The Members of Country Agios

[ Prior to the arrival of the humanoid Soul Beasts from Agios to planet Gaia. ]

A white spaceship was floating meters away from planet Gaia. Inside was a series of cabinets containing tiny orbs, the mana used for the Soul Beast to function. 

At the center was a huge table, which had six people seated. They were all wearing identical cloaks of white and gold with a halo floating above their heads.

"Someone finally came out to fight the Kou's after a long wait," Ravenna stated while yawning. Her body has been aching from sitting inside the cramped spaceship for too long.

"That means the Gaia's progressed impressively this past few years," Nicolo stated while rubbing his chin.

"Ha! Are you intimidated by this low-life? Only one boy dared to attack first," Lothario scoffed and crossed his arms. He was never impressed at how the Combatants fought the Soul Beasts they dropped to their planet.