"We can't hold on for long." A voice rang out

"Hold your lines.." Another rang out. "Let's show this Chimeras Who's in charge."

"Yes sir." Chorus answer.

The environment was filled with the smell of smoke and blood, fire engulfed one-third of the environment likewise corpses of men, women, and children.. There was a massive massacre from an undefeated opponent that looked like a bit of a dinosaur with tentacles and a snake tail... Chimeras.... So they were called.

They are organisms that had been mutated from various animals man knows.. Imagine a bear with a rhino head and wings of bat and claws of a hawk. Disgusting right.... But they exist..

They come to earth through a wormhole that isn't stable. It suddenly opens and closes without warning and out of it comes these Chimeras. These Chimeras had destroyed one-third of everything on earth and the last survivors had to come together to protect themselves by working together to create the perfect thing to match them. And they called them Scouts, individuals with enigma enough to cast spells through the help from star gear.

The Chimeras launched a burning lightning plasma towards a group of young scouts... but was deflected by a plasma wall that was launched by one of the scouts while the others launch an attack base skills at the Chimera which hit it squarely on its dinosaur head.. And it pissed it off.... Real bad.

It roared in rage as black clouds gathered above it with sparks of purple lightning...

"A fiend lightning..." One of the scouts yelled. "Run."

But it was too late, for it descended with heavy storm at the scouts.. And the only thing heard was their last scream...

Before..... Before it came.

A four-headed dragon-like Chimera, which had the aura of evil... Its eyes are red with rage and ready to destroy everything on its way.. Including the scouts. Its roar shook the entire city that the glasses shattered to pieces and many of the pieces injured some of the people... Civilians and Scouts alike. Wailing filled the air as everyone saw different effects that has occurred in their bodies, it was total bizarre. It seemed that all hope was lost for the Scouts cannot handle two S class Chimera at the same time... It's impossible for them to defeat an A-class Chimera not to mention two S class.

"We're doomed." One of the Scouts spoke. "It's over... We won't escape this."

"What is that?" Someone yelled.

The cloud split in two as a thing with wings came down slowly.... It looked like a man but had armor all over him even to the most tiniest detail was covered with armor.... It glints brightly because of its golden nature and the ray of the sun... IItswings was also in gold. This one is not a Chimera but something else...

"What the hell is that?" Someone asked.

"I don't know." Another replied. "But it looks like a man on an armor."

Indeed... It was a man in an armor and he was still in the air flapping his wings. Before a bright light sprang out all of a sudden. A light brighter like the sun that can make a man go blind.