Sadistic Pleasure

Rosavellt told Dracula to bring the priest along as they trekked into the castle. Artus couldn't even protest at all as he was dragged by the hair like a dog. Dracula wouldn't stain his body by carrying a human! He only held onto Artus' hair and dragged him along like that!

Once they entered the church they already knew that Floid and the others had been working hard! There were dead priests everywhere! From the moment they opened the door, the smell of blood hit them like a sledgehammer! Not even a single person could be seen alive! They were all lying dead in pools of blood!

Rosavellt and Dracula moved towards the inner sanctum with the other vampires walking behind them and they got to a door at the end of the pier. They opened it and Dracula dragged Artus inside. Floid was sitting on the chair at the head of the room and Pyra was handing him a handkerchief to clean the blood on his hand once they entered.