Renewed Passion

"Simon come on try to move your sword by either making it sharp or by increasing the temperature of your fire." the headmaster said.

Simon tried and everyone could see that the temperature of the fire had increased a little but it still wasn't enough to make headmaster Garcia budge.

He looked at Simon and said in a stern voice "Simon the blade will be as sharp as your will and the fire will be as hot as the passion burning in your heart. So sharpen that will of yours and see me as the enemy that needs to be cut and increase that passion of yours to burn me to a crisp." the headmaster started shouting loudly in the end. The level-headed Simon who never showed any kind of aggression or violence screamed at the headmaster with wide eyes making the sword bright red. A drop of blood appeared where the sword met the headmaster's hand.

"Good" the headmaster said as he took his hand off the sword and then showed his hand to Simon and the others "Your willpower and passion that couldn't even scratch me managed to give me a light burn and even succeeded in drawing a drop of my blood.

By this time Simon was sweating profusely and was tired as hell. He could hardly stand after pushing himself so hard.

"Lord Harold your son has the potential but lacks the conviction. Don't worry this is just the start. He doesn't need to focus too much on that so early in his life. He is selected." headmaster Garcia said.

Anya and Sheila were shocked to see Simon's performance just now. The progress he made in 1 minute here was way more than the progress he made sparring with Arya every day. Both of them understood that the headmaster wasn't just someone from the military.

'I thought that he would be a simple captain or major in the army but seeing his demeanor and his strength it looks like he is more than that. What is someone like him doing as the headmaster of our city's junior academy?' Anya thought. She looked at her husband who had a smile on his face seeing his their son take a small leap under the headmaster's guidance.

'Nerd as always' she thought.

"Now Arya, come forward." headmaster Garcia said. Arya with a confident expression walked ahead and stood in front of the headmaster.

Arya activated her soul spirit and a whip appeared in her hand. The whip had an edge of fire over it. Scorch marks would appear everywhere the whip would touch.

Headmaster Garcia kept looking at the whip for a few seconds and he was thinking deeply about something. Arya and the others thought that he will do the same thing and grab the whip but the headmaster didn't even touch it.

"Arya you have already refined your whip enough in the last month. It seems you like to battle a lot." the headmaster chuckled.

"Yes headmaster, I love to fight which is why I spar with Simon every day." Arya said quickly.

"Ohh, a battle maniac. You remind me of someone. " headmaster Garcia said. Harold noticed that while saying this the ruthlessness and indifference in the headmaster's eyes had vanished for a few seconds.

'This little girl reminds me so much of her. The same vigor and the same fiery passion. Maybe in the future, she might take this little Arya as her student.' headmaster Garcia thought.

"Arya you are also selected. Keep up your training but also focus on agility. Now Blake it's your turn. Step forward." he said.

Blake who was nervous when he first saw the headmaster was now normal. His body had adjusted to the man's pressure. Blake activated his soul spirit and a braided purple translucent rope appeared.

The eyes of the Blaze couple and Sheila were stuck to the ground where the whip touched the ground. They were worried that Blake might not fully be able to control corrosion when he was pushing himself in this exam.

Headmaster Garcia narrowed his eyes as he looked at Blake's soul-spirit. He then looked at Blake and said "On paper, it said that your soul spirit was purple smoke. I thought it may give you a hiding ability or poisonous smoke. But this is totally different."

Blake waved the rope a little and said "My soul spirit is purple smoke but I managed to shape it into this rope. For now I can only make a rope but I am sure I can make other things in future as well."

"Okay let's test how strong this rope of yours is then." headmaster Garcia said as he held one end of the rope in his hand and then winded it around his hand twice and gripped the rope tightly. He then looked at Blake so that they could start the test.

"Headmaster I can turn the part you hold back into smoke and when it passes through your hand I can turn it back into the rope it was." Blake said.

"Hmm...that is truly useful when someone tries to use your connection to the rope to keep you in range. Arya could face that problem in the future so I hope she can increase her fire enough to make anyone fearful of holding the whip for long." he said while looking at Blake and then Arya. He then continued as he said "For now don't turn it into smoke but you are free to use any other tactic."

Blake nodded and stood firm and the next second the headmaster tried to pull Blake toward him. Blake was moving toward the headmaster but at a very slow pace.

'His physical strength is higher than any 6-year-old I have ever seen. I don't know many soul masters who also take care of their physical strength. He is a good seed and his soul spirit has countless possibilities.' Headmaster Garcia thought.

'Looks like I have to use one of the techniques I have been practicing for the past 10 days.' Blake thought.