectile coming at high speeds hit Inosuke's swords and sent them flying into the ground.

Inosuke looked at where the sound came from and saw Kazami who was up on the tree aim a his weapon at him.

While he was busy looking at Kazami, Jason jumped towards him and kicked him in the chest.


Inosuke was sent flying three meters and he landed, barely standing on his feet.

He was holding his chest and thought while coughing. 'Something definitely fractured, that guy's stronger than he looks.'

Jason landed on the ground and said: "Stay out of it, the boss is enjoying himself."

Back to Jake who was distracted by the fight, he barely felt someone sneak up behind him so he jumped upwards as high as he could.


Tengen appeared out of nowhere and cut the place where Jake was.


(note: tengen's cleavers or swords are tied together by a long chain.)

Tengen held one of the cleavers by its tip with his fingers and swung it high up in the air towards Jake.

The blade was right under Jake's feet and it was about to come into his left foot.


Jake used his skill, demon's nails in order to make his toenails sharper and tougher than steel. He then swung his foot a little just in order to deflect the blade.


Tengen jumped backwards while Jake finally landed on the ground. 'Looks like my new skill came in clutch, I could've lost my foot if I didn't search through my memories for an useful skill.

And I need reinforced shoes from now on.'

His toenails were a little destroyed or even weren't there anymore, they just fell out after that impact.

Tengen saw that Jake wasn't going to attack anytime soon since he was looking at his feet so he asked. "What was that? It was like my blade clashed with metal when I clearly aimed to cut your feet off."

Jake smirked under the mask and said. "Let's just say my nails are pretty tough."


As soon as he finished speaking Jake swung his knife again sending more slashes towards Tengen.

This time Tengen had more then enough time to avoid so he jumped backwards, Jake ran towards him and jumped up in the air near him.


Jake and Tengen traded blows in the air, Jake with one hand could keep up with Tengen who had two swords.

To be fair, Jake was faster and had a smaller knife while Tengen was more on the brawny side and he was holding two big and heavy cleavers.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened.


A blade appeared out of Jake's right sleeve and he swung it towards Tengen's chest.


Tengen was taken by surprise but he didn't freeze in surprise.


At the same time he was cut he kicked Jake in the abdomen sending him flying backwards.

Tengen looked at the cut on his chest and thought. 'It's not that deep, it's manageable.

But this is firing me up.'

Looking at the smiling expression on Tengen's face, Jake thought. 'What are you smiling for? You're the one losing the battle.'

Tengen took some small metal beads out of nowhere and threw them towards Jake.

'What are those, they look small but I don't want to risk it.'

Jake jumped backwards and looked at the beads make contact with the ground.


Loud explosions that resembled thunder echoed throughout the forest and a big explosion took place where the beads hit the ground.



Jake was sent flying backwards into a tree but before he could get up Tengen was already near him ready to cut his neck.


Jake blocked with both of his knives and then rotated his body on the ground and kicked Tengen in the liver.

Tengen was stunned by the pain, the pain from a shot to the liver is no joke.


While he was stunned by the pain Jake took advantage of it and he swung his knife forward creating a slash of air.


An explosion happened in the place where the two were currently fighting, Tengen dropped one of his bombs exactly in between them and used the explosion to launch himself backwards efficiently.

Jake was on a tree with his clothes charred and the same could be said about his balaclava, you could finally see his face.

He looked at Tengen and said with an annoyed face. "You and your annoying explosions, I really didn't expect there to be any gunpowder in this era.

Well, who said you were the only one playing dirty. You should be going down any minute now."

That's right, Jake has a special kind of poison on the blade from his prosthetic arm.

Even if it is considered cowardly to use poison he learned his lesson and decided that using these kind of underhanded methods is better than losing a battle.

Tengen looked at Jake with a blank face and said. "Oh, you mean that poison? I come from a shinobi family so poison doesn't work on me."

Jake's eyes widened and he said with a sigh. "Just my luck."


Jake heard the sound of thunder on his left and saw a boy with yellow hair go past Jason at insane speeds.

Jake's eyes widened, he saw Jason and Kazami be attacked relentlessly by the three guys that were with the hashira.

They were being overpowered, while Kazami put his sniper away and finally started using a combat knife he was still being overpowered.

All of the people fighting there were somewhat injured, but the most injured ones were Jake's men.

'Those guy's teamwork is insane! They look like they've been fighting together their whole lives.'


While he was distracted Tengen came in near him and slashed the sides of his abdomen.


Jake jumped away at the last moment and looked at the damage. 'The cut's a little deep, but not deep enough so that my intestines would find their way out from there.'

The reason Jake wasn't able to sense Tengen this time was because he was too distracted and in doubt of his teammate's combat abilities, looking at them you could surely think they were losing.

'I have to end my battle fast, but this guy is just relentless. If I delay this anymore Jason will surely die!'

Jake looked at Tengen who was running towards him and thought. 'I'll just knock his weapons out of his hands.'


As they clashed Tengen released even more bombs around them in order to confuse Jake so he couldn't see his surroundings.

Jake swung his right arm aiming for Tengen's fingers.


Tengen redirected the hit but Jake jumped and performed a split kick and hit both of his arms while he was up in the air.

The force of the head-on kick was so hard, combined with the overall damage Tengen tanked until now, that the cleavers fell out of his hand.

While Tengen wasn't as strong as Jake he used his skill in swordsmanship and technique to redirect most of his attacks.


Tengen dropped a bomb in between and Jake jumped to the side.

He saw Tengen was about to pick up his weapons but Jake didn't want that to happen.


He jumped towards him and kicked him in the chin.

While Tengen was regaining his balance Jake dropped his knife to the ground and summoned his gloves.


He sent two fingers towards Tengen's open eyes, ultimately crushing his eyeballs.


He then retracted his hand backwards and thrusted his left ear with his hand.

His eardrum exploded and blood started to come out of his left ear and eyes.

Tengen fell to the ground dizzy and confused, he tried to open his eyes but he couldn't see anything. It was all black.

He tried to get up but he fell to the ground no matter how many times he could.

Ears help your body balance, if one of your ears gets fucked then you can say goodbye to walking normally for a big period of time.

Jake ignored Tengen and looked at the place where his subordinates were fighting.


His subordinates were on the ground while the three guys were barely standing on their feet.

While they were strong they were no match for Jake, so of course their fighting capabilities were nowhere near Jake's.

But those three guys were really strong.


Jake used his maximum speed in order to travel that distance in less than 2 seconds.


The distance between his subordinates and him wasn't small either, it was over 50 meters.

Tanjiro, Inosuke and Zenitsu all had surprised expression on their faces, their eyes were wide and they were looking at Jake without moving an inch.

Now that you could see his face you could finally see his expression.

Jake was looking down at his friend with an enraged face, his pitch black eyes were very wide open and there were veins on his forehead threatening to explode.

Jason had cuts all over his body but the most prominent one was the one on his stomach, he was slumped on the side on the ground, and you could see his intestines coming out of his body.

Despite the heavy damage, he was still alive.

Jason saw Jake standing over him so he opened his mouth and said. "D-don't doubt yourself...



I-it was all my fault, I was too weak to defend myself."

Jason knew Jake blamed himself over Brad's death so the least he could do was try and stop him from doing that.

Blood started to come out of Jake's mouth from how hard he was biting his own teeth, blood started to come out even from his eyes instead of tears.

Jake crouched besides Jason and took out a pair of sneakers out of his inventory.

They were custom made red shoes with Jason's name on them.

In one week it was Jason's birthday and he wanted to give him a present, and he knew how much Jason loved red shoes.

"Happy birthday..."

Jason's eyes widened, he smiled and closed his eyes. "Y-you idiot, it's not my birthday yet."

And just like that, Jason took his last breath.

He didn't even bother to check on Kazami since he only knew him for about a week, frankly he didn't care about him.

Jake touched Jason's neck and confirmed it, he was dead.

Jake slowly got up on his feet, turned around and said with a stoic face, traces of blood still near his eyes. "That's it.

Each and every one of you is dying today, I will make sure to send your friends, family and everyone you love to hell too."