The Classes

"Okay, everyone is here," Su Fang stated while looking at the four people sitting in front of her. "We will discuss becoming a Combatant."

"From this day, you guys will aim to become a Legend rank Combatants. To do that, except for Shun, who is already a Master rank, Ying and Mei needed to move up to Master rank." Su Fang giggled and flipped the whiteboard beside her that contained sketches and phrases.

"Let me explain. First, you have to be of Master rank. If you don't become an official Combatant, you can't join the expedition or the rank wars to move up to Legend rank." Su Fang explained and pointed at the third block inside the triangle she had drawn.

"Rank wars?" Yami asked in confusion. "What is that?"

"In order to move up, you need to participate in rank wars, meaning it is not the individual who is promoted, but the team as a whole. That is the goal, but for now, let's focus on the Warrior rank as trainees," Su Fang laughed as they jumped into another topic.

"The Defender base uses a point system to track Combatant's skills with their vessels. Warrior rank trainee Combatants start from 0 points, but they are given extra points if they have performed well in the preliminary tests."

"Points can be earned by winning optional rank battles against other trainees, while losses result in a deduction of points. Winners gained 10% of the opponent's points, while the defeated lose 15% of their points."

"So when someone with 1000 points defeats an opponent with 2000, 300 will be taken, and 200 is gained?" Yami asked while counting on his fingers.

"That's correct, Ying. Trainees can also fight official Combatants, but the scores of the two contestants will not be altered at the end of the match," Su Fang added to the overall explanation. "When you reach 5000 points, you'll be promoted to Master rank."

"So only the strong ones can move up," Yami muttered. His adrenaline rushed into his body. "When can we start? Right now?"

"Calm down, Ying. Your admission papers are still in the process of approval," Liqin stated while swallowing the last piece of his fries. "You need some time to adjust to the Defender base vessels."

Yami looked down at his soul ring. "Can't I use my vessel secretly?"

Liqin shook his head, "You know that Stygian vessel wielders are placed in Mythic rank, which means you can't be with Shun and Mei to participate in rank wars. It will be boring."

"They are also very powerful, and the base might detect your identity as a Raider. We need to be careful," Su Fang added with a smile. Her eyes gazed toward Mei, sitting quietly between Shun and Yami.

"Mei, do you want to become a Combatant or an Agent?" Su Fang asked while lowering her head to match Mei.

"She should become a Combatant. Her mana status is in a perfect score," Yami commented while recalling that Mei had a 100/100 mana score. "It's an advantage, too, in case a Raider will attack her again in the future. She can fight back."

"Mei, are you okay with it?" Su Fang muttered. She was unsure of Mei's capabilities since she was shy and gentle.

"I also want to fight on my own," Mei stated firmly. She had decided on the role earlier to find her brother.

"That's decided then. All three of you will become a Combatant," Su Fang nodded in approval and flipped the whiteboard. The six soul class symbols were drawn on the board.

Yami's eyes widen upon seeing the symbols. He had thought that it was only exclusive to him alone.

"These are the positions of Defender base Combatants. They vary in attack range and power," Su Fang stood on the side and used a stick to point at each symbol.

"Tank, Fighter, Assassin, Mage, Marksman, and Support. The members can only choose one class and select their skills; you can also create your own skills depending on your capabilities and comfort." Su Fang explained and looked at them. "You can now choose what's best suited for you."

Yami raised his hand to ask a question. "Fang, how many skills can we use?" He remembered Shun having another set of skills when he became an official Combatant.

"Good question. Since you are still a trainee, you can only use one skill, but when you become an official Combatant, the vessel can load up to ten skills slots."

"Mei, have you thought about your choice?" Shun asked to help her pick the class she's comfortable using.

"I don't know yet," Mei muttered and looked at the board.

"Shun, did you choose a Tank class vessel?" Yami questioned. Seeing how he attained a Tank soul from using Shun's vessel.

"Yes, for defense. You two can choose more on the offense side," Shun replied while scratching the back of his head.

"How about you, Liqin?" Yami glanced at Liqin, who was on the verge of taking a nap.

"Ah... Assassin," Liqin yawned and stretched his body before making himself comfortable on the sofa.

Yami's eyes glanced at Su Fang. He was about to ask her role, but she answered first.

"I'm an Agent. You might not be familiar with it, but we are the ones that provide intelligence to Combatants and serve as their connection to the base," Su Fang explained, which Yami nodded his head in understanding.

'Even if the classes are the same with my system. I'm the only one who can use all the soul classes and every skill available,' Yami thought while leaning back on the chair. He was satisfied with the advantages he had.

"I don't know what to pick," Mei muttered while fidgeting with her fingers. "I'm terrified to be in the front line."

"Don't worry, Mei. I will protect you," Shun stated and looked at her eyes with determination, which made Mei blush at his words.

Yami covered his face using his hand to stop himself from laughing since he was the only one who knew that Shun liked Mei.