Extra 5 : Zing (2)

By the time they got home ,They were already well acquitted with Xin Bao; they made a decision to visit each other when there's an holiday.

"Okay then , take care my prince"

"Take care too"

As they reached the door , they heard loud chattering coming from the house.

Which visitor ?

The two simultaneously stared at each other before entering the house.

"And I told him that I wanted to... oh hello Jason " A blond hair woman raised two fingers and winked at him " Ta-da"

The voice was too familiar to be forgotten ; it was an English accent voice that spoke Mandarin fluently.

She was petite but there was an aura about her that made her imposing; her blonde hair was packed into a bun on top of her head and she put on a short A gown that reached mid thighs.

Mark felt his teeth aching.

Jason blinked in confusion " How did you know where I am living? I am sure it's not Jac'key or else he would have informed me "

"It's a secret " She turned back to Miss Angie " You are like a really nice woman , We even share the same name ... wanna be my friend?"

Miss Angie shook her head at her " I didn't even invite you in , you just pushed your way in and forced conversation on me " She raised her hands which was bound at the wrist with Angela powerful grip " You display disturbing tendencies , young Miss"

Angela tinted her head and smiled brightly at her "You know what ... just become my best friend instead"

Jason shook his head and rolled his index finger over his head " I know right... she's crazy"

Mark felt a tight grip on his arm and looked to the side; it was only then he realized that they have forgotten about the child they brought home.

Miss Angie seem to notice at that moment " Who is this?"

"Your new foster grandson " Mark shrugged casually " No adoption papers though but as from now on he lives with us"

"Oh ..." She blinked at the flushed zing " You call me Miss Angie, meet me whenever you need anything ... oh before I forget , what are your pronouns?"

Mark and Jason slapped their forehead simultaneously " oh I can't believe we forgot ? What are your pronouns?"

Zing rubbed his fingers shyly ; his eyes were glittering " You won't get mad ?"

How much did they suppress him ? He might look tall but he's just 13 years old , a child- teenager , Imagine getting excited over being called foster son or getting asked about pronouns ?

Mark eyes softened "We won't get mad "

He pointed at Angela who was staring in a daze at Miss Angie " Not even her ?"

Jason lips twitched " She's crazy , imagine she isn't there "

"I can hear you Jason !!! This is how you treat your bestie huh ?!"

"Shut it dyke and allow my son to say his pronouns!!"

Zing flushed excitedly and lowered his head " Really? You won't throw me out ?"

Although Mark was feeling frustrated now , he nodded his head patiently " We won't throw you out"

"Pinky swear ?"

"Pinky swear "

He looked up briefly and lowered his head " I like using they / them pronouns... but if it makes you uncomfortable you can continue to use he/him.."

Jason gave a huge sigh of relief and rubbed his chest " They / them is it ? Not that hard "

Mark nod his head " What's their gender identity? Do they want to ever do hormone therapy?"

They shook their head " I don't want to do hormone therapy , I don't know my gender identity yet but I feel like I am multiple genders at once"

"What do they think about non binary?"

They nodded their head ; Tears almost spilled down their face " I won't disappoint you , I will start to read my books and get good grades "

Miss Angie shook her head " We don't need them to become a genius or a superstar , just live life at ease ; even the person they're calling their foster parent is still living with his mom "

Mark lips twitched.

Miss Angie shrugged and continued " If they want to visit relatives , they can... "

Zing shook their head " Nooo relatives don't like me ; I want to stay here with you "

"Wow That was fast " Jason laughed and patted their hair " Welcome again "

Miss Angie smiled then look at the grip on her wrist; her lips was twitching "Now... can you let me go ma'am?"

Miss Angie smiled then look at the grip on her wrist; her lips was twitching "Now... can you let me go ma'am?"

Angela shook her head "Only if I have your permission to spend the night at your house... I don't want to stay at a motel "

"The house is already full " Jason said mercilessly and pointed at the door " Get out dyke"

"Is this how you treat your childhood bestie Jason?!" She looked at the silent Mark " You won't agree with him right?"

Mark picked at his fingernails ; his voice was cold "You can stay in Sarah's house "

"..... "

There was a silence before she let go of Miss Angie ; grab her bag and stood up.

"You guys will pay for this ... you haven't seen the last of me "

Jason pointed at the door " out "

She hmmph before stomping out.

Mark looked nervously at Jason "She isn't crazy enough to try to burn us alive right?"

" Ha ! That's too old fashioned , at most she will come in the middle of the night and chase us with a chainsaw "

".... she wouldn't have gone that far , let me just.."

Jason grabbed his wrist and shook his head " I am just joking ; She really isn't as crazy as that... Angela what are you doing sticking to the window?! Didn't you hear go to Sarah house?!"

Everyone stared at the window.

Angela have plastered her face to the window and was now staring at them wide eyed. If anyone saw this in the night , they would be creeped out.

"....." Mark rubbed his forehead " She can sleep in the sitting room "

Angela giggled and entered back into the house.

"Thank you new bestie" She grabbed his arm; Looking all charming and cute " What made me hate you in the first place? You are such a lovable person"

Mark removed her arm from his and 'smiled'

"Me too Angela... me too "

Author note : To be honest ; Angela is based on my personality in real life 😂😂😂. You can say that she's modelled based on me , even concerning her sexuality ╮(^▽^)╭ , Except for her blond hair and fair skin though , I am a black person.

We are getting closer and closer to the end of the book.

Short drama by little Sunshine.

Zing have always known they were different right from the time they were 8 years old. They didn't feel like a boy at the same time they didn't feel completely feel like a girl , at the same time they didn't feel like they are completely both or neither.

Their mom never understood why they liked to sneak over to her wardrobe late at night and try on her oversized dresses and makeup.

"He must be possessed " They hear their mom say to Mrs Sun " I don't like him "

They was still a fragile young boy at that time ; so they stopped the habit and started to act properly.

After their mom died from their illness ; Mrs Sun took them in.

She used all the money their mom have saved in case of emergency for gambling. They were stuck at home working for her in the shop and not going to school.

The little knowledge they know of was from looking at their cousin textbooks.

They never complained , no one have ever wanted them. It was even a good thing, if they still have a roof over their head and food in their stomach.

One night , when everyone was asleep , they felt their feminine side calling out to them. It was strong , giving them a restless feeling.

At last they stumbled to it and sat up.

"Just one night... "they mummer to themself" one night "

They tiptoed over to their cousin cupboard and took a pink dress. They grabbed the makeup bag and sneak out of the house.

They first put on some makeup . Despite that it had been long since they have touched it; their muscles still remembered the memory.

Foundation , concealer , eyebrows , powder , pastel Eye shadow , pastel eye liner , pink blush and pink lipstick.

They smacked their lips together and smiled at the mirror. They felt the restless drain out of their body.

They took off their pajamas and put on the dress. It was a pink flower pattern dress with puff sleeves. They felt like a princess as they twirled around.

They like dressing as a girl ; it's fun.

"What are you doing, Zing?"

Zing froze and looked back. Their cousin was staring agape at them ; Her face was filled with disgust.

They shook their head but it was too late already. She ran into the house and called for Mrs Sun.

That day , they were almost beaten to near death.

"No wonder why no one wanted you !!!" She spat in their face and threw them on the ground " Your mom should have aborted you !!! You should have died with her !!! Disgusting !!! Tr*nny !!!"

They didn't say a word . Mrs Sun was right ; Mom never wanted a child like them.

They treated their injuries and never touched a dress again. They never complained about how the family started calling him 'f*g' and ' Tr*nny ' , They prayed every night for a new family that liked them wholeheartedly.

They learned about gender identity on a day Mrs Sun sent them to the market to buy foodstuffs. A young woman was giving out booklets and she smiled at them kindly when they stretched their hand to collect it.

"Remember LGBT is beautiful "

They blushed and ran away. When it was already dark , they looked through the booklet, enlightened by a whole new world.

So that's why they like the handsome boy that pass the streets everytime , that's why they don't like girls , that's why they don't feel uncomfortable with their pronouns , oh ! there was multiple genders too ? oh they like the word ' pan gender ' does it mean they are non binary?.

The book became a treasured part of their heart. They held it dear , like it was a best friend.

Cousin discovered about the book then stole it from them. They looked for it every where but they can't find it ; they finally saw the ashes on the ground.

That was their breaking point , they went to where the cousin was eating in the kitchen and started an argument.

Cousin was bad tempered and violet ; She pushed them and they hit the back of their head on the wall.

They fell unconscious.

By the time they were back to themself ; they were at the hospital with stitches in their wrist.

"You tried to kill yourself " A warm doctor said ; he patted his head " If not for a neighbor that checked up on you when he saw that no one is in shop.. "

They didn't say a word that they didn't try to commit sucide. Cousin must have been frightened that they died in her hands and slit their wrist to make it look like sucide.

They just wanted a family that loves them ...are they asking too much?

They stayed at the hospital for over 2 months . The hospital wanted to make sure that their veins recovered properly.

During that Time they noticed a kind doctor and nurse. The two are always together , treating them warmly.

The nurse will pat their hair gently after changing their drip, he will smile at them every time they flushed and will pinch their cheeks everytime they acted silly.

He was warm....

The doctor seeing their blood sugar level isn't in danger will sometimes give them sweets , he was shy , often talking to them softly. They later heard he's the one who performed the surgery.

That day a strange thought found it's way in their head.

How wonderful will it be , if those two were their parents.

They smiled sorrowfully. "In my dreams"

That day aunt came and caused trouble; They weren't expecting that people will stand up to their defense. They didn't know that a particular warm nurse would guard them from hits and stand up to the bully.

He said the words, they have always been wishing to say back to everyone who hurt them.

"Take that back "

They broke down after they were thrown away again. Everyone will always tell them something was wrong with them , they hated themself.

I just want someone who loves me...

The nurse hugged them tightly to their chest; his voice was melodious and soothing

"There's nothing wrong with you "

"I want you"

"I will be your dad , Jason will be your dad , my mom will be your mom , my brother will be your uncle... "


They have already eaten dinner and was now in their new room. It wasn't small and cramped ; it had a soft bed , posters and a wardrobe.

And it was all their own .

They lied down on the bed and curled at the softness. They were about to doze off when they heard a soft voice call out to them.

"Zing ..."

They were feeling a bit shy so they didn't want to raise their head up . They pretended to be asleep.

Mr Mark let out a deep sigh and tiptoed to the bed. He placed a warm blanket on their body and placed a soft kiss on their forehead.

"Silly child "

Tears welled up in their eyes.

A few seconds after he was gone , more people kept coming. Miss Angie closed the window so they won't catch a cold and Eric saw the room was too dark and fix in a night light , they heard Mr Jason and Mr Mark discussing about which school will allow them to express their gender identity to make them comfortable through the bad soundproof walls.

Zing tightened their hold on the blanket and let out a soft sigh; Their heart was happy, full and sweet.

Thank you God for answering my prayers... I feel loved.