Princess Concubine, Dulla

The home of the Undead was a mystery to many races because of how separated they were from the rest of the world. As the rulers of the dead, they lived in the underworld, a dimension filled with red clouds and a starless sky. The air in the underworld was thick with the smell of death and the land was separated into nine concentric circles spread out from the center. Each circle was a different level of the underworld and as you go closer to the center of the circle, the stronger you have to be to survive. Outside these circles, there was a large, foggy body of water that no one has ever seen the end of. The body of water was the only path to come into or leave the underworld.

All of the undead living in the underworld were categorized using levels. From levels one through to level nine. The higher your level, the higher your position is in the underworld.