Chapter 2: Harassment by thugs

she had run and for long and felt exhausted. breathless, she sat down on the road side panting.

' I have to take some rest and continue fleeing from this bad woman. she may come to know that I am not in my room and start looking for me. and that can't happen I won't be able to run away again.' she thought as she breathed in and out to calm herself.

" no dont touch me!" she warned some boy who came all of a sudden and got her shoulders.

" oh, why such a beautiful girl seated alone on this sun breathing so heavily? are you running away from someone or some sort of danger?" the boy mischievously asked purity as he never stopped wandering his eyes off of her body. he kept staring on her chest that was left bare all thanks to the top desugner that made it possible to leave her chest bare by designing it like the way it was.

when purity realized how the guy wss looking at her chest she directly sensed something bad going to happen to her and she offered a silent pràyer for the lord to not leave her alone to be the prey to this monster of a boy!

' oh Lord please keep me safe from this bad person's

" wow she looks so hot in the sun guys!"

she heard laughter after laughter and on turning her head there came a group of like three other boys both coming where she sat.

afraid that they will do something bad to hr she stood up from the ground just in case they did trh she be ready for a fight for her dignity to be preserved for her as a woman!

" and where do you think you are going hottie?" one of them blocked her way and the rest laughed together with the one who came earlier.

gathering some courage, she replied firmly.

" ofcourse to continue with my journey so please just excuse me..."

but deep down she was extremely afraid of what would happen if no one would somehow come for her rescue.

" ahaaaaaa! hahahaha!" they laughed hard on hearing what she said to them.

" did you hear that guys? I want to continue with my journey! as if she has any choice."

when she heard choice,she became overwhelmed by fear and started sweating profusely.

' what will I do? thy have outnumbered me and am only a teenage girl with no survival fighting skills. and these guys seem to be so dangerous. '. she cried in her head

' no you can't just give up you will have to atleast fight for yourself!' her inner mind spoke to her.

' so what do you suggest I do? should I fight all of them? or what?'

as she was busy with her conversation in her mind the thugs had all prepared themselves to get her and in no time she was carried on their shoulders!

where they were taking her, she never knew.

" put me down please. what do you want?" she cried while throwing her legs from time to time to free herself from them but they were men, so strong that by time her fragime body gave in to them and just waited for waht might just happen to her afterwards.

' ran from trouble land yourself in trouble! what a misfortune? '

she had run away from that guy set to marry her and landed into these bad boys who knows what they will do to her?

' you could've just let him marry you and later ran away. now see, '

she kept talking in her mind and didn't know how long they had walked awith her on the shoulder of one of them and for how long she didn't know.

what she only heard was,

" how dare you try to harass a girl!" it was a male voice that sounded authoritative and with so much power.

opening her eyes she found him.

a god himself.

was standing in front of her while holding one of those guy's collar making him pee on himself like a five year old boy

where he came from,no one knew, not even those thugs.

thy were too busy to notice a car parked nearby when they had started taking her clothes off so that they can enjoy themselves.

and purity?

she was too exhausted to even feel her clothes being ripped off of her body.

it was only the voice that gave her some strength to realise that she was indeed free but almost insulted if not for his arrival.

on looking at the opposite direction , all other guys were on the ground winning in pain!

probably the guy gave them the beating they deserved for insulting a woman.

after be was done with the last thug he went over and gave her his hand.

she looked at his hand for long before she could accept it...

all s features were beautifully acentued on his face, his jawline was exceptionally beautiful that when you look into his eyes you will be captivated to not remember the way.

sobbing she found herself in a stranger's arms crying and sobbing without realizing it.

when John felt the girl's tiny arms on his waist he was so shocked that his heart stopped beating for a moment.

' how? when? why ? did she trust him and ran into his arms as if she felt so safe when with him?' he asked himself as he let her do whatever nonsense that she had then let him go his own way.

what he didn't know was that it was fated and destined for them to be together!

after what seemed like forever she woke up from her sleep to realise how wet the guys shirt was.

" I ruined your shirt..." feeling embarrassed she apologized to him hiding her face from him.

" you should amend for your mistakes young lady." spoke coldly and shortly to her.

" was...wa...t you talking about? what do you want me to do sir? I will gladly accept...she didn't know how further she was adding troubles to herself.