Finally, after an hour and a half, he stopped playing around and testing his new body.
He went back to laying on the sand not because he was tired for some strange reason but because he had had his fun. Now it was time to figure out where Elbereth had Dropped Him. It was a very large island. And it definitely wasn't earth. Well, the earth that he knew.
How did he know that? Well, he's pretty sure coconut trees weren't pink, Nor palm trees Blue. In fact, most of the vegetation around him was colourful. There were a lot of greens but they only counted towards 1/4 of the vegetation.
It was beautiful as it was strange. He wished his Grandpa Lee could have seen this. So this wasn't earth so where was this exactly. Maybe a world I've seen before, perhaps One piece.
" Sigh, I Have more Questions than I have answers. But that's okay I've got the rest of my second life to figure this all out. Now that I think about it. What about my gifts, Elbereth never told me what they were." The moment he said that a sudden flood of Information entered his mind and He slowly started to comprehend his situation.
It wasn't until 2 hours later that the information stopped coming, and another 2 hours to read and understand it all.
" So I'm on earth just a different version of it. Where the supernatural Exists. Even the celebrities and all that is basically the same. Except for the world, I was born into was a TV show. That of shared a universe with a few other supernatural shows as well.
In so glad Carla now forced me to watch those episodes with her in her free time."
Carla had been a nurse at the hospital and a friend he had made while there. She was obsessed with the shows The vampire diaries, The Originals, Teen Wolf and legacies.
When she was on her breaks she would always watch a few episodes in his room while eating her lunch. He didn't particularly like the shows but he didn't hate them either, they were just meh.
Though he's thankful that she made him watch them. Because now he had a bit of an understanding of the world. Though it may be nothing like the tv shows and be completely different.
The second thing was where he was. Well, he's on Earth but technically he isn't. He's Technically below it. Not like Hollow earth but more of a Pocket Dimension, and one just for me. This was his second Gift, the Arrow that pointed at the island.
The hidden sea as this dimension is called is a dimension at least 28 times bigger than earth with over 9,850,000 unexplored islands. It's basically a world within a world. It not only has its own history but even ecosystems and inhabitants. He wasn't the only one living in this pocket dimension.
The only difference between them and himself is he was basically its creator. He was God In this World. He could shape it however he wanted. Be as powerful as he wanted to know everything that's going on at the same time and be everywhere at once.
He was God in this dimension. Of course, if he left and went to Earth his power would be gone. Not to say he would be weak but he definitely couldn't just wish the Effel tower gone.
The other species that live in this dimension are too numerous to say but here are most of the important ones.
Spirits, Mermaids, Griffins, Basilisk, Wolves, Dinasours, Krakens, Chimeras, Unicorns, Phenix, Harpys, Fairys, Elemental Cats, Gnomes, Oni, Cerberus, Stymphalian Birds, Nymphs, Qilin, Huli jing, 9 tailed foxes, Zhuque, Jiangshi, Ghosts, Yokai.
And the most Sacred of All...Dragons.
Dragons are the most Respect beings in this dimension. They were not only the strongest but had privileges the other species didn't Have. Authority over The hidden sea. The reason they had these Privileges was because of him.
Because now he was a Dragon Kin To. That was his first Gift, The Dragon biting its tail. He had become a dragon Kin, with a transformation and everything.
My First Gift was Becoming a Dragon. The second gift I received was the hidden sea Dimension. The Third Gift was A magic or more specifically Contract Magic.
There were hundreds of different types of contracts with this Magic but the main one would probably be the Dragon Contract.
Just because he was basically God in this world didn't mean that the beings in this world would listen to him. Especially the powerful Dragons who had Pride and wouldn't just lower their heads without a fight.
This contract was basically a guarantee of loyalty, which will be super helpful in the near future when confronting them.
The Forth Gift...he still had no clue what it was. For some reason, there was no information about it. So he will just have to find out later.
And the Final Gift he had Received...well again there wasn't much information about it. All there was to do to activate it was give himself a new name. But since this was a new life why not also have a new name.
" Mhhh, a new name, what should I call myself. Maybe Naruto Uzumaki, Dattebayo. No that's too cringey. Mhh how about I'm not the Prince...WAIT I got it!!
My name From this Day Forth Will be Ogun Montgomery. After the Yoruba Deity of Smithing and Iron.