Chapter 8

" To think our future King would be so cowardly. To be so afraid of pain and run away at the first sign of danger, looks like you need a bit of encouragement."

Ogun froze at the sudden voice in his head. It sounded so familiar. That's when it hit him, Literally.

" Your that, ughhhpa" Just when he had turned around to greet the dragon he had met over a month ago, all he was met with was a giant dragon tail smacking him off the cliff.



Time seemed to have slowed down for Ogun. Though that was all in his head. Right now he was falling and soon he could be seriously injured or dead if he doest transform in the next minute.

" Fuck, fuck, fuck, come on Your a dragon Transform...fuck why isn't it working, I'm a dragon aren't I why won't my body listen and do what I say." There were 45 seconds left.

" Think Ogun Think, if not your dead. Maybe visualisation will work. Think of yourself slowly growing into a dragon your very skin and bone increasing in density and size. And Transform...damit." There were 29 seconds left before his body would hit the rocky waves below.

" I don't have much time left, maybe imagining being one with the wind. I don't know if this will even work plus I might need to meditate to do that. I'm not in a calm state of mind right now." He looked below him and saw the waters and ragged rocks rapidly approaching.

13 seconds left before he meets the ground.

At this point he had already given up hope of transforming, now he was just bracing himself for the pain.

" Sorry, gramps looks like I might die even before you again." While he was reminiscing about his Grandpa he seemed to have remembered something.


" Hey, Gramps who do you thinks gonna win the game, Real Madrid or Liverpool. I think Liverpool are gonna win this one."

" Oh really and why is that, Real's clearly the fan favourite to win the season plus Xabi and Gerrard are injured. Meanwhile Real are in top shape with Ramon and And Raul."

" I don't know I just feel like they have a shot at the championship, even with the disadvantage of the captain being out of commission."

And 90 minutes later.

" This has truly been a shocking day for Real Madrid fans in the stadium and around the world. The-The Spanish Giants Have fallen with a shocking score of 4-0..."

" Jesus looks like you were right on your instincts my boy. I didn't even think Liverpool would score never-mind going 4 and 0."

" Ahah, I didn't think they would actually beat them so badly either and what does Instinct mean Grandpa."

" You don't know, seriously what are those tutors paying for teaching you. Well, it basically means the natural reaction to something without realising it.

For example, animals, even if you take a lion out of its natural habitat it still knows it's a carnivore. Or Just like an elephant knows that it's not a carnivore but an omnivore.

A dog shaking after it gets wet, a sea turtle seeking out the ocean after hatching, or a bird migrating before the winter season.

Everything in this world has Instincts, my boy. Human instincts have Wayned over the years because of how we've grown reliant on technology but our base instincts are still there.

Eating, Sleeping, Self-Preservation, Sexual, Social interaction and Sympathy. We don't need to think we just do. There's no need for thoughts as it's already ingrained in our very beings.


Ogun's Body That was Stiff and Scared was slowly relaxing, his fears, worries and anxieties were fading like Waves on a beach. There was no need to think, no need to worry, no need to panic...because he knew instinctively he was going to be OK.

There were only 3 seconds before impact....2 seconds.....1 second....0


The Protector who had been keeping a close eye on Ogun's falling Figure couldn't help but sigh in disappointment. She had figured he would need a bit of incentive to grow a pair and go through what every dragon had to go through, including herself. But it looked like she had overestimated the child. Even now when he was metres away from falling she did not move or try to save him.

" If you could not even transform then maybe it's best you perish here. You may have inherited many memories of your predecessor but memory doest equate to real experience. Plus there are things not even memories can show you. This world is more dangerous than you think... maybe it's best you fall here, at least you won't have to suffer in the future."

She sighed one more time before turning around, intending to go back to her temporary abode. The reason she didn't look back to see if Ogun had succeeded was that 99% of the time if a dragon hasn't taken flight by the 85% mark then there doomed...but what the great Protector hadn't taken into account was, that Ogun wasn't a normal Dragon.


The protector suddenly froze in place. Not because she wanted to but because something or more specifically someone suppressed her movements. The air vibrated and the island shook, all the animals and wildlife were in disarray, it was just like that time a month ago when...

Protector" Don't tell me."


The Deep below of a king Was heard. His roar was so loud those miles away could hear it. Though there was no other intelligent life for miles beside the protector.


In a matter of seconds, a large shadow launched from the bottom of the cliff and reached the clouds. But it didn't stop there and flew straight through them...


Large explosion could be heard indicating that the being had easily Broken the sound barrier twice in a row. All the clouds in the way that held millions of litres of water dispersed in the Beings passing through creating ring-like patterns in the sky.


And only after Flying high above the clouds did the being Stop. It took a rest to absorb its new surroundings.

This Being was none other than Ogun, in all his majesty. He had successfully transformed into his Western Dragon form, and what a beautiful yet menacing form it was.