Chapter 14

Jake was standing over three mangled corpses with a stoic expression on his face.

It couldn't even be called a fight, it was a straight up massacre. The three of them, while being weaker than him were even exhausted.

Only after killing them with his bare hands did he finally calm down.

He ignored the notification he got from his pocket since right now he didn't care about that.

Jake decided to not waste his time hunting for every person that has a connection to these three, just killing them would suffice since he doesn't really care at this point.

He checked the damage and saw that Kazami was dead, he was a little sad but not because of his death, he was sad that he lost his sniper.

Jake looked at his abdomen, more exactly at the cut on the side of his abdomen.

He took out a potion from his inventory and poured it on the wound.


The wound didn't heal or anything of the sort, it just stopped it from bleeding. If he gets hit there again it's going to start bleeding again.

In the meantime he killed the hashira too so he could be sure that no one was going to disturb him anymore.

He again failed to protect someone important to him, but if you look at the bright side of things, he now has no one left to protect.

Since Jake's parents are both dead and he doesn't care about the other relatives he is basically alone.

If he has nothing to protect it means that there are no hindrances dragging him down anymore which can be considered both good and bad.

Good because now there is no one holding him back.

And bad because this damaged his mental health, again.

He decided to go for a walk so he can asses his current situation.


After walking on a road for like two hours a group of people could be seen in the distance.

Jake was dressed in a brand new Leader outfit because he keeps multiple in his inventory.

He looked at the people in front of him and saw that they looked like high schoolers.

There were four of them and they were all boys.

As Jake and the group came closer the four of them were about to surround Jake and probably ask him to drop everything he had in his inventory, kowtow to them five times and call them master or something.


Jake swung his knife four times and decapitated the four boys with slashes of wind.

"Don't get in my way, trashes."

He could sense their malicious intent so he decided to not waste his time and annihilate them completely.

As he was about to walk away he stopped himself and looked back and noticed some weird things.

Firstly, a very small amount of players actually take these missions since they fear for their death.

Secondly the government prohibits anyone from doing these quests all around the world.

Thirdly, the people he just killed had on high school uniforms with a weird symbol on it.

'What? Why would high schoolers even take a B-ranked quest?'

He looked at their uniforms and read out loud. "Supernatural Institute Of Education?"

And the weird symbol he noticed was a golden lion.

'Did the government build a whole new institution for the supernatural, and an educational one?

Are they sending these guys to their deaths or what?'

What he didn't know was that these four guys were the top performers at their school after the teachers and principal.

He decided to check their inventories and he found healing potions and C ranked weapons, and even a few B ranked ones.

He looted their inventory and opened the Guild option on his pocket.

[Make announcement]

He clicked on that button and wrote.

[Fulfill the following orders:

1. Find out anything related to the Supernatural Institute Of Education.

2. Recruit more members.

3. Build a memorial for Jason, he died during the current mission.]

After he posted the announcement, he looked at the four dead guys on the floor and said.

"Too bad I killed you guys so fast, if I could I would have tried to get some information about your little educational institution."

After he said that he turned around and started walking away.


In a big room there were 8 people standing at a table, they were looking at the four holograms floating in front of them.

They were the high ranking officials in the government and one of them was the principal of the Supernatural Institute Of Education.

The holograms acted like a hidden camera implemented in the emblem that the four guys were wearing.

Suddenly in front of the boys, a man wearing a fully black outfit appeared far away from them.

As he came close you could see that he had a balaclava on his face and his eyes were pitch black, but the thing that stood out the most about him was the fact that he didn't have his right arm.

The principal's eyes widened and his whole body trembled. 'No way! I-is that who I think it is?'

The principal yelled. "TELL THEM TO RUN IMMEDIATELY!"

Everyone in the room was taken aback by surprise.

A mature and beautiful woman with glasses said. "What's wrong? This could be a chance for our students to interact with a rogue and defeat him."

They were calling the people who take missions without the government's approval rogues. Since they were one of the only people who can send in players in these worlds and they know the uniforms of every other institute that can do the same.


He couldn't finish his sentence because in one second all four of the students were decapitated by what looked like wind.

They heard the person who was standing in front of the students say. "Don't get in my way, trashes."

Everyone who heard the person talk had chills on their back and their whole body trembled. His voice was cold and he spoke with malice.


The principal punched the big table in front of him and it broke in half.


After thrashing around for a bit, the principal calmed down and someone asked. "P-principal, do you have any idea who the man is"

"Yes I do, most of you who are from Tokyo and have survived the slaughter. Am I right."

Most of the people present nodded their heads so the principal continued:

"You all know that I arrived four days later after the slaughter happened, truth be told. I was stuck in that unable to leave because of the chaos that was happening."

"Chaos? You mean the Yakuza?"

"Those guys too, but it's not how you guys think about it. I didn't want to talk about it since I still have nightmares about what happened."

Now all of the people in the room were attentive to what he was saying.

"Truth be told, Tokyo is a battlefront for three forces."

"Don't you mean two? The Yakuza and the army right?"

"Wrong, there's another force who appeared out of nowhere and is rapidly growing.

They are the reason why I am even alive today."


"What do you mean?"

"While I getting attacked by armed Yakuza men some people dressed fully in black killed all of the Yakuza and invited me to join their Guild.

The name of the guild is JK and the guy who just killed our students is their leader."

"Wait, something doesn't add up.

How are they fighting the whole Yakuza by themselves?"

"You don't get it and never will if you don't see it with your own eyes.

Those guys are freaks, most of them are supernaturally strong and their weapons are enough to fight the Yakuza."

"How did they get weapons in the first place? The Yakuza already had them and they stole more even from the army."

"Let me finish, you know when I said they are supernaturally strong?

Well their leader is on another league, he raids Yakuza armories by himself and destroys heavy cars all by himself.

And then there's his followers which are straight up fanatics, each and every one of them are lunatics who are willing to give their lives away for him.

And that's not all, he publicly tortures the Yakuza members he catches alive and each one of his followers enjoys that shit."

"Wait, how do you know all of this."

"When they saved me I was invited to join them, but after seeing their madness I decided to run away when I had the best chance of doing so.

But if I had to say, the most dangerous thing about JK is their leader. He doesn't hesitate to use his fanatical subordinates and even encourages their behavior, while it is a guild it behaves like a cult that worships their leader."

"I'm wondering what makes them blindly follow him."

"That's what I was wondering too, when I asked one of the people he responded to me with:

'He is our savior, when we prayed to god to save us from this suffering he didn't respond.

But he showed up and saved us, he even makes our wishes of purging the Yakuza come true.'

That's what he said, he had a crazy look in his eyes too. I think it's safe to say that all of the members of JK all have screw looses."

"I think I understand now, they blindly followed him because he saved them when they were at their worst and is killing the people who inflicted that despair on them too."

"I realized that too, but one thing is clear. We should inform other people about them too."


Jake had no idea that he was being talked about but he didn't really care, the more the name of his guild spreads the more beneficial it is for him.

He finally was back in his world, he was on top of a tall building overlooking the city.

He checked his reward and a sword appeared in his hand.

It was a ninjato (Japanese straight sword), the blade was fully black with a golden pattern.

It's abilities were the same as his knife but this weapon was B graded instead of C.

It was probably tougher too.

"How am I going to use this weapon efficiently?

I literally have only one arm, a short sword or a rapier would have been better.

No use complaining, let's test it's sharpness."


He raised the sword up and swung it towards a wall.

It cut through the cement wall effortlessly.

"*WSHISTLE* This sword sure is sharp, I didn't even cut it seriously and it already fell down."

He put the sword in his inventory and got down on the ground.

He started walking to JK's headquarters.


As he arrived at the headquarters he was welcomed by kneeling people that were fully dressed in black.

Even though there isn't a rule regarding clothing they decided to use the color that the Leader is always wearing and the color of their emblem, which is still black.

Their headquarters is in Odaiba and the whole region is controlled by them, but their actual headquarters is the Fuji Television Building.

When he got to his office he saw someone standing in front of the door.

He was a tall and burly dark-skinned man wearing a black suit.

He had a small goatee on his chin, a scar by his left eye and a lollipop in his mouth.

His name is Torai Seijûrô and he is the team leader of the raiding team, he is so strong that he was second to only Jake when it came to fighting.

Even Jason stood no chance against him, when they first met Jake made Jason test him and Jason almost got killed.

And it's not because of his skills or something like that, he was just born strong.

And that natural strength combined with his combat-related skills makes him the best hand to hand fighter in JK, he is the person who protects the organization when Jake is away.

Even though Jake doesn't trust this guy with his life they are still somewhat friends since Torai's personality is better than Kazami's.

But here's the catch, Torai was a high ranking Yakuza and a legend among them.

He is probably the most respected person by the underworld because of his strength and his 100% done missions.

The only way Jake managed to defeat this beast was using his overwhelming weapons and skills.

And the reason he joined JK was because he was already disagreeing with the Yakuza's ways, so Jake managed to make him enter the guild.

Jake was about 180cm while Torai was over 190cm.

Jake came in front of him and said. "What's wrong, Torai?"

Torai had on a serious face, something that doesn't usually happen since he is a laid back person who always jokes around. "We have a small problem, the Yakuza are sending groups of skilled people instead of armed amateurs, looks like they got more skills somehow and are trying to push us into a corner."

While their base is in Odaiba and they control the majority of Tokyo Bay the Yakuza are still trying to push them and steal their region.

Jake looked back at Torai and said. "They're getting cocky, just because we didn't go on the frontline for two-three days and they gave them the confidence to attack us."

"When the commander and general are away it's a common move to attack the army."


Author note, what do you all think about the new cover? Should I change it? If so leave the suggestions in the comments so I can take inspiration.