"...I was just going to have you draw lots but that works better, thank you for the suggestion.
The mc just floated there in disbelief as the entity clicked its finger and a giant wheel just appeared in from of him. Though there was still no sight of the god-like being.
" The wheel will spin once, whatever you get in that one spin will be all down to your karma and luck. So you could get the powers of God himself or a pack of gum. You just have to think about it and the wheel will spin."
Looking at the wheel, the Mc couldn't help but be shocked by how weird it was. It wasn't like your carnival get a free bear kind but an ever-changing infinity dice kind. The prizes swopped every second and there were thousands of things the Arrows could land on. Some may not necessarily be good for him.
But he also had no power to say no so he just went for it, whatever happens, he will just have to deal with it in the future.
As the wheel spun it created a Kaleidoscope effect that entranced the mc. It created sounds and shapes not ever heard or seen by Normal humans. After who knows how long the wheel started to slow down and before he knew it, it had stopped.
5 arrows were pointing in 5 slots. The first arrow was pointing at the picture of a dragon biting its own tail. The image reminded him of nidhog from Norse Mythology. The second arrow pointed at a slot with an island. He had no idea what that meant.
The third arrow pointed at a Scrool. The fourth arrow was pointing at well it was the Kaleidoscope that appeared when the wheel was spinning just a much smaller version of it.
And the final arrow... well the final arrow just pointed at a blank spot, there was nothing in that slot.
" Mhh, quite interesting especially for that world. You have gained some interesting gifts though you have also gained shackles that may hinder that potentially. I wonder what you will choose when it is time to break those chains of yours.
In any case, you have received your gifts. When you are reborn you will know how to control those gifts of yours...good luck young one.
"Thanks, I Guess, WAIT before I go can you tell me your name. You can at least tell me that much right." The being went silent for a second before replying.
" I have gone by many names but I normally go by the names the great elves gave me when I treded the mortal world...they called me Elbereth."
" Elbereth...Hahaha, pretty cool name. Guess I'll see you when I die again unless I reincarnate like normal. Wait!!"
" What is it now child."
" Before I go I just want to ask for one favour. If it's not too much to ask for."
" Then Speak it. But know there's no guarantee I'll grant it."
"It's sorta like this.."
Elbereth heard the mortal's request and went quiet for a moment. He was just about to deny it when he stopped again, something or better yet someone stopping him. The child waited for an agonising amount of time before Elbereth finally responded.
" Very well, I shall grant you this one favour, don't expect a second."
" Thank you, truly from the bottom of my heart..soul, Thank you." Those were his last words before disappearing from the void.
" An interesting child indeed, I wonder how he will react when he meets the one who sent me, hahaha I can't wait for that day."
"Ughhhhhhhhhgh" Slowly opening his eyes the Mc couldn't help but grumble in confusion. He groggily opened his eyes and what greeted him wasn't the white ceilings of his hospital room, nor was it the face of his Grandpa. No, it was the sight of clear blue skies with white cotton candy clouds dotted all over.
His first breath and his first sniff and immediately it reminded him of the seaside. Not that he had ever been but his hospital was near a beach so it was a familiar scent of the sea. What followed was the crashing waves of seawater no more than a few meters away from him.
He wondered where the hell he was. That's when the memories started to come back. Of his death, his Reincarnation, and Meeting Elbereth. He remembered it all.
Slowly his dim eyes started to shine. Like a newborn chick being born, he slowly started to stand.
And the moment he did he fell.
But that didn't stop him, in 10 minutes he was already standing and walking around on his own, With no one's assistance.
" HAHAHAHA HELL YEAH. I CAN WALK NOW." Being on that bed most of his life he had almost forgotten the feeling of walking. For an hour straight, he would practice walking. Then from walking to jogging then from jogging to full-on sprinting. If anyone saw this they would just see a dark-skinned Amber eyed child running across a beautiful beachside without a care in the world.