Good And Evil

Artus walked forward to stand in front of the knights and faced the group of vampires that were standing behind Dracula. He let his eyes trail down to it was fixed on the vampire lord's sword. He could feel a great number of curses coming out of the sword and he knew that he didn't want that sword to touch him no matter what! Dracula has not yet discovered the full power of the sword so Artus decided that he will surely take that sword away before the vampire lord can learn how to use it properly.

"You monster. It was not enough that you killed brothers and sisters of the church a hundred years ago, but you are also attacking the townspeople? You truly are spawns of the devil! This will be the last day to ever cause pain to the people of this town!"

Dracula couldn't stop himself from grinning even as he healed the injury that he sustained to his hand when Artus hit him with his [Ray of Light].