2nd Awakening

The soul spirits of all the kids started appearing above their heads. Many of them had soul spirits of different animals which was pretty common. Some kids had soul spirits like a sword, or axe. The kids as well as the parents were very excited.

Sheila and Josh looked at Blake but they couldn't see his soul spirit. Even blake who was looking above his head was shocked 'What the hell? I don't have a soul spirit.'

The kids around him started to look at him and said

"Hey what's wrong with him?"

"Can't you see he doesn't even have a soul spirit it seems."

"I thought my mouse soul spirit was useless but having no soul spirit is even worse...haha" another kid said.

The parents of the kids tried to shush their kids but suddenly two kids spoke.

"Idiots his soul spirit is stronger than usual that's why it didn't awaken through normal means." said the girl.

"Yes and everyone in this world is born with a soul spirit and no matter what it is you all have no right to belittle them." the boy said.

They both looked like twins as they had the same colored hair. The boy's soul spirit was a flaming sword while the girl's soul spirit was a flaming whip.

Behind them a couple with the same red hair were standing. They seemed to be the twins' parents.

Hearing this the kids quieted down. Some just looked down in embarrassment while some gave the twins an angry look.

Sister Mary broke the silent atmosphere and said "Those who have awakened their soul spirit can leave."

Tom took out a disk which was 8-10cms in diameter and the magic circles on it were lit. He brought the disk close to his mouth and said "One of the kid, Blake Ember will be going through 2nd awakening. Make sure the memory of this is corrected from the minds of the kids and the parents who are leaving." The man on the other side was also shocked for a few seconds and quickly said "As you say Priest Tom. I will have their memories of the Taylor family and Blake Ember erased.

One by one the kids along with their parents started to leave the hall but the red haired family stayed in the hall. The twins walked out of the circle and grouped with their parents who were walking toward Josh and Sheila.

Mary and Tom stepped out of the middle circle and stood in front of Blake.

"Don't worry kid we will awaken your soul spirit and don't look sad your soul spirit is stronger than others which is why it didn't awaken." Tom said while patting Blake's shoulder.

Blake went and stood beside sheila who had a complex look on her face. She was happy that Blake was going to awaken a stronger soul spirit but she knew that nourishing a stronger soul spirit is extremely hard.

Sister Mary said "Sheila, John this is the patriarch of the Blaze family. Harold Blaze and this is his wife Anya Blaze." while looking at the red-haired couple.

Josh and Sheila greeted the couple and Mary said "Mr and Mrs Blaze these are Josh and Sheila. Priest Tom's niece and her husband."

"It is good to finally meet you Mr and Mrs taylor. I have heard about your contributions to Hana and its neighbouring villages. These are our kids Arya and Simon Blaze." Harold Blaze said.

The twins stepped forward and bowed to Josh and Sheila.

"Ohh...Mr and Mrs Blaze your children our so sweet. I wish our Blake was even half as courtesious as them." Sheila said giggling which made everyone except Blake smile.

"Please feel free to call us Harold and Anya. Don't be fooled by their greetings. Simon may be soft spoken but arya is short-tempered and blunt."

"Hmph" Arya made a haughty face and stood in front of Blake.

"Hi I am Arya Blaze. Don't think much about what those idiots say. There is no need to take theirs words to heart."

Blake smiled and said "Hi, my name is Blake Ember. I didn't think much of their words. I was just thinking how and when to beat them up."

"Haha... Arya he speaks just like you." Simon laughed from behind Arya and nodded at Blake.

"See what did I tell you. He is no saint." Sheila said.

"Let's talk about all that after Blake's awakening." Tom said and everyone nodded.

"Mom I want to see his awakening as well." Arya said looking behind at her mom who quickly denied in a stern voice "No Arya. This is their private matter. You shouldn't interfere in that." Anya was a little said by this but she knew how important it is so she didn't try to argue with her mother.

"It's okay. Why don't you all come with us. We have no problem." Josh said while looking at Sheila who also nodded. Hearing this Arya had a bright smile on her face and before she could say anything Harold said "REALLY?". The Taylors and Blake were shocked by this.

"Harold at least try to hide your excitement. You were and still are a magic nerd." Anya said nodding her head to which Harold let out a nervous laugh and said "It's just that I have never seen anyone who would need the 2nd kind of awakening so I was curious."

Everyone including the Blaze family exited from the back entrance and walked in the direction of the forest. After walking for a minute or two they came in front of a door which had magic circles drawn on it.

"This is the basement where the 2nd awakening will be created. This is the 2nd time it will be used from the past 5 decades." Tom said.

"Then for who was it used for the first time Priest Tom?" Simon asked. He had taken the curious personality from his father.

"I am sorry Simon but I am not permitted to say as per the law of the Church." Tom said.

Anya looked at her kids and said "Listen to me both of you the fact that Blake is going through the 2nd awakening shouldn't be spoken to anyone." to which Arya and Simon nodded.

"The memories of all the kids and parents who saw Blake were erased and replaced with normal ones. You both are Harold and Anya's kids so I won't do it to you. So keep that in mind." Tom said.

As a priest of the church he had access to artifacts among which one of them could alter the memories of a group of people. This artifact has no side effects on the the people it is being used if the use its too regular. If anyone has the artifact used on them multiple times then they might suffer through mental problems and sometimes they can even become an idiot.

Tom placed his hand on the magic circles on the door and the magic circle lit up. After making a few metallic sounds the door opened. There were stairs going down and the entire group followed Tom downstairs. Even though Tom said that this place has been used only once in the past 6 decades, not a speck of dust was seen. Infact as they were going down they could feel more mana concentration.

As they reached the bottom they saw a cave like structure and the ceiling of the cave was very high. In the middle of it was a small pond. The water in the pond was blue in color and it was shining.

"Is it what I think it is?" Harold and Simon asked together. They had their jaws dropped and even the other adults except Sister Mary and Priest Tom were a bit shocked. Arya and Blake had a confused expression as they didn't know what special it is about this blue water.

"Yes it is pure mana. Compressed to such an extent that it is in liquid form. When someone's soul spirit isn't awakened with normal mana we bring them here as this is more pure an abundant source of mana. Blake go and sit in the middle of the pond." Tom said.

Blake nodded and went at the edge of the pond and saw that the edges of the pond were covered with different colored stones. He dipped his feet in and it sunk till his waist. He sat down inside the lake with his legs crossed. Now only his head could be seen above the liquid mana.

'I feel so comfortable in this as if I am sleeping on a bed made of feathers. This soothing feeling is way better than anything I have ever felt.' Blake was thinking when Tom's voice brought him back to reality.

"I will be starting the awakening now so make sure to let your soul spirit absorb as much as mana it wants. Don't restrict it" to which Blake nodded and just like last time Tom crouched down and touched the ground making a glowing line appear from under his palms and reached the pond. The blue pond lit up as well and the magic stones started to shine brightly.

Blake could feel something inside him suck the liquid mana inside his body through his skin. The force was so strong that a vortex was forming inside the pond in the middle where Blake was sitting. Seeing this Harold said

"He is absorbing the mana from the pond as if the pond is being drained."

"Mr Harold that's the difference between such soul spirits. The price to nourish and grow them is astronomical." Sister Mary said.

Tom lifted his hand but the sucking of liquid mana inside Blake continued. After a few minutes the pond had almost dried up and now less than 10% was left and suddenly a pop sound was heard from inside Blake's body. Due to Blake being inside a cave the found echo making it sound way too loud.

And that's when everyone saw Blake Soul spirit....


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