How To Mess Up A Council Meeting

Kronos finally let go of the topic when he saw that Dulla would not budge and the two of them entered the meeting room to meet the others. There was a table in the center of the room where five seats were arranged. These seats were meant for the five members of the council. Four people were already seated at the table and they were waiting for Kronos to arrive. Kronos moved to take the head seat while Dullla moved to the balcony to seat with the other spectators who were involved in this case.

The first person that spoke was one of the five people seated at the table. He was a dark-skinned man that had a calm appearance on his face. He looked like someone that would never lose his cool no matter what problem he faces, but even with his calm outward appearance he always has a dark glint in his eyes that showed just how dangerous he was.

"Now that we're all here, let's start. The first agenda on the board is about the current state of the soldiers in the sixth level -"