Chapter 7

He stopped spinning the wood and put the embers in the tinder he made and softly blew, in just a matter of seconds he had made FIRE.

" Hahaha, Bear grills got nothing on me." As you can tell Ogun was really happy that he made a fire all on his own.


After around 45 minutes, the fish was finally fully cooked. Looking at the crispy outside and white fresh flash on the inside he couldn't wait any longer and dug in.

"Shhh, Holy, this fish tastes amazing, even without seasonings this fish is probably the best I've ever tasted. Do all the animals in this world Taste like this. I might get addicted." He wasn't trying to exaggerate things either, the fish really was too good to be true.

In no time at all he devoured the fish leaving only bones and the head behind. He kept the bones and put them to the side, he could use them in the future for fertiliser to grow plants.

" Now that breakfast is out of the way, what to do now. There are lots of things I need to do but the question is where do I start. Should I start building a proper shelter for myself? Or Start discovering my abilities and possibly how to transform into my dragon form."

Sigh it was really hard to choose. So he just decided to do Ip Dip do instead.

" Eeny Meeny Miney Mo 

Put the baby on the po 

When it's done  

Wipe its bum 

Eeny Meeny Miney MO!

Huh! Guess I'll concentrate on that then. Alright, let's Start."


Time Skip {1 month later}

It's been one helluva month for Ogun. As his pick had landed on shelter and comfort he started with that. Since there didn't seem to be any natural predators on the island he didn't have to worry about much.

He did have a few close calls where a few dragons came near the island. But luckily for him they never came near it almost like they were afraid of even approaching the vicinity of the island. But that also worked in his favour even if he didn't know the reason why. Though he thinks it was probably the barriers Doing.

The first week was just him gathering, building, tweaking and carving. Whether it be tools or bowls. Luckily he watched a lot of bear grills, Primitive technology and other similar shows so he knows how to make all of them. By the end, of the third week, he was almost finished with his new home it just needed some finishing touches.

He hadn't just built 1 house made out of mud and straw. No, he made his new home on the tree tops. Think of it as a massive interconnected tree house. 

(House pic)

There were different rooms for different things. For example, He had his training room with makeshift wooden weapons and stone weapons like Bows and Spears.

Another room was just for cooking his meals. Which comprised mostly of fish and Sometimes if he's lucky A Puff Boar. Which is a boar that when frightened puffs up like a pufferfish.

And for the final fourth week, he just made some clothes for himself as his old clothes started to smell. His New clothes mostly consisted of Puff boar hide though two weeks ago he was extremely lucky to catch an injured antelope that was dying anyway. It looked like it was in constant pain so he put it out of his misery.

In the beginning, he wasn't really into killing animals but he soon figured that his mindset was wrong. This was for survival to make sure he lived another day so he can one day become the rightful ruler of this Dimension. So he had no qualms about killing anymore. But did give every kill a small prayer before ending its life. This was the last he could do for it before it left the world.

And now that he had accomplished his First Goal, it was time to start the second. Which was his dragon transformation...there was only one small problem.



Winds blew by the cliff, Sending chills down Ogun's spine." The memories said that after a month a mother or father dragon throws their young off the highest peak and hope the baby dragon's instincts kick in. If they don't manage to take flight, well there left and abandoned or they die in the process, if the fall doesn't kill them that is.

It was cruel but that was nature. It can be beautiful but it can also be ugly and ruthless. Though his situation was a bit different, it was also the same. If he doesn't manage to transform or at least sprout his wings he won't die but most Lickey every bone in his body will shatter and break from the impact 

" Okay, you can do this Ogun, it's just jumping off a 10,000-foot cliff, this should be a walk in the park. Alright on the count of 3 ill jump,

One...two...two and a half...two and three quarters...and, fuck I can't do it.

No, if you don't do it now when will you do it, laziness is one's worse enemy. Okay 1...2...on second thought I just remembered I think I left the fire on at home I better go check just in case."

Yep, it was just to check on his house, it wasn't because he was shitting himself.

" To think our future King would be so cowardly. To be so afraid of pain and run away at the first sign of danger, looks like you need a bit of encouragement."

Ogun froze at the sudden voice in his head. It sounded so familiar. That's when it hit him... Literally.

" Your that, ughhhpa" Just when he had turned around to greet the dragon he had met over a month ago, all he was met with was a giant dragon tail smacking him off the cliff.
