A Fateful Meeting 1

It had been a few weeks since the end of the Orc Lord incident, and Demon Lord Clayman was quite livid. As expected, the orc had been killed and his plans- well, Gelmud's plan, but he was working for Clayman- had been for nothing. However, Clayman was not one to let even a failure go to waste. He had plans, and contingencies. Right now, however, he had an unenviable job: waking up the Destroyer, who had been not so silently napping on his sofa for weeks. Heaving one last sigh, he opened the door to the meeting room where the girl was. He had ordered his servants to stay the hell away from there and so far there didn't seem to be any problem, but by god the scene inside made his blood pressure rise. Aside from all the drool pooling under Milim's head on his expensive sofa, the pillows were ripped and the table lay in two halves. 'Did you do that in your sleep or something?!' he wanted to shout at her, but knew better. Instead, he walked over and began slowly calling her name. Eventually, the girl shot up, slightly startled.

-'What?! What?!' she said as she comically turned her head in all directions, looking for the noise that woke her up. After a few seconds her eyes landed on Clayman 'Ah. Yeah? What time it is...?'

-'About a month later, Milim.' he informed her with a strained smile.

-'Oh...' she yawned and stretched before focusing on Clayman 'How'd the investigation go?'

-'Well, not as good as I had hoped.' Clayman began as he sat down in one of the chairs 'From what my agent found out, the Orc Lord was killed not long after Gelmud by that masked majin. Afterwards, the orcs were freed from his influence. But here's the interesting part...' at this, Milim perked up 'The races of the Jura Forest, at the behest of the dryads, met up the day after and formed a new nation, of sort. An alliance of monsters...'

-'An alliance of monsters? Interesting...' finally, Milim stood up 'And that majin?

Clayman shook his head 'That's about all my agent was able to uncover. Apparently, this new...monster nation has quite an effective defense. When my agent tried to pry further, he was quickly chased away by one of those ogres you saw in Gelmud's memories. The last thing he got was a name: Tempest...'

Milim let the name sink in for a second 'Tempest huh...?' Clayman nodded 'he he he he...' she laughed evilly with a grin 'then, I think its my turn...' Clayman knew this was coming, and there was no more he could really do to stop her. Even so, having her finally leave would be worth it. Before he could say anything though, Milim was already hurrying away and towards the large open window; before she stepped out, however, she turned around and said 'remember, no interfering with one another, yeah?' and was gone in an explosion of aura. Before he could even blink, she was already gone, accelerating beyond hypersonic speed and disappearing beyond the horizon. With another heavy sigh, Clayman went back into his castle to continue his plotting. His time was near, and when it came he would make sure that Milim would pay for treating him the way she did.

It was a sunny day in the Jura Forest, and Rimuru was enjoying the newly found peace and tranquility as he hopped along in his slime form on one of the newly constructed paved roads radiating from the central of the city. It felt like forever since he had any true rest, though not by lack of trying. After the conference that named him Chancellor of Jura, he had to spend a few days naming all 150,000 of the remaining orcs, which left him little more than a puddle. With that done, the orcs had been resettled all across the Forests in various smaller groups and provided with the food that was generously provided by the treeants, the patrons of the dryads. When Rimuru returned to Tempest (or rather Rimuru, the embarrassing new name his subordinates decided unanimously to call the city), two thousands of the high orcs had come with him, providing a massive boom to the city's construction capability. They were currently in the middle of a construction boom, and the city really did began to look like a proper city and not a random collection of buildings. Of course, this came with massive problem to him as he was heaped with more and more responsibilities that he barley had time to himself anymore. Some king he was. Yes, KING.

It happened shortly after returning from lake Shisu, when they were visited by King Gazel of the dwarves; allegedly, the king wanted to see for himself what this new self proclaimed alliance of monsters was and test its leader. Test my slimy bottom, he just wanted to leave the castle and have fun. Rimuru complained in his mind as he was forced to duel the king, but wisely kept to himself. Incidentally, the king was an old apprentice of Hakuro, one of the ogres, a fellow student of the same sword style, and had now began calling him his 'Fellow student'. However, despite the questionable motive to visit, Gazel did made him a massive favor by formally recognizing his new nation and entering an alliance with him; he was shocked to say the least, as he didn't expect to gain proper recognition so fast. Well, one burden off his solders...was what he wanted to say, but no. It was Gazel's damn question on the name of his nation that led to everyone- especially Treyni- throwing the mantle of King on him, despite his protests.

Also, Gazel brought with him a old 'friend': Vesta, the dwarf 'sketchy bureaucrat' that nearly had him thrown in prison. Apparently, after the trial, he was dismissed by the king and had in the meantime a drastic change of heart- or rather, Rimuru though, no longer had the burden of politics in his mind and could focus on his true hobby, which was research. Well, Kaijin himself had forgiven and vouched for him, so he let bygones be bygones and assigned him to the Tempest research division. Speaking of the research division, that was also where he had assigned that Gabiru, the traitorous and now exiled son of the lizardmen chief who similarly was a changed man-reptile. Gabiru and Vesta were now hauled in Veldora's former cave, heavily invested in research. In fact, he was just now returning from the cave to the city after having an in depth evaluation of their work. He would have a little more free time, and decided to enjoy it to its fullest.

Fate, however, had other plans. As he came in sight of the city, his ability, Great Sage, blared a warning in his head

Report: a large aura has been detected heading in this direction. Caution advised its mechanical voice said with an unusual degree of alarm that instantly put Rimuru on edge. Within moments, his magic sense was focused in the direction of the aura and sure enough something was coming this way. Massive would be an understatement; it made the Orc Lord look like an insect, and the speed at which it was moving was completely unbelievable. If Rimuru had to rank it, it would certainly be right up there with freaking Veldora...and judging by its trajectory, it was heading straight for him. Panicking, he decided to lead it away from the city as much as possible; in the process he send a quick urgent message to his subordinates.

His initial assessment was right; as he moved away from Tempest, the aura changed course to intercept him. This was not good. He made it only a few hundred meters before he arrived in a flat plain with only a few trees (one of the places they had chopped down for building materials) before the aura slammed into the ground in a blur light purple. The sheer force of just that impact would have been enough to level most of the city, he though. The force pushed out a massive dust cloud that obscured the intruder before another, much smaller burst of aura from them cleared it away. Rimuru didn't knew what to thing at first at the scene in front of him.

From the crater stepped out...a young girl, in appearance not older than 14. She had pink hair tied in two long tails on either side of her head and blue eyes that sparkled with an unknown quality to them. She was barley wearing anything; her 'clothes' would barley classify as underwear in most reasonable societies, but she didn't seem to care in the slightest. And she was sporting a massive grin as if she won the lottery.

Now Rimuru Tempest- or rather, Satoru Mikami- considered himself an...admirer of the female form and beauty, and though he had a pretty good hold on judging them...the fact that he never had a girlfriend in his life didn't really matter. At all. And this girl, with her ridiculous aura, if one ignored her outfit, certainly had looks going on for her. He imagined that given two or three more years, she would be quite the looker. Even now, he would be lying to himself if he said she wasn't pretty. And even though he himself had no eyes, he found himself instantly drawn to hers; there was just something about them that made him stop in his tracks. 'Who is this girl?' he though to himself. As if reading his mind, the girl hastily stepped outside the crater she made and haughtily began speaking

-'Hello, hello! I am the one and only Dragonoid, Demon Lord Milim Nava! You looked like the strongest hombre in town, so I thought I would drop by and say hi!' she finished as she dramatically posed with her hands on her hips.

'Demon Lord?! Are ya kidding me?! Great Sage!' Rimuru panickingly thought to himself

Confiremd: Individual Milim Nava meets the requirements of a Demon Lord. Notice: lower estimates of her magicule count is approximately 10 times greater that yours. Upper estimates cannot be calculated

'Cannot be calculated? What dose that mean? Oh dear...better think of something to say...'

-'Ah, yes, welcome to Tempest. May I help you, young lady?' he meekly asked the Demon Lord 'Do you want something?'

-'Hm?' she answered back, seemingly genuinely confused 'No. I just said, I's just saying 'hi'.' she finished with a smile. A lingering silence set in as Rimuru considered her response.

'That's it?! Seriously? Not that I'm complaining...' again as if she was reading his mind, the Demon Lord put on a somewhat disappointing face but was quickly replaced with a look of curiosity as she squatted in front of him...and started poking him.

-'Hey, hey, are you really a slime? You're really powerful for even a majin, let alone a slime!' she said between the pocking. Now Rimuru was slightly beginning to panic for real at the realization of what she said; his aura was almost completely oppressed, so how did she figured he was the strongest in the region to come directly at him? He decided to ask bluntly

-'Ah, how did you know I'm strong?' at this, the girl closed one eye and began pointing at the other

-'No point in hiding from me! My Dragon's Eye can tell the truth of anything it sees; it can instantly tell me how strong of weak someone is, what their skills do...' she got back up, striking another pose 'and also, it can instantly tell me a woman's three sizes!' she proclaimed proudly

'Instantly tell a woman's three sizes, eh? Interesting...NO, focus Rimuru, Focus! Ah damn, with such an absurd ability there's no point in even trying to hide.'

-'Ah, that's quite the fearsome ability.' he praised honestly. He had the distinct impression that lying would be of no use, even if she could't use that Dragon Eye to tell if he was (which, he figured, she probably could)

Report: that is a very likely assessment Great sage interjected