Chapter 13

- The Birth of the Akatsuki Pirates


The weeks following my departure from Dawn Island were filled with anticipation and excitement. Ace and I sailed together for a short while, exploring uncharted islands and pushing the limits of our abilities. But as planned, our paths soon diverged. Ace was eager to form his own crew, while I had my own unique vision for the Akatsuki Pirates.

As we approached a bustling port town, we exchanged a firm handshake. "Take care of yourself, Spade," Ace said, his usual cocky grin softened by a rare moment of sincerity. "Let's see who can make the bigger name."

"You too, Ace," I replied with a confident smile. "Let's make the world remember the D. brothers."

With that, we parted ways. Ace headed toward the town, and I set sail toward an abandoned island I had heard whispers about. It was rumored to be a desolate place with a hidden history, perfect for laying low and preparing for what was to come.


The island was everything I expected—isolated and untouched, with remnants of an ancient civilization scattered around. It was the ideal place to train and plan without interruptions. For the next month, I immersed myself in intense training, pushing my limits and utilizing the system to enhance my skills.

One of the system's most intriguing features was the "Devil Fruit Lottery." I decided to try my luck, hoping to acquire a power that would complement my abilities. After spending a significant amount of system points, I hit the jackpot.

The system rewarded me with the Kage Kage no Mi (Shadow Shadow Fruit), a unique Devil Fruit that allowed me to manipulate shadows in various ways. The fruit's abilities were versatile, granting me control over shadows to create clones, manipulate objects, and even steal the shadows of others. It was a perfect fit for my goals, providing both offensive and defensive capabilities.

With my new powers, I trained harder, mastering the fruit's abilities and integrating them into my fighting style. The system also offered a variety of skills and techniques, which I used to broaden my combat repertoire. As I progressed, I felt more confident and ready to face the challenges of the Grand Line.


After a month of rigorous training, I decided it was time to take the next step. The system had granted me the ability to summon allies, and I knew exactly who to call upon. I accessed the "Akatsuki Summoning" feature and summoned a few key members who would form the foundation of my crew.

The first member I summoned was Itachi Uchiha, the enigmatic genius with unparalleled Sharingan abilities. His calm demeanor and sharp intellect made him the perfect right-hand man. Next, I summoned **Kisame Hoshigaki**, a powerhouse with immense physical strength and control over water. His fierce loyalty and combat skills would be invaluable.

Finally, I summoned Deidara, the explosive artist who thrived on chaos and creativity. His unique explosive clay abilities added a versatile edge to our crew. The three of them appeared before me, each ready to serve with unwavering loyalty, thanks to the system's absolute loyalty feature.

With my core crew assembled, I turned my attention to the next critical task: building our ship. Using the system's extensive catalog, I began designing a customized vessel that would serve as our home and base of operations. I named it "Akatsuki's Shadow", a sleek and imposing ship with dark sails and a design that reflected our crew's unique style.

The system's construction tools allowed me to include advanced features, such as an armor-reinforced hull, concealed weaponry, and a state-of-the-art navigation system. The ship also had ample space for training, living quarters, and a specialized area for summoning new crew members when the time was right. It was a vessel worthy of the Akatsuki Pirates, and I couldn't wait to set sail on it.


Together, we set out to make a name for ourselves. We sailed to a nearby archipelago notorious for its lawlessness, where we could test our strength and establish our presence. Our first target was a notorious pirate crew that had been terrorizing the region. With the combined might of our abilities, we swiftly defeated them, gaining a small yet significant bounty.


Ace's POV:

Meanwhile, Ace was making strides of his own. He had already begun gathering a small crew and was quickly gaining a reputation as a rising pirate. News of my exploits reached him, and he couldn't help but smirk as he read the latest bounty posters.

"Spade, huh?" Ace muttered, holding up a poster with my face on it. "Looks like he's doing well. Guess I have some competition."

Despite our separation, Ace was proud of my progress. Our sibling rivalry only fueled his determination to grow stronger and make a name for himself. He knew our paths would cross again, and he looked forward to the day we could compare our achievements.


As the second month came to a close, my name had begun to spread throughout the region. The Akatsuki Pirates were quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with, and it was time to establish a proper base of operations. I planned to find a hidden island, a place where we could regroup and strategize for future endeavors.

The world was vast, and the journey ahead was uncertain. But with the Kage Kage no Mi's power, the formidable Akatsuki members by my side, and the Akatsuki's Shadow under our command, I was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. The Akatsuki Pirates would soon rise to prominence, and the world would never be the same.