Chapter 6

" As you wish Great protector." Bowing one last time the 3 dragons took off, this time heading to the West Of the Hidden sea.

The great Protector Stayed awake for another 30 minutes before going back to her slumber." This is all I can do for you Young one, there rest is up to your own hard work."


[The next Day]

Ogun wasn't much of a heavy sleeper, in fact, he would probably only get a few hours of sleep each day. Sometimes at most, it would be 3 hours, 6 if he was lucky enough.

But today he had slept for 10 whole hours. In the past, he would have never thought he could rest for that long without feeling pain in his muscles or bones.

And right now he was having an amazing dream. It was of him and his Grandpa playing in the park, playing frisbee or just caching ball. It was rare for him to dream but when he did they were mostly happy ones.

Sadly like all good dreams, they must come to an end. And his did then.

" AHHH, HUFF, WHER..." Waking up with a start he looked around and saw the ruined temple. He was lying on a makeshift shift bed made of leaves and dirt. It wasn't the most comfortable bed but it was definitely better than sleeping on the floor.

Thankfully Elbereth had the conscience to give him some clothes. Though they did not do anything to keep him warm. Luckily he was a dragon so the cold didn't really bother him anyway.

" So that wasn't a dream after all. I really did die and now I'm reborn in a fictional world. Well previously thought fictional now my reality."


" Looks like I'm Hungry. Ahh, but If I remember correctly my memories said that dragons can go up to a few years without eating. They can survive alone on the element there Connected with. So what Element am I connected to."


" I can probably figure that out later, the first agenda of the day, Getting Breakfast. Shouldn't be too hard. I'm a Dragon now so caching some slow animal should be easy. AHAHA, ill be feasting like a king Soon enough."

Ogun came to regret those words soon enough.

2 hours. He spent two flipping hours trying to catch something to eat. He thought it would be easy with his new strength. But he was wrong, so wrong. The animals here are nothing like the ones from Earth. Hell, an Antelope he saw was at least 5 times faster than him, and even ran away before he even gave chase.

The only thing he could probably catch is some bugs, or if he's lucky find a bird's nest with eggs inside.' Sigh, why was life so hard? No, I can't Give up yet I'll definitely catch a big animal and fest on its delectable flesh, hehehe.'

Meanwhile, the Protector who had been resting was also paying attention to Ogun's actions and was finding it hilarious that the future Dragon God Was struggling to hunt for food.

" Mhh, should I help him if I baby him he won't learn on his own? I'm definitely not helping him because I want to see him Struggle some more." It looks like the Protector could be quite Sidious.


"Piii, pii,pii" A cry for help and leniency could be heard.

" I'm sorry little buddy but I haven't eaten anything for ages, trust me when I say it brings me no pleasure to eat a bug but I must in order to survive."

" Piii, pi, pi(ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु"

" Do-Don't look at me like that. I'm going to eat you and that's final. Get Ready Ahhhh" He opened his mouth and the worm was flailing about before it saw its death approaching. Seeing the enviable it went limp, saying one final Prayer to its brothers, sisters and parents.

" Pii,pi,pi,piiie. ( I'm sorry mum and dad I promise to be a better worm in my next life.)" It waited for the crunch but after a while, it never came, opening one eye it saw the weird-looking worm with arms and legs give it the stink eye. Before it dropped it back on the ground.

" Tch, I'm not even that hungry anyway, but If I see you again I won't hesitate, be warned little worm." With that Ogun left seeking out his next date with breakfast. Maybe he should try catching a fish.


"Shit, the fuck was that." Just when he was thinking of going to the beach to see if he could catch some fish Something slapped him right across the cheek. Looking at the culprit Ogun froze.

" Did I just get bitch slapped by a fish? Wait where did this fish even come from." He looked left then right but saw nothing suspicious in the area. Then he looked up and noticed something.

" Holy shit, Flying Fish."There was a whole group of them in the sky. It was a shoal of flying fish, they flew above the treetops but in less than a minute they vanished like they weren't even there.

" Huh where did they go, there were thousands of fish in the sky, then they just vanished. Looks like this world's more interesting than I thought. Wait if they disappeared then..crap did it also."

Looking down he saw the fish was still there...

Thank god, If it had also disappeared he would have cried. Not taking any chances he grabbed the fish and on his way grabbed some dry twigs and scratched some brak of a tree. He was going to try and start a fire using the Hand drill method.

When he got to the temple he immediately got to work on the fire, it was surprisingly easy. With his strength, he got some smoke pretty quickly, and then came the embers. Too bad he couldn't breathe fire yet, but that ability comes around a month after a dragon is born.

He stopped spinning the wood and put the embers in the tinder he made and softly blew, in a matter of seconds he had made FIRE.

" Hahaha, Bear grills got nothing on me." As you can tell Ogun was really happy that he made a fire all on his own.