Cultivation Art and Slaves


I think I messed up a little with the power level, so I'll use ATG's cultivation Realms for this chapter.

Here is the wiki about the Realms ->

I created an auxiliary chapter, {Power Level}, where I tried converting each realm into a Tier but I don't know if I did a good job or not so if some ATG expert could take a look and help me fix any problem it'll be of great help.


Azariah was currently browsing through her experiences and sorted out everything about Cultivation Arts, a Futanari's body, energies, the interaction between Yin and Yang, etc.

It took her a lot of time to sort it out and then begin creating her own Cultivation Art. Fortunately, time passes differently in her Soul Sea if not days would've already passed and she would've died of exhaustion.

With her experiences, it didn't take much time to create her Cultivation Art. It only took ten or so years in her soul space to create a Cultivation Art that that'll allow her to reach the Creation God level as she needs to know the Law of Nothingness before stepping into the Ancestral God level and unfortunately, she can't understand a Law as strong as this one with only a Cultivation Art she created by herself so she'll have to look for the World-Defying Heaven Manual to understand this Law.


The Art that she created was named {Futanari Goddess Divine Art}.

The Art was tailor-made for Azariah and will allow her to have a perfect body worthy of a Sex deity, mastery of charm arts and illusion second to none.

Her domain of expertise will be anything concerning sex, she'll be able to manipulate emotions such as Love, Desire and Lust to an extreme level and can even feed on them to become stronger. Having intercourse with her can be beneficial but also deadly, it's not because there's 'Goddess' and 'Divine' in the name the Art is 'good'.

The energy generated by emotions is of the highest level because emotions themselves don't have a 'level' and are the same for everyone except for some exceptions. So because she is in the Primordial Chaos Dimension (ATG) her Energy will be Primordial energy and not Profound strength like everyone else.

Because she is a Futanari her body is balanced in Yin and Yang energy, as she cultivates, she will understand those two laws at the same time and by the time she became a True God, she will have fully mastered them.

(A/N: Go to the superpower Fandom and search for {Sex Deity Physiology} and {Sex Entity Physiology}. Most of the power of Azariah will come from there.)

After Azariah finished creating her art she left her Soul Sea and saw that it was sunset. When she began creating her Art it was somewhere like midday so she took almost six hours in the Real World to make her Cultivation Art.


"I need to eat something…"

Feeling quite hungry after not eating for almost a full day she took out some food from her inventory and began to eat to her heart's content as she don't need to be afraid of gaining weight anymore.

She quickly finished her food and decided it was time to begin cultivating. Still seated on her bed in a cross-legged position, Azariah tried to feel the energy around her and with her soul strength, it did not take even a second before she could feel and even count all the energy particles around her.

But first, before cultivating she needed to open all her Profound Entrances. In the Primordial Chaos Dimension (ATG) each individual has Profound Veins for cultivation and 54 Profound Entrance, but unfortunately, all the entrances are not open. For example, Azariah inherited the Profound Veins of Fah Bixia, with only fourteen Profound Entrances open.

The more Profound Entrances are open the higher your 'potential' is so first Azariah has to unlock her potential before beginning her cultivation.

With the experiences and her Divine Sense, she knows her body like the back of her hand and with the control of energy she inherited from the experiences she will have an easier time unlocking her Profound Entrances.

She used one of the many ways she had to open her Profound Entrances and started to unlock them one by one. It was a tortuous and time-consuming operation, it took her most of the night to unlock all 54 Profound Entrances.

And as she unlocked all her Profound Entrances she also mixed some Profound Energy with her Vital Energy to be breakthrough the Elementary Realm.




A new day started in the sect. Azariah opened her eyes as she heard the drums. She did not feel tired, on the contrary, after breaking through to the fifth level she never felt better. But the impurities rejected after each breakthrough made her stink and all sticky.

"The night was quite productive… But I stink… Now she told me to wait two to three hours before my slaves arrive so I should have time to wash … I should have all the thing to wash in there…"

She began to search around and found a bucket filled with water, another sect uniform and some accessories to help her wash. Although this is primitive, she doesn't have much choice as she doesn't want to go to the public baths.

It was a pain for her to wash with those primitive utensils and took her almost an hour to wash all the impurities rejected from her body after her breakthroughs.

"Ah~ It's much better~"

After washing off all the fifth of her body we could see that her body was strengthened and more beautiful than before, her skin was now almost flawless and her figure became more and more perfect after each breakthrough she had.

She had almost no extra fat, her belly flat with a faint abs outline, her thighs juicier and thicker, they may look soft but be aware…the dream could quickly transform into a nightmare.

Her milkers seem to have forgotten the concept of gravity altogether, her butt bouncier and firmer than ever and her hips were curvier than before giving her the famous hourglass figure. She could easily be considered the sexier Futanari back on earth.

She did not dress up and decided to lay on her bed naked.

She lay on her right side, putting her right elbow on her bed as her head lay on her right hand, her left knee half was bent with her foot posed on the bed.

Her breasts still ignored the laws of physic and her crotch was on full display, her unused pussy lips were slightly parted and her flaccid eight inches with a girth of five inches shaft hung on the side.

(A/N: It seems that I mixed up 'Girth' and 'Width'. So her dick when hard is 16 inches long and 8 inches in girth, not 2.5 inches.)

Her pose could arouse anyone and with each of her gestures, her sexiness was brought to another level.

As she has nothing to do and doesn't want to cultivate, she decided to try the skills she could use from her Cultivation Art at her current level but most of them needed test subjects so she could not try things like love, desire and lust manipulation or things like Aphrodisiac Body Fluids or any power that can only be used during sex.

But even if she could use those powers they will be at a very low level, with her cultivation base the most she could affect would be a True Profound Realm cultivator.

The only exception would be illusion arts because she primarily needs a strong soul so except for the remnant of the Divine Beast no one can resist her illusion on this planet.

She is not sure about the cultivators from the Realm Of Gods because although she has a soul as strong as a True God's, she doesn't possess the same quality so she's not sure if she can manipulate those at the Divine Soul Realm and above before she has attained this level.

(A/N: Go there for the why and the how-> )

As she thought about all of that, she began to play around with illusions. She first tried to create simple illusory shapes, then more complex shapes like animals and insects, and she quickly got the hang of it.

After that she made an illusion of herself, she became invisible, and changed her face, voice and even her build. Although this is not at the level of shapeshifting, it is large enough to fool others.

She then tried making illusions on a bigger scale, changing the room by playing with people's perceptions. If someone were to enter her room now they would think they crossed into a different world, the room looked exactly like the one on earth with her computer, bed and even sex toys.

It was difficult to use illusion on a big scale because she does not have that much energy so she can't maintain the illusion for too long.

Azariah continued playing with her newfound powers when suddenly someone knocked at the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

'It's time already? It seems I lost track of time…But… finally my new holes are here~'

A seductive smirk appeared on her face as she licked her lips and blood began to pump in her lower member. She wanted to try her illusions on others so she used them to create clothes, hide her Realm and change herself to how she was before she began to cultivate.


The door then opened and a middle-aged man at the Sky Profound Realm followed by a feminine young man and a young woman each at the Elementary Profound Realm entered Azariah's room.

As they entered they spotted Azariah still in the same position. She currently displayed her 'original' look so none of her newfound seductiveness could be seen by the three bystanders.

Azariah got up and sat on her bed, legs crossed as she observed her slaves up and down. The middle-aged man then bowed a little and presented himself.

"Good morning Young miss. My name is Tian Gou. I am here on the order of mas- Elder Xia to hand you your slaves."

"I see… So it's them I presume?"

The Tian Gou nodded as the two slaves came forward and went on their knees, the young man on his right and the young woman on his left.

"This one on my left is a sixteen years old Androgynous, she was an inner disciple of a low-level sect destroyed not long ago. She has quite a good aptitude and if cultivated well can go up to the Emperor Realm. By the outer sect standards, she has a high-quality Yin energy and a mid-quality Yang energy."

"I see… And this one?"

"This one here is a sixteen years old young man. He was an inner disciple of an intermediate sect also destroyed not long ago. He has the same cultivation talent as the other here. And he has a High-quality Yang Energy."

"Well then thank you for bringing them."

"It was my pleasure Young Miss. If you'll excuse me."

Tian Gou prepared to leave but Azariah stopped him.

"Wait! I still have something to ask."

"Please feel free to ask me."

"Are they clean?"

"Clean? Of course Young miss."



Tian Gou was confused at first but then a light of understanding flashed through his eyes as he nodded with a small smile.

"Of course, Young Miss."

A small smile appeared on Azariah's face as she saw Tian Gou understanding what she was talking about. And as the two slaves saw the interaction between the two they suddenly remembered when the maid got them ready to meet their new Master.

Just thinking about it made them clench their behind tightly and this slight movement did not escape Azariah's perception as this made her smile even more.

"Good. Also, do you know where can I get some training equipment?"

"Ah! Yes! I almost forgot. Elder Xia asked me to give you this."

Tian Gou took out a ring and a needle from his pocket and gave them to Azariah.

"This is a Spatial Ring. A Cyan Ranked one. It has a space of ten cubic meters and inside there are some belongings that Elder Xia asked me to give you. To use it you have to bound with it by letting some of your blood spill on it."

Azariah does as he says and draws some blood from her fingertip with the needle and let it spill on the Spatial Ring.

The ring absorbed the blood and created a connection between it and Azariah. Azariah then looked inside and saw almost all the stuff she needed to 'train' her slaves.

"Please give my thanks to Elder Xia."

"I'll be sure to do it Young Miss. Also in your spatial ring, there is the way to control them. You just need to put the two wooden slabs between your eyebrows and you will have full control of them. Then please take care and don't play too much."

Azariah nodded with a smile as Tian Gou left her room. She then took out two wooden slabs marked with runes from her ring and does as Tian Gou instructed. Suddenly two runes entered her Soul Sea as she felt a slight connection with her two slaves.

She then deactivated her illusion and her magnificent body appeared for all to see as she released some aphrodisiacs in minimal quantity to test their effects.

She then looked at her two new toys that suddenly became rock hard after seeing her.

"You two get up and remove your clothes"

The two slaves got up and did as instructed by their new master and removed their clothes.

The young Futanari has C-cup perky breasts and thin stature, and her hard cock was ten inches long.

The young man was what was called a Sissy or Femboy. He had a petite and very slender body for a boy, no muscles could be seen on his body, and he had a plump butt and a cute six inches hard dick.

"You my little Sissy, for now, I'll call you Sissy. I'll try to find a name for you later but for now, you go by the name 'Sissy'. Understood?"



"As for you my little Futa. Same as your fellow here it'll be your name till I find one. Understood?"


(A/N: If you have some ideas for their names put them in the comments->)

"Good. Now you two. Get on the bed on all four and stick your ass out for a little inspection~"

They followed the order went on the bed then stuck their ass out. Then with seductive steps, Azariah went in front of their butt and began to inspect their holes.

She first looked at Futa's behind. Because of the aphrodisiac, she is releasing, the two are relaxed so it's easier for her to examine their holes.

She first looked inside with her divine sense to see if their really clean and she was not disappointed. The two were the cleaner she has ever seen, not a speck of shit could be seen.

She then began to massage around the hole and stretch her ass cheeks. Futa shuddered each time Azariah's cold fingers caressed her butthole, she was more sensitive because of the accumulation of aphrodisiacs in her body.

Suddenly without warning, Azariah inserted one of her fingers and feeling the sudden intrusion Futa couldn't help but moan.


"Oh, it seems that you already have been trained~ My finger entered without any difficulty… It even felt like your hole has been lubricated…"

'It's first class! Never had one as good as this one~"

From Azariah's experiences, she never had a hole as good as this one. But she forgot that she is in a cultivation world and that after each breakthrough the body of a cultivator is more and more perfect. So it's not possible to compare it to a mortal's body.

She wanted to see the limit of this hole so she added another finger and then another, till her whole hand was exploring the inside of the cave.

"You…tell me. Did you stretch it yourself?"

Azariah found it hard to believe that her ass was already stretched this much, although her aphrodisiacs relax the body it can't do something like that. And anal is not that well spread so it is not often that she finds a hole like that.

Futa was the more relaxed since the beginning, she knew her life was not in her hands anymore and truthfully speaking she even liked this situation, she was a pervert and couldn't wait to take in the monster she saw hanging from her master.

"Yes, master."

Azariah smiled hearing that. She wanted to fuck and didn't want to waste her time by training her slaves as it will take too much time so she is happy that this hole is already ready.

"I already like you~"

Azariah removed her hand in one go and a pop sound was heard as she gave a slap on Futa's ass.




Futa moaned and became wet and precum began to come out of her cock.

"Now let's see if you're the same or if I have to break you~"

Azariah approached Sissy's hole and made the same thing as she has done to Futa but this time she could only enter four fingers before she began to feel some resistance.

"Well, it seems I'll have to train you a little…"

Azariah slapped the two asses and let her lust explode, a puddle quickly began to form at her feet and her ass destroyer was hard as precum began to come out massively.

"You two get up. We will begin the fun~"