It's has been a year now since the last Chimera clash and the city seemed to be at peace... And quiet.

The barrier hasn't opened for a long time now, seems the Chimeras are recruiting new species of their kind... Likewise the scouts too. They have been recruitment lately and it seems to bug me off... Having some new students around would be nice at least for everyone... But not me.... Definitely not me.

I have no interest in showing what am capable of... So it's best that no one knows my ability.

Sometimes I wonder why this whole tale has to do with me, because am no hero....

I placed my lollipop in my mouth and let it dangle on my tongue and placed my fingers inside my pocket and strolled past other Scouts.. My uniform ironed perfectly and shoes polished.. Guess am not the dirty type but my uniform was not on the Scouts dressing code... I like to opened the button of my navy blue jacket and at the end of the white long sleeves. My dark blue hair fell slightly above my eye while the back hair fell to my neck.... A "Z" sign with wings patch was at my badge level on my left arm..

As i walked slowly towards a large gate which lead into the elite school..... S.T.A.R Academy was written boldly at the top of the gate.

I sighed

I just hope today would be different from every other day because if it is... It would be bad for business..

I walked through the gate and moved straight for the stairs... Because heading to the elevator would only bring nothing but serious drag.... Going through the stairs would ease the issue...




"Today we are going to be talking more about Chimera and their weaknesses..... They....." The head director spoke.

Now am about to go to sleep... Going through this whole Chimera thing is really boring.... Because no matter how many times it's been taught, another gender always prop out of the shadow and it would lead to another massacre... To the point I have classified them...

Mono-Chimera are one headed Chimera, mainly minor ones for their ability and can be defeated by rank B Scouts.

Di-Chimera are two headed, strong but defeated by rank A Scouts

Tri-Chimera, three headed Chimeras powerful enough to be called full grown and can be defeated by rank S Scouts.

Quad-Chimera, four headed... The first came during the Chimera clash and no one could defeat it...

And my next guess is that another higher one is going to pop in this time with 6 heads or even worse... A head.

I yawned.... Grabbing the attention of everyone on the hall as they all turn towards my direction. Guess am fucked up..... Again.

"Aoi Heishi..." The Director yelled.




Guess I just the earned the favour of getting myself kicked out of class.. Not that I needed it though but I hope I don't waste much time here before I get expelled... That is if she will allow it.

I walked towards the Regent's office which was few blocks away... As i sway sluggishly towards the building, i spotted someone at the middle of the road with a GPRS on her fingers. She seemed lost already or maybe her GPRS got broken. I continued walking towards the building not minding if she is friend or foe.

"How may I help you." I asked

"Well..... I am looking for The commander in charge of this district... We have official business with her." Someone else replied... Another woman about the age of thirty or less.

"And what business would that be?" I tilted my head right.

"That's classified.." The lady yelled.

"Oh really..." I scoffed. "Am the only one here who can take you there because everyone is at the Red sector... So I would say it already.... If I were you."

"We're here to see her under the order of Regent Damian Hughes....." She yelled.

"Not that I know him..." I spoke flatly. "Anyways am heading there... So do you mind coming."

I smiled at the two ladies before leaving the spot, both lady stood for a while before going into the building.

I went ahead through the hall straight to the stairs and both ladies where about to follow.

"Umm.... I wouldn't do that if I were you." I stopped moving. "Why not take the elevator.... It would be less stress."

"But we don't know the floor she's in." The lady spoke.

I just kept walking without looking back at those speaking to me. The young lady got pissed off and wanted to fight.

"Don't sweat it my lady...." The lady blocked the young girl. "He's not worth it."

"Floor 24." I finally yelled.

Both ladies went into the elevator and headed straight for floor 24. The other lady doesn't seem to be in a happy mood, all thanks to me for what i have done. The other lady observed

"Still contemplating over that kid?" She asked

"He's so rude..." was the reply.

"No he's not.." The lady smiled. "He was trying to let you know that sometimes identity doesn't matter."

"Huh..." The young lady looked.

"Lady Scarlet.." The lady spoke. "In time you would understand."

"If you say so." Scarlet answered.

Fine... Am done eavesdropping. Better head my way.

While i kept my usual slow movement on the step with my fingers in my pocket and lollipop in my mouth.

The Hughes aye..... A well known family for their royalty and fatality on Chimeras in America. I see.... But what is a high standard person doing here and by the way. The other lady's dialect is as if she was born in Japan... Nice. It seems the dialect bud seems to be in good shape... But.... The other lady... Who was she?

I finally got to the 24th floor and I know that am about to undergo another voodoo of life lessons from the Regent herself. So i mustered up courage to open the door and went into the room.

"Aoi... Come in." The Regent gestured me to sit. "You are just in time. I want you to be Miss Hughes's guide from today... Till she knows her way around."

She turned to see a staring contest between me and Scarlet... Scarlet stared with disgust and i just stared with no expression on my face.

"It will be an honour to work with you." I spoke.

"I won't say the pleasure is all mine." Scarlet replied.

"Alright then I will be on my way now." I spoke.

"Am not done with you yet Aoi." Regent spoke. "My other office... Now."

"Yes ma'am." I sighed and head to another door in the room.

I opened it, went in and sat down waiting for her to come in.

Waiting for my Regent to come in the room and scold me was not a problem but.... She making me wait till my heart began to pound was a big deal because she is the only one who knows how to torture me without torture means... I just wish she would come in and get it over with.

She opened the door, went in then closed it.

Here it comes.... The voodoo of torture.

"So..... Where do we start." She asked, as she sat on the couch with me..

"It seems you've finished with them... And now it's my turn." I teased.

"Silly boy." She laughed.

"Did I get reported again.?" I asked

"Yeah..." She sat upright. "And for how long are you going to continue what it is you are doing.... You score below everyone.... Earned a rank that once doesn't exist.... And you don't help the remaining survivals in our country... I wanna know why."

"No reason." Was the reply.

"I don't think so." She turned to look at me. "If he was still alive... You know he wouldn't want you to do this.... Aoi I am doing all this not just because we aren't related by blood and am trying to make you feel happy..... No.... I did all this for him and I don't look at you as a friend... But as a brother."


"You know he took me in and raised me like his own... That's how I look at you too. Aoi I know you have potential and I have seen it but for how long are you going to do this to yourself?" She added.

She stood up, went to the window and looked outside.

"I have pleaded on your behalf and they have released all charges against you..." She spoke. "But.... This is the final."

"Meaning." I asked.

"They are going to expel you if you break another valid law... I tried to plead with them to uplift it but they refuse.. So am counting on you now. Make father proud.... Make me proud."

With those words she went out of the room, I just sat still at the couch.... staring, before I decided to leave the room and headed straight to my dormitory.