Beginning of the Adventure

Why did I ask? I fucking knew it! With the number of ATG ff and their number of views, it was so obvious….

Ok so 1st world ATG… I will not follow the plot, no Ancestral God bs too much of a pain… Like I already said cliché Xia Qingyue somewhere at the start and after… we'll see.

I don't want to make some young master bullshit so no drama… Well, at least not till she's strong enough…I think

Also, I'm not an expert with ATG. Honestly, most of what I know comes from fanfics and the two hundred or so chapters I read from the Manhwa so this world will be rushed except for the Power UP of the MC in the early chapters.


Ok, so I was too hasty with the end of the last chapter so I rewrote it. For those who don't want to go reread it here are the changes:

- She took some stuff with her before leaving (a phone + solar charger, some food, and some clothes…).

- She went a year before the start… Yeah didn't know how to start otherwise…

- She chose her background which you'll discover in this chapter.

And please don't roast me too much for this chapter…I had to do something that had some sense so I've done it…you can't be mad at me for this…. I know I could have begun in the Realm of Gods and all but….....





Azariah suddenly appeared within a seemingly cheap house but the house was more like a big room than a house. The walls were made of wood, with no apparent insulation and no electric devices could be seen, even the basic things like a sink or a bathroom were not present.

There was a queen size bed on the other side of the door, a desk with a mirror on the right side and the left side, a big closet with space for clothes which took up only a third of the closet and the other two third were seemingly used for…accessories…

Although the room was clean and in good condition, we could see traces of use almost everywhere and mostly on the bed and in the closet. The bed looked to be in good condition but if we looked attentively, we could see that the bed has been repaired more than once and the floor under it has traces of the bed moving back and forth.

Azariah looked around her curiously. She looked at the room, which compared to hers on earth looked very primitive. She then tried to use her system to see if everything is okay.


-Inventory (!)

-Multiverse Travel (2)}

Seeing new things in her system window she opened her inventory to see what the exclamation point is about.




-Others (!)}

She could custom her inventory so she made something clean. She saw the same exclamation point on {Others} so she went to take a look. In it, she could see her phone and charger that she put before coming but something new appeared.

{-Sex Goddess Experience

-Fah Bixia Memories}

Seeing the two new things she understood instantly. The first one, {Sex Goddess Experience}, is the gift of TOB, she is not sure of what to expect from it but knowing her background in this world she knows she will enjoy it a lot.

The second is what comes with her background. Before coming into this world she could choose a background, and obviously, she can't pop up from can pop up from nowhere so she chose one.

She wanted to have a quite big background but not in the Realm Of Gods, she wanted to be in the Sky Profound Continent, so she chose the sect that interested her the more. She hasn't chosen [Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace] for…obvious reasons, nor does she choose the strongest Sacred Ground, Absolute Monarch Sanctuary.

She chose the one where she could do what she wanted the most without a problem and she wanted…SEX! She wanted to fuck so much you can't know. It has been a month since she last inserted her sixteen inches rod in one of those tight and soft holes she loves so much. For a month the only thing that can help her release was a fake, plastic hole.

So she chose, obviously, the sacred ground for dual cultivators on the Sky Profound Continent, Sun Moon Divine Hall. She knows that this is not the best and that they'll be destroyed in some years but she does not care in the slightest.

She is confident in the gift from TOB and if problems occur she can always go back anytime so she can take some risks.

First, she wanted to know everything about Fah Bixia, or the now her from this world. She thought about taking out {Fah Bixia Memories} but she wasn't able to, instead, the system asked her if she wanted to consume the 'item'.

She mentally clicked on {YES} and suddenly a flow of memories appeared in her mind. She saw the life of Fah Bixia from her birth to her sixteen anniversary, which happen just before Azariah came.

The memories had nothing special, she was a villager and lived quietly till two weeks ago when she has been taken to the Sun Moon Hall as an outer disciple because she had a high-quality Yang and Yin energy so she is, as the Futanari Elder who took her in said, "A talent in the art of Dual-Cultivation" or in other words "A high-quality cauldron that I'll pluck when matured" you see where this is going.

But at least because it's an Elder who took her in she is under her 'protection', and she gave her something to hide her Yang and Yin quality so according to her only the 'Heavenly Monarch', the strongest from the sect, can see through it.

She is not expected to mature now so she doesn't have to worry. And as it is an Elder that is nurturing her she also has benefices, she will be given two 'high-quality slaves' by outer sect standards so they are not much valued and she is given two times the money of a normal Outer Disciple and three times the number of resources.

So globally she is quite well. She doesn't have to worry about the Young Master, Ye Xinghan, and she can dual-cultivate quietly without a care in the world.

Now that she sorted through the memories she eyed {Sex Goddess Experiences}. She was expectant about this, she could think about a lot of benefits she could have on top of all the sexual stuff.

To be a Sex Goddess you have to know the body and energy about sex, so it means knowledge about Medicine and other things. Unfortunately, the experiences don't come with direct benefits, except for the increase in soul power, she won't have an instant power up.

She quickly does like the memories and 'consumes' {Sex Goddess Experiences}.

Quickly Eons worth of experiences flowed into her head, an uncountable number of years of sex, of pleasing and being pleased, all the knowledge about how to please someone, how to please oneself, there were even experiences about almost all the kinks, except the most disgusting ones.

There was not only that, a Sex Goddess can't know only about sex, she knows how to seduce, she knows illusions, and she has a large knowledge about the soul and a lot of other things.

She even received knowledge on how to perform alchemy, mostly healing pills, aphrodisiacs and even some non-lethal poisons. She has some knowledge about runes and blacksmithing, she can't always rely on others to create some of her toys and other…accessories.

As all those Eons worth of knowledge and experience flowed into Azariah, she lost consciousness and fell to the floor. Luckily it was night time and no one is allowed to disturb others at that time because a lot are…cultivating.

The night passed peacefully, the streets were quiet, and no sound could be heard from any of the houses but suddenly-




A loud drum sound resounded in all the sect, signifying the start of a new day.


In house 6969, the future Futanari Goddess opens her eyes as she hears the loud and booming sound of drums. After she lost consciousness yesterday, for three hours straight she absorbed an unimaginable number of Experiences.

She was feeling dizzy, and as she received the experiences her Soul has also been expanded and reinforced to the True God level or Tier 3-B. Feeling the world differently disoriented her greatly, even if she received all those experiences her body is not used to this, she needs some time and a stronger body.

"Fuck it's weird… I fell… too much…."

She rapidly tried to suppress her senses and with all the experiences she received, it was an easy feat. She went to the bed at the end of the room and sat down in a lotus position, she then closed her eyes and tried to sort out all the experiences available to her.

She created a sort of mental library where she classed all her experiences. First sex-oriented ones, with how Yang and yin interact with each other, how to please someone, some Dual-Cultivation arts, etc.

Then she put all the 'extra', like medicine, blacksmithing, and other jobs. And finally, she put her memories apart.

"Ah~ Now it's better~ Everything is tidy~ Now if I need something I just need to go to the right section."

After that, she got up from the bed and began to walk around the room. But we could see that Azariah's demeanor changed a lot compared to before. She always had a sexy demeanor, her wide hips swinging side to side and her ass cheeks and breasts bouncing with each step.

But now she looked like the incarnation of the word sexy, she could induce lust in anyone, whatever their orientation. Each step she took was perfect, each time she moved she empathized with her assets, and each look she gave aroused anyone.

She was still a mortal, with no cultivation but just the experiences made her do things subconsciously. She haven't noticed the changes, for her it was almost natural.

As she passed in front of the mirror above the desk she saw herself, her posture perfect, each movement looked like a dance. She smiled seeing herself, even if she did not show it she likes her body very much, and seeing herself already more beautiful with just the correct demeanor and posture she couldn't wait to cultivate and have her beauty enhanced.

She looked at the desk and saw three things. First, 10 shiny white stones that contained a lot of pure Profound Strength, they were low-rank Profound Stones used by low-level Cultivators to cultivate and as money.

Secondly, she received thirty different pills, ten healing pills, fifteen pills that help in cultivation, and finally five for…nightly activities.

Finally and the most important, a Profound Art. She was quite lucky as what she received was one level above what is normally given to outer disciples. The Art is a Dual-Cultivation Art of the Earth Level, named {Sun and Moon Combination Art}, the cultivation Art is nothing special and with her newfound experience, she saw that the Art is just a degraded version of another one.

She was quite in need of cultivation art, the experiences came with cultivation arts but not a lot were suitable for the Primal Chaos Dimension. Suddenly someone toked at the door.



"Elder Xia is waiting for you. I was tasked to escort you to her."

"Yes! Just a second, I finish and I'm coming!"

Hearing no response, she threw all her stuff in her inventory under new categories and left her small house to go and see the Elder who took her in.

But before leaving she looked through the room and looked, for some standard uniform, she found one and dressed without much difficulty, with the number of experiences with weird dresses she has, she is a master at getting changed. She also tried to look less 'enchanting' and go back to her 'normal' demeanor.

The one who was escorting her was a newly promoted inner disciple under Elder Xia, the one who took her in. As she left the house the disciple looked at her with furrowed brow before humphing and telling Azariah to follow him.

The streets were busy, even if this is a sect it looks more like a city, there are even some kids playing around. Everyone was doing their tasks and no drama happened as Azariah strolled through the city.

As you expect from a cultivation world everything was big, it may not look like that but imagine more than ten thousand thirty square meter houses on one mountain, without counting all the important buildings like the Alchemy Hall, Library, or even a sort of palace at the top of the mountain.

They took almost an hour to arrive where Elder Xia was. She was exhausted after walking for an hour without pause. Although she is athletic, she can't keep up with an Earth Realm Cultivator.

They were welcomed by a guard at the entrance of a sort of… brothel. You can't really tell from the outside but if you look with your divine sense at what is happening inside you could see a good number of people 'cultivating'.

The inner disciple who escorted her took out a badge and show it to the guard and only then could they enter.

They entered a small room with not much light. As Azariah is still not a cultivator she can't see well in this room. She can still 'see' with her divine sense so, in fact, she has no problem but it'll be weird if a 'mortal' don't have any problem seeing in the dark.

"Good morning Bixia. I was waiting for you. Congliang please put some light."

Suddenly a soft voice sounded from the other side of the room and the room was illuminated completely. On the other side, from where the voice came from a middle-aged woman appeared, if one word could describe her was 'MILF', she is the type you see in hentai with those massive milkers and her mature figure.

She was dressed in a typical sexy cultivation rob, with her chest almost spilling and a large opening at the level of her long and thick legs. Elder Xia is a Futanari and she has quite the package down there, although it is not very discernible, we could see her rod that must have broken a good number of unlucky disciples twitching so slightly every now and then like it is always ready for some action.

She was smiling gently at Azariah but if we looked attentively, you could see a weird light in her eyes, she seemed analysing every movement of Azariah like an eagle before her prey.

"Good morning Elder Xia."

Azariah responded to her greeting and greeted her back as they do here. She cupped her hand and bowed a little.

"Please take a seat. I need to explain to you some more things about the sect."

Azariah took a seat before a table at the centre of the room and Elder Xia followed after her. Elder Xia then explained to her the Sect's rules and other things related to the sect.

Elder Xia also explained to her about the slave she prepared for her to begin her cultivation.

"The slave I ordered for you will arrive tomorrow. Someone will come in the morning, two or three hours after the drums and deliver them to you."

Azariah nodded as she absorbed all the information given to her even if by her estimation she will not need more than a week to be at the Sovereign Profound Realm and leave the sect to catch some harem members.

"Well, I told everything I had to say. Return to your room and cultivate, although Dual-Cultivation makes cultivation faster and less boring you still need to cultivate by yourself. Take time to comprehend the Profound Art and when you attain the third level notify me. And if you need anything notify me through this rune and if I don't respond contact the inner disciple who escorted you, his name is Duzi. Go and keep a low profile."

Azariah nodded and left the room before leaving the building serving as a brothel completely.

"So what do you think of her little Teng?"

When Elder Xia sensed that Azariah was at a good distance she suddenly got up from her chair as she removed her robe and let it fall on the floor and asked to Duzi Teng the disciple who escorted Azariah.

"I don't understand what you see in her Master. She is nothing but a mortal and she already passed the age for cultivation, her future attainments will be limited. I just can't understand Master."

Duzi Teng looked down as he responded to his Master. Elder Xia seeing Duzi Teng like that smiled. She approached him and took him by the chin as she made him look at her.

"Of course, you can't understand. You don't have enough cultivation to see it but the quality of her Yin and Yang are astronomical. So even if she already passed the age for cultivation I only need her to cultivate for ten years. The technique I gave her sealing away her Primordial Yin and Primordial Yang and accumulating more as she cultivate. She is the best cauldron. I never intended to nurture her as my disciple~"

Suddenly Duzi Teng's downcast face illuminated and an elated expression appeared on his face.

"Master is wise! I never thought about that! But will she not understand after some time that her Primordial Yin and Primordial Yang are sealed?"

"No don't worry about that~ Enough about that~ Get on all four and show me your ass I need to release~"

Her voice became sexier the hornier she was. She wanted so badly to destroy her new toy but she had to resist she wanted to stick her rode in some hole but-

'He's too loose but well… I don't have much choice I can't take it anymore~'

She then threw Duzi Teng on the bed. It was not the first time for Duzi so he quickly removed his closed and went on all four.

"Master~ I want it please~"

Elder Xia smirked seeing her loose toy giggling at his ass. She approached him with her growing dick which stopped at fifteen inches.

And then they-


Azariah still has her senses looking at what was happening in the room but seeing a grown mainly man getting on all four and giggling his ass disgusted her. She doesn't mind and even finds it to her taste when it's a trap/sissy doing it but a buff man is a big no-no.

Azariah arrived back in her room after two hours this time as she took her time and admired the view. Although this can be considered an evil sect, it can't be denied that the sect itself is beautiful.

Entering her room she sat cross-legged on her bed ad closed her eyes. She appeared back in her 'Soul Sea' where she created her mental library and began to create a Profound Art for herself.