Blake's Soul Spirit

Purple smoke rose from behind Blake. The smoke was dense and was collapsing on itself. It did not give any feeling like the heat felt by Simon's and Arya's soul spirits.

"Eh? All this buildup for some purple smoke?" Blake asked with a stupefied expression on his face. He was looking at Tom and Sheila for an answer to his question.

"Actually it is kind of unique. I don't know anyone who has ever got a soul spirit that is intangible." Harold said.

"What about elements like fire, water, wind, ice, and other elements? Aren't they intangible too?" Simon asked his father. Everyone wanted to know the answer to that question including Blake so they looked at Harold.

"No... no one receives pure elemental abilities as a soul-spirit is something that has sentience. Even a tool-type soul spirit like an ax, sword, and many more have a sentience of their own and once a soul master becomes a 6-star soul master, they can communicate with them. Even if a soul has elemental properties like your and Arya's fire, it still needs an anchor which will have the sentience like your sword and her whip. But Blake's soul spirit doesn't seem to have one which has now made me rethink about soul spirits." Harold said.

"Could it mean that my soul spirit has no sentience?" Blake asked. He didn't like being the odd man out again.

Before Harold could reply to that Priest Tom started laughing and said "Hahaha...Blake if your soul spirit didn't have sentience then who sucked the whole lake dry."

Hearing this Blake took his tongue out and had an embarrassed face. He again looked at the smoke that was moving in itself when he heard Sister Mary say "Maybe try to use your soul spirit. We could find what it does."

"How do I do that?" Blake asked with a confused expression.

"Just put your hands forward and imagine letting your soul spirit float through them." Mary said.

Blake followed her instructions and smoke started to appear from his hand. He saw that the smoke was still purple and it was denser than any smoke he has ever seen.

"Mmm...brat try to condense the smoke in a solid rope and pick up a rock." Sheila suggested. Blake nodded and tried to imagine the smoke in his left hand condensing into a thick rope. The smoke began to become denser. After a few seconds, it was like a rope but it didn't look solid. It just looked like dense smoke in a transparent pipe.

Blake aimed the smoke rope toward a rock that was the size of a human head. The smoke circled the rock entangling it from all sides. Blake tried to pick the rock up but suddenly the rock broke into many pieces and fell to the ground.

"The grip of the smoke is that good? Even a rock was broken under its pressure?" Simon and Arya asked.

"No, the smoke didn't apply pressure." Tom said.

"Then how did the rock break?" This time even Anya was curious.

"The strands of smoke that entangled the rock corroded the rock to break." Harold said making everyone suck in a breath of cold air.

"Your smoke has corrosion properties. That's a really strong ability Blake." Simon said to which even Arya nodded.

Sister Mary was looking at Tom who had a gloomy face. He sighed and looked at Blake and said "Blake why don't you along with Simon and Arya go up to the hall and get yourselves registered. Simon, you register your soul spirit as the flaming sword, Arya register your soul spirit as a flaming whip and Blake register your soul spirit as only purple smoke. Don't mention the corrosion property to anyone."

"Uhh? Why only smoke?" Blake asked with a confused face. He knew that the property of corrosion is strong when compared to others but he didn't understand why he needs to lie to the church. Arya had the same question but Simon understood what Priest Tom meant. The property of corrosion was strong but also deadly. If the wrong people find out then they may try to harm Blake.

Sister Mary quickly said "Because we want you to be able to control that property on your own. With enough practice, you can switch between turning on and off the property. Then corrosion will be as your trump card."

Blake nodded and then with Simon and Arya left the cave to get himself registered. After the 3 kids left the entire cave went silent. Everyone was looking at each other not knowing what to say. Josh was the most clueless of them all because unlike the others he wasn't so much good at soul masters stuff.

Tom looked at Harold and asked "You noticed it too, didn't you?" to which Harold said "Yes I did. No matter how hard it is to believe it was right in front of me."

Sheila was getting more worried with every passing second so Anya went to comfort her and said "Priest Tom, Harold can you please tell us what you guys are talking about?"

As a mother, Anya could see that Sheila even though runs an orphanage, she treats Blake as her own son. So she could understand Sheila's worry.

Harold sighed and said "Honey, as I said no intangible soul spirit can exist and have sentience. And Blake's soul spirit sucked so much mana which means it has sentience. All this comes down to one conclusion and it is that we couldn't see Blake's soul spirit at all."

The confused Josh got more confused by this statement and asked "But didn't we just see the smoke?"

Harold looked at Tom who said "Tom the purple smoke was hiding Blake's real soul spirit and that's not the part that has got me and Harold worried."

"Then what is...please just say it Uncle Tom" Sheila said in an angry tone. She was tired to see her uncle and Harold not saying what really was the problem.

"Sheila there is no purple smoke. It wasn't smoke at was dark mana." *sigh* Tom said with a sad expression.

"What is dark mana and why is this the first time I am hearing of it." Anya said looking at her husband for an answer.

"Honey, dark mana is something we only read in myths. We only know that it is purple in color and it corrodes the mana of anything it touches. That's why the rock corroded because everything in this world whether living or not is imbued with mana. For centuries Evil Soul Masters have tried to create dark mana but ended up dying by just creating a wisp of it and here Blake is a running battery who can produce an unending amount of dark mana and even stay normal after touching it." Harold said.

"No we cannot let anyone know about this. I don't care if I have to beat him up every day and keep him at the orphanage for all his life but I won't allow Blake to become an experiment specimen for some evil does." Sheila said.

"Don't worry the fact that Blake was able to condense and make a rope out of him proves that he has complete control and authority over it. Which means he can control its property with enough practice." Tom said assuring Sheila that no harm will befall Blake.

"Sheila why don't you and Blake come to our house till he can learn to control it. There is still 3 months' time for their Soul Master academy to start." Anya said to which even Harold agreed and said "Yes and I have some scrolls which talk about dark mana so we may be able to help Blake to disguise his soul spirit as something strong and not let anyone know that its dark mana."

"Sheila as much as it pains me to part with you and Blake I think this is the best for him. I think I can handle running the orphanage alone." Josh said with full confidence. In his mind he knew that there was no way he would be able to handle it but with the help of the villagers he can definitely manage it.

"I don't think you need to worry about that. Remember I told you I had something to tell you after the awakening ceremony? The church has planned to renovate the orphanage into a church orphanage and me and Priest Tom are the ones who will take care of the church. Josh can easily take care of the orphanage that way." Sister Mary said which made Josh sigh in relief as he felt the mountain on top of his head vanish.

"Uncle Tom, which means you will be staying with us from now on?" Sheila asked with a surprised tone.

"Yess. I told Bishop Parker that I wish to open a church inside the orphanage of my niece and live my life peacefully there and he agreed instantly." Tom said with a soft smile on his face. He wanted to live his life in retirement with his favorite niece.

"Good now that everything is decided let's go up. The kids must be waiting. We should also get going Harold so that we can make arrangements for Blake and Sheila." Anya said.

After all the adults came up back to the hall they saw the kids waiting for them.

"Did you all finish registering?" Tom asked.

"Yes priest Tom." the kids chimed together.

Sheila walked forward and looked at Blake and said "Blake we have decided that for your training you and me and going to go to shell city and stay with the Blaze family. Uncle Harold said that he can help you practice your soul spirit. What do you think?"

Blake smiled and said "Anything to become strong aunt Sheila. But do you think uncle Josh can handle the orphanage alone? He will make a mess of it." Hearing this everyone started laughing.

After talking for a few more minutes the Blaze family left to go back to Shell city. The Blaze clan is one of the prominent clans of Shell city.

Tom and Mary finished up some work they had at the ceremony hall and left with Blake, Josh, and Sheila to go to Hana village. Mary had come to Hana village many times to visit Sheila and even to treat some people from the village. The villagers had a good relationship with Tom and Mary and they even respected them so Tom knew that when he tells the villagers that the church plans to renovate the orphanage, the villagers will be very happy. Tom was, however, a little sad that he had taken work at her niece's place and just the next day her niece will leave for 3 months to go to shell city but he understands the love and affection Sheila has for Blake and she would do anything to protect it.

The same night the orphanage had kept a small party for the future prosperity the church will bring to the village and even a small farewell to Blake and Sheila. Many of the villagers also joined in the celebration.

The next morning Sheila came to call Blake and she saw that he was already ready to go and was all dressed up and had even packed the little belongings he owned. He was excited not to just go to shell city but because now Sheila was going to give him the letter that came with the basket.


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