'Wa ha ha ha ha!' she laughed at his words, a laugh which distinctly reminded him of a certain dragon for some reason..'Say, Mr Slime...er...'
-'Its Rimuru. Rimuru Tempest' he helpfully informed her
-'Yes, Rimuru. You were that masked majin who fought and trashed that moron Gelmud, right? I saw it his memories.' she casually said the last part. 'So at least one Demon Lord was watching, eh? Gelmud, you bastard.' Interrupting his thoughts, she continued 'But the form I saw there was a humanoid...can you morph into a human form?' she asked.
'No point in hiding' he though 'Yes, I can' to demonstrate, he quickly morphed into his human form, though he wasn't wearing the mask. At this, the Demon Lord had an unusual reaction: at first, she was slightly taken aback- he could swore he saw her blushing a bit, but dismissed it- before she began pacing around him, even lifting a strand of his silver-blue hair. Then she stopped in front of him with a thoughtful expression
-'Say...' she began stroking her chin 'Are you...is this form supposed to be a boy or a girl? Its hard to tell...'
That particular question really caught him off guard. 'Eh?! Well...how should I even answer that?' Eventually he decided on something 'Well, I'm a slime, so i don't have...you know...a gender. But er...' he stuttered and began rubbing the back of his head 'I supposed for convenience sake, I identify closer to male...more or less...' And, well, it was true; gender or not, he was a guy in his past life. It would be hard to identify as anything else, even now. The answer seemed to satisfy the girl, who beamed another smile
-'Ah, got it, got it!' then she just...stood there, looking at him. The silence was quite awkward, so he decided to break the ice with another question
-'So, did you wanted anything else?'
-'Nope!' she immediately said. Well, she didn't seem to be lying, so he figured now was the time to try and make her go away before she DID want something. However, before he could get a sound out, he felt himself pushed back by a sudden force. Looking down, he saw Ranga, the Tempest Wolf Alpha, as he grabbed him by the shirt and began pulling him away from the Demon Lord at breakneck speed. His mind had little time to even think 'huh?' before he saw a much bigger problem: Shion, his self appointed 'Secretary', swinging her massive sword in a downward arc at the Demon Lord from the side 'NO!' he shouted, but was far too late. The sword made impact and another boom shook the plain. But...
-'Ho, what is this? Wanna play?' Milim asked with a toothy grin that showed off her sharp canines; there was a dangerous glint in her eyes. More importantly, Rimuru noticed, Shion's strike did absolutely nothing whatsoever to her. In fact, she caught the blade with one hand as if it was nothing, the ground below shattered into another crater, and she was holding the sword in place despite Shion trying to pry it back. Now Shion, crazy as she was, was by no means physically weak, but in front of this short girl barley reaching her chest she was nothing.
With a smirk, Milim simply flicked her fingers at the sword, causing Shion to be violently thrown back, all the way into a tree in the nearby forest, which proceed to explode in splinters from the impact. 'No, no, no, no!' Rimuru was now officially more panicked than he had ever been as he tried to get free of Ranga's grip. When he failed, he caught a nearby tree branch with both arms, crossed his legs around the wolf's neck and stopped him in his tracks 'NO! Listen to me!' he shouted as he turned his attention back to Milim. His face paled. Like a true shinobi, Soei jumped from out of nowhere and binded Milim in a thread of steel silk, immobilizing her; she had a look of surprise but was by no means worried. Then he saw Benimaru join the battle shouting at Ranga 'Get Lord Rimuru out of here! We'll deal with her!' and turned his attention to the Demon Lord. Rimuru jumped from the tree branch he was holding but could't say anything before Benimaru unleashed a Hell Flare with Milim straight in the middle. Normally, the young ogre could unleash a dozen or more of these, as he did during the battle against the Orc Lord, but sensing the danger he had poured nearly all of his magicules into a single, devastating spell. The black flames engulfed a large area and created a huge shockwave, and continued to burn for a few more seconds at insane temperatures. However...
-'He he, nice attack.' a voice rang from within the raging inferno, shocking everyone 'Against one of the other Demon Lords, this might be dangerous. But against me...' then, from within the Hell Flare, Milim unleashed her aura. It was not an attack; it was not even a spell; she simply released an ungodly amount of aura which disintegrated the Flare, sending everyone flying as it enlarged the crater. Rimuru himself could barley hold on to dear life onto the tree he was hanging earlier; he could swore the release would be felt all the way in Dwargon. Finally, the wind died down, revealing Soei and Benimaru splayed on the ground some distance away and Milim still standing in the center of the new crater- now the only one- smiling and looking content.
-'Well, who's next?' she asked with a more serious tone than the somewhat childish one she had used previously with him. Now Rimuru knew for sure- this was a Demon Lord, the pinnacle of power in this world. He quickly rushed over to the closest of the ogres, Benimaru, ignoring Ranga's plea to go to safety. Calmly, he knelled down and gave him a potion
-'My lord...for your own safety, you must...' the red haired ogre began, but was quickly shut down by Rimuru
-'We'll discuss your hasty actions later. I'll deal with the rest.' Then he began walking back towards Milim, who was observing him with a smile. 'I don't suppose I can talk you out of more fighting?I can promise these guys will get the proper...scolding, later' he asked dejectedly. He ignored the 'Three Idiots' look of shock at the word 'scolding'
'-Ha? I mean, I didn't come here to fight. Your pals attacked me first...' she retorted. 'But now I can't really back down.'
-'Why not?' he asked, trying very hard to hide his frustration.
-'Well, it'd look really bad for me, ya know?' she began 'Demon Lords are the top dogs in this world; backing down from a weaker opponent would make me look like a chump.' she explained with a small pout. As much as he hated to say it, she wasn't as unreasonable as it would seem. It was survival of the fittest in this world; giving up was just as bad as losing, especially to a purely power based group the Demon Lords seem to be. He still didn't like it, but...
-'Ah, but, I guess I did drop by uninvited. Tell ya what...'Milim began, throwing her arms wide 'I'll give you a freeby!'
-'A...freeby?' he asked confused, more on how that term existed even in this world
-'Yup, a freeby! You can attack me with anything you want, and I'll take it. I won't block, or retaliate or nothing. So, pretty good deal for you, eh?' she finished with a smirked as she leaned in 'Ah, but...if it dose nothing, you'll admit defeat and become my follower. Deal?'
Frankly, Rimuru wasn't too keen of becoming a Demon Lord's follower, but truth be told it was probably the best he was gonna salvage out of this whole mess. He thought hard on how to respond, then came up with a crazy idea...
Warning: subject Milim Nava's defenses far exceed all forms of attacks available; engaging in not advised Great Sage interrupted, but he ignored it. He was gonna stake everything on this gut instinct. He got into an attack position he had learned from Hakuro and said 'Alright, let's go!' and launched himself towards Milim, who was only smirking at him in anticipation.
Warning... Great Sage tried to stop him, but he forcefully shut it down. The he gathered his secret weapon in his right hand and...trusted it right into the Demon Lord's mouth. After a quick moment of making sure he hit the target, he jumped back. Silence enveloped the scene as Milim simply stood there...
-'Wha...what IS this?! It's delicious!' she screamed as she licked her lips
'Heh he, this is just honey...' Rimuru smirked to himself as he watched the girl enjoy the taste 'whether its one world or another, childish opponents are all the same!
... he swore he heard something coming from Great Sage, but ignored it.
-'Oh, you like it?' he said to Milim, drawing her attention as he produced more honey from within his storage space, continuing as she stared in wonder at the golden ball he formed 'if you admit defeat, I'll give this to you. Its the last I have...' at this, the Demon Lord's eyes widened in panic
-'What?!' she screamed dejectedly at him 'Like hell I'll admit defeat from this!'
-'Is that so...guess I'll keep it to myself and eat it all' he began licking some of the honey. Now she was really panicking. Unknown to Rimuru, Milim's head was a whirlwind since first tasting the honey
'What is this?! Its so sweet, I never tasted anything so sweet...it taste like nectar, but how did he made like this? I have to know! I have to get my hands on MORE!' Then she heard him say to admit defeat and the rest 'Admit defeat?! Me? Is this guy serious?! Ah, but I really want more...if he's gonna eat it all, I have to do something...I know!' Thus she came up with a brilliant compromise that would let her keep both her Demon Lord pride and the honey, a true stroke of genius
-'Ah, listen, I can't admit defeat, but how 'bout we call it a draw, yeah?' she laid down her idea to Rimuru, who considered the idea carefully but looked kinda unconvinced 'hehe, I predicted that!' she boasted to herself then continued 'But not just that, I'll also promise not to pick a fight with you or any of your people again. On my honor as a Demon Lord!' she finished dramatically with a hand against her heart.
-Hmm...' Rimuru pondered hard her proposal. Frankly, it was better than what he had hopped. So, he decided to agree 'Alright, it's a deal. But, you have to address me as Sir Rimuru from now on, okay?' at this, she made a face of disgust 'Maybe I'm pushing my luck?
-'What?! YOU should address ME as Miss Milim, pal. I'm a Demon Lord, you known? she said pouting ''Yeah, I'm pushing my luck.'' he decided to leave that be
-'Okay, then you can call me Rimuru and I'll call you Milim, deal?''
-'Hmph, deal! Be grateful! I only let my fellow Demon Lords call me so intimately! she declared. With a sigh, Rimuru toke out a glass jar from his storage space, put the honey in it and handed it over to an exited, starry eyed Milim, who snatched it victoriously and started gorging herself with a look of utter bliss on her face. If we weren't sitting in the middle of a massive crater she made, she would look downright harmless' Rimuru though... 'and honestly kinda cute'... he added sheepishly, keeping it to himself. While Milim was busy, he moved over to where the ogres had assembled, watching the spectacle with a mix of awe and shame. As he approached, they keeled 'Listen, guys...' he began with the most stern tone his voice could allow, which wasn't saying much 'I known you were only thinking of the best, but seriously calm down! This could have ended so badly, its not even funny. In the future, I expect you to be more careful and considerate, yeah?'
-'Yes, Sir Rimuru!' they shouted in unison.
-'Good. Alright, let's go home.' Rimuru moved to hop onto Ranga and leave when he noticed Milim following close behind them. He stopped and looked at her, awkwardly. 'Er...can I help you?' the grin she immediately put on told him everything he needed to know
-'I'm coming with you guys! I wanna see that city I saw when I flew in! Looked really fun.'
-'But..' Rimuru began to speak, then their agreement moments before came to mind. Sure enough, Milim spoke what he was thinking
-'He he, our deal only said I'd not pick a fight with you guys. Didn't say to leave! Wahahahaha!' she roared triumphantly
At this, Rimuru mentally kicked himself. Somehow, he had let her take charge of the negotiations, and she had twisted it in her favor. He really needed to not let his guard down around her, huh? With this, his days as Milim's unofficial- later official- chaperon began.