The ward VI of the teenagers unit was in chaos.
Nurses were doing their best holding a woman screaming profanities and throwing objects at a teenager whose eyes was lowered.
The objects couldn't touch him because Mark stood protectively in front of the boy ; his chin was lifted in a proud angle.
"If I knew I was taking in a crossdressing f*g , I would have just left you to join your useless parents in heaven , in fact I wish you died that day !!!"
A tear spilled out of the boy eye and landed softly on the bed.
Mark glared at the woman " Take back what you said "
"Or what ?!" She threw her purse at him ; the bag hit mark forehead leaving it purple " You will hit me ?"
"I don't hit women but I am not above calling my mom to give you a spanking "
A nurse giggled but she shut up when the woman glared at her.
"You f*gs are everywhere ; do you enjoy taking it up the a*SS that much?!"
"I am a top so I give it to my Boyfriend as good as he want it ; than you who have never even had the chance to fly one day of your life "
This time all the nurses burst into laughter.
The woman flushed with embarrassment. She glared at her nephew.
"I don't want to see you home ; after I pay your hospital bills , this is my last duty as a relative towards you "
She turned around and stomped out of the place.
Once the woman was gone ; The young boy finally lowered his head into his hands and broke into sobs. The sounds were heart wenching , even making their eyes turn teary.
A nurse sighed deeply " We are already in a new era , LGBT isn't that much of a crime anymore , why is some people still old fashioned? It's not like he killed anyone..."
Another nurse nod her head " What's wrong with crossdressing? Since when did clothes have gender? "
Mark sighed deeply and gathered the boy into his arms. He rubbed the boy's hair as he trembled.
"I wish I hid it well , I wish I didn't out myself to my cousin , I wish I wasn't gay then she wouldn't hate me so much, I wish I died that day..."
Mark raised the boy face up and stared into his eyes ; his voice was soft.
"I am happy you didn't die that day ; There's nothing wrong with being gay , there's nothing wrong with you "
"But no one wants me..."
"I want you " Mark smiled tearfully when the boy cried even more " If she want to throw you out , f*ck her , I'll be your dad , Jason will be your dad , my Mom will be your mom , my brother will be your uncle ..."
A nurse spoke out , patting her chest " I will be your big sister !"
"Me too "
"Me too "
"Me too "
At the encouraging voices ,the boy laughed and rubbed his eyes. His trembling finally reduced and his breathing turned stable.
"What's going on here ? Why is everywhere in a mess?"
Jason seem to have just arrived from a board meeting; Behind him the director and Matron Zhang was staring agape at the mess too.
A nurse took time to explain the situation and they nodded in understanding.
Matron Zhang scratched her hair "Well we can't let him stay here because of it's an hospital setting but we can foster him for a while in our homes ; Who is volunteering?"
Mark raised his hand up.
"Okay then ; I guess he's following you and Doctor Jason home then "
The director opened his phone and started to type on his phone " We can donate some funds to help with the expenses , let me send this message to the hospital forum...."
Jason shook his head "There's no need about that ; I have enough savings to take care of a child..."
"Ohhhh Mr Tang is rich..."
At the praise , Jason face turned red and he waved his hands in embarrassment " It's just savings..."
They all brain stormed for a while and in the span of an hour ; they have already decided the young boy accomodations and schooling.... even to the point of college.
The Boy flushed in either embarrassment or happiness " Thank you very much.... I will make sure I pay everything back..."
Matron Zhang shook her head " No need ; how old are you ? You are nothing more than 13 years old , my 22 years old son is still enjoying his youth "
Director nod his head " Just make sure you do well in life ; make those relatives regret throwing you out okay?"
Tears glimmered in his eyes and he nodded vigorously.
"Okay then , since that's settled you should pack your things and follow them home now ; So you can get used to their place"
Jason and Mark went to change . By the time they came out , the boy have already removed the hospital dress and put on a clean white t shirt and pants.
Jason wheeled towards him " What's your name?"
"Zing Kim... " He scratched his head " But you can just call me Zing ..."
"Okay Zing... let's get going to your new home"
Yoona saw them as they were leaving; She waved her hand at them from her post " Bon Choco ahhh leaving work early?"
"Yas Yas"
"Why ?"
"I want to go spend some time alone with my husband and son " Mark laughed when Yoona opened her mouth agape "Just joking i want to go do some important things at home "
"Okay then " She waved goodbye at the two who waved back shyly at her " Take care "
On a normal day, they would have to order an Uber but luckily for them , Jac'key was near the hospital so he said that he was coming over.
Not longer than 10 mins later , a black van paused in front of them. The window came down but instead of only Jac'key , there was also a lovely young woman in the front seat.
"Good afternoon Prince Jason " She bowed her head at them " Good afternoon Young master Mark too "
Jason laughed " He have influenced you, just call us by our names "
"Will consider it, my prince "
They all entered the van ; Zing was feeling a bit shy so he sat down beside Mark to feel safe.
"Jac'key, is this your fiancee?"
Mark saw from the sidelines as Jac'key flushed and nodded " Yes , I was thinking of introducing her today "
Jason ahhh before staring at the woman " What's your name?"
" Xin Bao "
"Xin Bao nice to meet you "
"Nice to meet you too "
The drive was lively and filled with good natured chattering.
Xin Bao was a soft spoken person and have a really lovely voice. Mark couldn't help but have a high opinion about her.
She was a lecturer at X university and had met Jac'key during a blind date arranged by her friends; They had fallen in love after a couple of dates. She's also an orphan and live alone with her younger brother who attends X high school.
"My younger brother is very troublesome and his teachers have call me many times to complain about how he skips class and fight with other gangs of the neighborhood "
"It's okay , he will grow out of it one day "
She sighed deeply " I hope so too... Emm I am very sorry but which school is your son attending ?"
Mark blinked in confusion " Which son ?"
She blinked too and shook her hand " I am so sorry , I thought that the child beside you was a relative since he kept clinging to your arm "
It was only then that He noticed that Zing have been holding on to his sleeve since they started the car ; he must have been feeling nervous.
His heart went soft and he couldn't help but pat the boy's head.
Jason took the position of answering " He's our foster son"
Mark waited for Zing to deny it but instead he watched as the boy's face slowly turned red and his eyes brightened.
How silly , getting excited by been called son.