Chapter 3: Come with me

"Are you sure you won't regret what you just said now young lady? Do not forget that you do not know me either!" John spoke calmly while looking straight into purity's profound eyes that held innocence....
" Am pretty sure that I do not know who you are but you saved me today so it's normal for me to pay gratitude right?" Purity spoke to him without much thought of her words.
A devilish smile appeared onto John's thin lips as he looked unto the beauty who stood fearlessly offering herself to a lion...
He led her towards his car parked at the side not uttering any word.
While following closely behind without questioning him what he wanted purity kept wondering what turn her life was going to take now that she ran away from home, the home she once went back to was now not hers anymore. She had no one to back her up. so she just gambled with her tomorrow just like that.
He gentlemanly opened the car door for purity and signalled for her to enter. But purity's thoughts were not there with them, they were elsewhere. Being a person that does not repeat himself, he clapped his big palms to get her attention.
"Hey, why are you freaking spacing out? come on in or have you changed your mind perh..." before he could finish his statement, purity had already jumped inside the car and already seated on the comfy car seat. ' oh wow! is this what they call first class? it feels like am floating!' she exclaimed in her head.
Poking his tongue out, John got in the car too and closed the door. Looking at the amazed lady that sat in his car, he rolled up his sleeves and kept his eyes glued on her for a long time. His head had so much to digest,

' my grandma has been nagging me of late to get her a granddaughter in-law, mmmmh ' he did a quick addition and subtraction with his head and without much thought he heard himself pop up the ideas that floated in his head to Purity.

" Let's get married"

" What??" It was like a bomb has exploded in her ears when she heard what he just said all of a sudden.

' wait, a complete stranger asking me to get married to him yet I know nothing about him? Purity wake up, you're still... She wanted to scold herself that she were too young for marriage but... No, she was an adult already! And besides she didn't have a choice either, for she had no where to go to, no parents, speaking of parents she sobbed silently reminiscing the few years that she had spent with her father. She had no livid memories of her mother because she died when she was very little.

John wondered why the girl was suddenly crying. ' did I say something that hurt her? ' he thought to himself. Was marriage surely something someone could cry for? Or maybe ... He didn't come with a reason as to why she may be crying this he had to ask her anyway, it's not that he was afraid of her, after all she was the one that threw herself onto him so.

" Hey, why are you crying again? Did I do some tbay could've hurt you? Am so..."

But Purity cut him off, " you don't have to be sorry, it's only that I remembered something and became emotional" she told him and tried to hide her face from him.

John being a smart guy, he knew that she was not okay and decided not to bother her again but wait for a while before he could discuss with her in details.

It was not that he wanted to abuse her in any way. He only wanted a contractual marriage with her to ward off his aging grandmother's daily naggings of giving her grandchildren with whom she could play with.

She'll always complain whenever he visited telling him that he was boring and that he only had to cover for that gap by producing his minis...

He somehow started the car absentmindedly still his head filled with all sort of possible outcome of what he just imagined.

' it will save me from grandmother. I hope she agrees later, but what if she doesn't agree? She was the only one that offered herself to me, and it's normal for me to say what kind of gratitude I would want from her.' he then kept a straight face and drove the car at a bullets speed towards an unknown direction to Purity.

He never asked her again throughout the journey he was so silent that it became deafening and suffocating in the car.

' why is he so quiet? He should at least speak!' Purity stole a single or two glances at him through the corner of her eye but the man was so focused that even a fly wouldn't distract him from maintainig the wheel.

While John had other thoughts of his own concerning his next step he was hoping to he successful once the girl accept to go with the flow.

Each of them had their own thoughts rummaging their heads like never before. Only themselves knew what they were currently going through.

Almost after an hour has passed, a simple yet appealing gate came into the view of purity, it was made of iron unlike the one that she had known at their home since young. This one spoke of elegance.

To be serious, she had never seen one such a gate in her whole seventeen years of existence. She covered her mouth to stop herself from an ' awww '.

But who is John? He noticed her even before she could react, he captured her at thst moment of being flabbergasted through the mirror.

' obviously she's not from town from her expression ' he noted as he slowed down on nearing the gate.

"Sorry, I forgot to make an introduction of ourselves to each other lady, am John, you can call me Mr Smith." He finally opened his mouth to do the necessary that was super to be done earlier.