Chapter 12: Nightmare

I really didn't know what happened between us. Whatever I did wrong to deserve his cold shoulder suddenly. Was it because I became too dependent of him? But that wasn't the case.

I opened a gate-away restaurant with five branches in five different influential cities. The profit was good, better than my prior estimation anyway.

I owned several farms of different crops that produces oils and their processing industries, I started a real estate company and within just a year, All our buildings were doing great.

For once in our lives I could say we were stable but, he ghosted me. Made it like I never existed.

For the whole of the year before I didn't get to see Chris, at first I thought he was busy and all but no..., He was just avoiding me.

Chris was never someone who gets angry with every small things I do but, he was always moody whenever we saw each other.

The change started to get obvious during his third contract with the team. He banned me from going to his matches, Blocked on all his accounts it got to a stage where I had to search his name so I could know how he was doing and that was because (In his defense) I was so fat! We couldn't make that picture perfect, the envy of the nation.

And like a dutiful wife I was, I started look at the things I ate and drink, starving myself, Doing exercise none stop, I even considered surgery when I saw so small change in me.

That's when it hit me.

That wasn't my Chris anymore. I knew but, I still held on. Hope can really kill a soul.

So, everyday I put on a brave front, a warm smile on my face and do my best at my studies and work. They helped so much. Only during the day, though. I find myself crying to sleep every night.

How did everything came to that? I was his best friend above all else he could talk to me about anything. I always listen to his words.

I was at my wit's end. A living ghost of my past self. I had everything we dreamed of when we were still young and hustling. We had the money,houses and cars, he had the fame and I had some respect from the public but, I lost HIM.

And that made everything feel like they were trash.

I would always choose him among anything that came as an alternative.

"Sis, Beatrice!... Sister!" I heard my assistant and apparent friend, Lucia's voice.

"What? Can't you see that I'm busy here?" I asked sternly while in truth I was just overthinking on my love life.

"This is a must see" She said stubbornly.

"Then show me and get out!" I said, unnecessary anger brimming in me.

At first she was shocked then she was hurt before she was determined again and came to play me a video that was in a hot search.

My man, Christopher Barnabas Cage, was found with a young, ugly girl who even the devil wouldn't think of dating coming out of one of prestigious hospitals in the country. And guess what? That girl was seven months pregnant.

I was sitting there, inside my office looking at their faces when they were dodging every paparazzi blocking their way.

He was so thin. So beaten up. The world may never see it but, I knew him.

"Her name is Elaine, a nurse, graduated last year from your university actually, She stays with him at his new house" Lucia started her analysis and I just shut down.

I couldn't keep for long enough, the expense was killing me. The state of not knowing what the heck is really going on, Destroys ones mind.

"Lucia, Arrange my car and I'll be down in ten minutes" I gave the order before literally running towards the bathroom. I was so freaking hurting inside.

I sat by the floor with my back on the door and started to cry in earnest. Truly too much love is never a good thing. I felt like I'd go crazy any moment if I don't get to see Chris soon.

I stood up after so long to retouch my make up and change into some comfy for the ride clothes.

"Is it ready?" I asked Lucia when I saw her standing beside the bathroom door.

"Beatrice...!" She called in sadness before started to fall from her eyes coming to hug me.

I couldn't refuse it as I needed another human being's comfort. I hugged her so tightly. She cried and cried while I was silently happy to find someone who cares.

"At least let me drive you there" She offered getting out of my embrace.

"No. I need you here to oversee everything in my absence. Can I count on you?" I asked packing my purse and starting to walk out.

"Always chief!" She said with a salute making me smile. It was my nickname from my first employees and I guess people adapt.

"But for how long?" She halted me at the door

"Treat it as me taking a long vacation" I said with a wink her way.

"I hope everything is just a big misunderstanding" She said cheering me on.

"That makes two of us" I said with a smile and getting out of the office. I knew Chris and he would never go public with a girl he ain't serious about. And seven months pregnant?

Doesn't that mean in the year he didn't come home to me, he was with her? My senior?.

I was so damn angry and hurt but, I still found the time to smile from all the little crazy things Chris ever did to me. I was still unrealistically hopeful.

I got to his house late in the night. It was a nine hours drive from my office. Excluding the time for gas and food break as I had a full tank and Lucia already packed food for me but,I couldn't eat. I had no appetite.

Turning the car off, inhaling, exhaling and I got out of the car. My body was in pins, stomach flipping in dread,heart racing from fear of what I would get to see once I step foot inside.

I walked myself to the doorstep gingerly before pressing for the door bell.

For someone who was young, handsome,rich and famous. The environment wasn't conducive. I frowned when I got no reply.

I had his keys. He left them on his last visit the year before. I didn't even know where the house was but, owned his keys. We were weird.

I fished for the keys in my purse, thanking my stars that I carried that purse that day or I would've slept on his doorstep that night.

I opened the door and just like that I was in.

The house was huge and beautiful. It was in the same style as my house with a large framed picture of both of us smiling for the camera.

We were so happy but, I didn't let my mind wander so I called Chris.

I walked to every room in search for him. He may not even be there and I couldn't call as I was blacklisted.

"What's the fuck, Chris!!" I exclaimed, shell shocked by what met my eyes on the bed of one of the many rooms I got in.

My boyfriend. Safe to say husband. Cuddling with a girl on the bed. Naked.

"What?" The girl asked groggily.

"So noisy!" Chris grumbled with a groan.

"Chris! What is this?" I asked, sobbing. I had an inclining of the possibility of him cheating on me but what I saw broke me to pieces.

He just looked at me before yawning and scratching his ears lazily.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He asked eyes locked to mine, with his lips crooked in an attempt of a ghost smile.

He was mocking me. My Chris....No, scratch that...The known striker Cage, was mocking me.

"Who's this babe?" The girl, beside him stirred and asked and that's when I saw her big belly.

"No one, babe. Go back to sleep" He said softly, kissing her forehead.

That was supposed to be me he was kissing, but instead I was apparently a 'no one' in his eyes. An intruder. A stranger. A spectator to his display of affection to his new pregnant girl.

Where have I gone wrong?. Is it because I said I wasn't ready to be a mom?.

"As you can see, we are still sleepy from all the rounds. There is a guest room beside this, if you are tired from the journey" He suggested before closing his eyes again.

"Chris?" I called him in silent, choking on a sob. Unsure of what was happening before my eyes. I had so much to ask and say to him but, I knew I couldn't get answers that day.

I also needed to analyze the situation first and choose my course of action.

So, I turned to the door after I mumbled a small 'I'm sorry' and I left.

I got to see my relationship of ten years going by the wind. It was a normal occurrence but, I always believed that it will never be me. Never us.