It's a Trap (Part 1) (R18)

Azariah was looking at the deep purple particle hovering in front of her. The particle was small, as small as a speck of dust. But despite its small size, the energy contained in it could rival what is in a First-Level Elementary Realm cultivator.

This was Primordial Energy, the highest form of energy in the Primordial Chaos Dimension and what was used to create the dimension. The quality and density of this energy are incomparable to Profound Energy, being almost a thousand times purer and denser.

She was able to obtain some at the moment her two slaves climaxed. She was not strong enough so she had to wait for the two to attain their peak in lust and desire before being able to take some of those emotions and feelings. When the three climaxed it was when the highest concentration of lust and desire was produced and it was her best chance to take some Primordial Energy.

Although Azariah seemed relaxed she was using her all to contain the little particle of Primordial Energy. This energy is very volatile and aggressive, and something from far away is trying to take it, the Abyss of Nothingness.

Azariah couldn't lose her concentration nor could she move for fear of losing control of it and letting it go away. Without moving an inch, she began, little by little, to absorb and make this particle her own.

Fortunately, with her Cultivation Art and soul strength, she has all the tools to be able to make this energy her own.

The particle, slowly, approached her and sank into one of her profound entrances. Azariah was fully concentrated on her task, she let the Primordial energy's particle circulate in her profound vein naturally as she was suppressing its violent tendencies.

The particle began to grow as it absorbed the profound energy already present in her veins. As Primordial passed through her profound entrance they were purified and slowly evolved to accommodate Primordial Energy.

It was a torturous process for Azariah, she felt her veins becoming stronger and stronger, her profound entrances purer as she breakthrough the Realms bit by bit.

She was sweating profusely and impurities were expelled as she purified her Profound Veins.

The overall process was not long, less than five minutes to convert all her energy into Primordial Energy.

After she finished she felt like never before, her strength broke a whole Realm. She was now at the Sixth-Level Nascent Realm, her body was lighter and her curves even more emphasised. Now that she could use her energy outside her body more easily she did not have to take a shower to wash, she can just use her energy to clean herself.

She washed off the filth on her and her body appeared in all its magnificence. Her skin was flawless, her face was perfect, and her general stature was soon worthy of a goddess. Her breasts size increased slightly, her ass breaker gained another inch and her plump ass cheeks became firmer.

As she was getting used to Primordial Energy she also absorbed all the cum in her, although it does not have the same properties as hers, it helped her in her breakthroughs.

She was in a happy mood and horny but looking at her two slaves, one out on the bed with cum still dripping from his asshole and the other taking her ass for a pillow and sleeping, she calmed down her lust and decided to let them sleep.

She washed them and placed them correctly on the bed. With some minor telekinesis using her powerful soul and some energy, she took most of the cum from the bed sheets and placed it in a jar on her desk for…later use.

She was not tired physically because of her breakthroughs but mentally she was exhausted. Having to suppress the speck of Primordial Energy with only her soul was exhausting, she had the quantity but not the quality so she had to put a lot more effort.

She went onto the bed and lay between the two. After some minute she closed her eyes and drifted to Dreamscape.

Abruptly Azariah felt a massive increase in energy flowing through her body - this energy was of a sort she didn't recognise, however. Compared to the wild lust she had just tamed, this energy was nothing short of… Chaotic in both form and nature. Despite that, it flowed through her allowing her to feel as if crushing the Sun Moon Divine Hall would be as easy as setting her eyes upon it.

With such a feeling she quickly opened those very eyes to try to find the source of this energy; upon which she saw something far more interesting.

An adorable little girl she somehow was sharing a gigantic plain bed with.

A pair of large eyes looked to meet her eyes with the innocence of a child - fluttering her long lashes that seemed all-natural. The pair of innocent eyes weren't the same, however, as her right was a glimmering crimson while the left was an abyssal black. Those beautiful eyes were nothing short of magical and seemed to contain a purity Azariah had never seen before.

Not an ounce of makeup was on that cute face which was amazing considering her flawless skin made even Azariah look l haggard in comparison. A cute button nose sat between her eyes while a large smile was present on the girl's arched-up lips - a plump pair of lips that the futa had no doubt would feel divine around her penis.

Her complexion was far different from anything Azariah had seen in the last 2 days for a completely different reason; the girl was an adorable ebony cutie pie.

The girl had straight black hair that came to rest past her chin yet many random strands fell even further down giving a chaotic yet somehow fitting style. Atop her hair were actually two black cat ears that twitched making them unlikely to be fake.

A little index finger came up from under the covers to lightly slide across Azariah's collar bone before a cute little voice came out of those dick-sucking lips. "I see you are finally all there big miss [pɐsɥ] do you mind if I get closer [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][bnǝsʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]"

Some of her words contained great power yet what they actually meant was beyond Azariah's comprehension. She could hear them but what they actually meant was completely above her like she had no right to hear them, which shocked her greatly.

She has a soul force equal to that of a True God and no one in the Primordial Chaos Dimension has a soul as strong as hers. The only individual she could think of was the Ancestral God who is in deep slumber in the soul of Xiao Liangxi, Yun Che's aunt and 1000th reincarnation of Ancestral God.

But she quickly discarded this option, when the Ancestral God appears only her voice can be heard, she never appears as someone or something, much less in the form of an adorable little girl.

And another point which does not make sense is her skin tone. ATG was created by a Chinese man, meaning jade beauties and crystal white skin, at most tanned skin, but never has there been mention of a dark-skinned individual.

Even when she passed through the sect she never saw someone with this skin tone and the sect has every type of people, with the number of sects destroyed and their disciples turned into slaves or people kidnapped from who knows where you could see every type of people findable on this planet.

So the only way possible for someone so strong and 'different' to appear here is that they do not come from the Primordial Chaos Dimension, but from outside.

"You are thinking so much it is making me think you don't like me [ǝllᴉdsǝ]" The short girl spoke with a sad tone.

Her next action both greatly surprised and pleased Azariah.

Gently the girl lifted herself from the bed letting the bedding fall down her slender frame where two little mounds quickly caught the futa's attention. They were nowhere large enough to be called boobs however there was at least enough to make for a pleasant handful of pillowy ebony flesh.

Little dark cherries enticingly bounced on those brown peaks as the dark-skinned girl turned so her little back faced Azariah; the girl couldn't be more than 5 feet tall.

She once more lowered herself down into the sheets while her hands went to her rump at which point Azariah quickly realised this girl wasn't as innocent as she seemed. The girl was spreading her cheeks as she moved down - the mighty shaft that had made Sissy into a woman being completely enveloped.

Pressing her asscheeks together to bury the entirety of Azariah's bitch breaker within her pillowy warmth and against her puffy anus.

The feeling of a plump doughnut wrapping gently around her monster shaft quickly made Azariah realise that she may as well be a virgin in comparison. A gentle stream of lube leaked out of her gaping hole; quickly painting Azariah's penis in the sticky juice as the girl moved her butt up and down.

"Feels great doesn't it [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][bnǝsʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ] Well you should know it feels even better on the inside [pɐsɥ] even the absolute demon god empress has came inside this pastry of mine [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]" She spoke excitedly with a smug look that looked adorable - almost contradicting her actions as well as words.

Azariah grunted with each movement, she felt like never before as her dick was squeezed between those wet, colossal plump cheeks. Her shaft rubbed against the girl's gaping asshole as more and more juice was coming out.

Honestly, she was already ready to paint the petite body of the girl in white, but she withstood it as she wanted to at least do it inside. It was the first time in her life she has been put on edge just with just an assjob. But it was also the best she had in her life, they were heavenly, the lube coming out of her inviting gaping hole made her dick slippery, the cheeks exerted the right strength and each of the girl's movements was perfect.

"Well, I don't know who this Absolute Demon God Empress is but I sure want to try your insides. If just your cheeks feel like that I can't imagine what your inside'll be like~"

Azariah suddenly pushed the girl on the side and went on her knees. The girl fell head first on the bed, not minding anything she let herself fall and then raised her ass as she spread her cheeks, showing her dripping gaping hole. So well used that it had been bruised to a nice brown that made it seem more at place on livestock than a cute 5-foot girl.

"Ah, a[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ] Make me into a snivelling little bottom bitch like I deserve big sister[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]" Proudly shaking that chocolate glazed doughnut - it jiggling slightly - that had a gape circumference of at least 5 inches!

Azariah was smiling from ear to ear, having a loli ready and willing to take her in was making her day. But she forgot an important detail, this individual is not a normal perverted loli.

She placed herself in the best position and held the jiggling chocolate behind in place. Then aimed her girthy seventeen inches bitch maker at the dripping, gaping and loose hole.

Without hesitation, she swung her hips backwards before suddenly thrusting her hard and slippery cock. She entered without difficulty, her sword slipping in like it was the sheath made for it. A loud sound resounded in this seemingly infinite Dreamscape.


In already one thrust Azariah was already ball deep making the girl squeal in delight as her whole body rocked forward. Azariah felt her dick being squeezed, the girl's insides moving like a separate entity and wanted to milk the foreign shaft.

With great difficulty as not to cum too fast and because her ass seems to not want to let go, Azariah took out her dick bit by bit till only the head was inside. Then swung back in, her dangling balls slapping the girl's plump bottom as the girl begged for more with a deprived mewl.



Azariah continued her thrust faster and stronger, her cum bags almost hurting but giving her more pleasure. It was not long till she couldn't take it anymore, the assjob was already more than enough to break the mind of some but her insides were at another level. If she declared that her slave's holes were first-class then this one was above god-class, maybe only TOB's was better.

For two minutes she was desperately thrusting, without even minding the loud girl's cries that intensified with each thrust as she built up her climax. With one last and strong thrust, she gripped the girl's waist and let out her baby maker.

An astronomical and inhuman amount of cum gushed out, the girl's belly rapidly inflating as litres of impregnating juice filled the little bitch.

The pussy-cat grinding her buxom butt against Azariah to work out each drop of potent baby batter she could - humming softly to the sound of cum gushing inside. It only took moments before her once little belly began to splay across the bed like an overfilled water balloon.

A big self-pleased grin on the girl's face as she moved a hand to gently rub her bloated belly. Despite the insane amount of baby batter released, something that would've easily killed a normal human, the girl just took it as if she was born to be a condom. Stretching and all.

Azariah was a little shocked that the petite girl was able to take in so much, but at the same time pleased. She always wanted to inflate a bitches belly with her cum, something impossible on earth. Her slave could have made the job, they exist to respond to their Master's whim, but she thought of making it easy for their first time and going further as time passes.

"You look like a five-month pregnant mother and I like that~ But I think it's not enough. Ninth month's better."

The girl took out her eyes from her inflated cum container and looked behind her. She saw the smiling Azariah and her still hard sword ready to go back in its perfectly fitting sheath after barely being able to pull out from the needy hole. Then, with an aroused smile and beginning expression, she raised her behind and begged.

"Too small [pɐsɥ] fill me so much that I end up being more cum than a person [pɐsɥ] I want to drown in my belly when face down [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]" She practically begged while still swinging her hips; that mammoth anus twitching as the musky stench of the futa's batter wafted out. That hole of the girl practically trying to entice Azariah to plunge back in and abuse it for another round.

Azariah let herself be enticed by the living condom's twitching entrance and entered without a second thought. As Azariah barely entered, she already felt herself being milked, the deeper she was the stronger the suction. She was massaged everywhere, all her weaknesses were played with as her cum was used as lube.

This time she hoped to hold much longer and make the most of her newfound stamina. This time she was more aggressive, each thrust was stronger than the last, each time her ball slapped against the plump flesh wave of pleasure coursed through her, the dark-skinned girl's ass quickly gaining a red glow.

The girl seemed to be lost in pleasure, her cum filled belly rippled with each thrust, and cries of pleasure left her from between her dick-suckign lips. Each pull-out was harder than the last as her gluttonous ring gripped on tighter - soon refusing to even let go.

At first, this resulted in nothing short of grinding their hips against one another however it quickly expanded to include heavy rutting. The only problem was that the futa's penis brought the girl's insides along with her. Each time Azariah's balls slapped across the girl's ass signified another part of her ass that became more fleshlight than intestine; soon Azariah found herself pulling out way further just to see how much of the girl's insides she could deform to her whim.

"Ah fuck my ass up more big sister Az [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]" Practically screaming as she reached back to wrap her delicate little hands (both) around the shaft which was using her insides as a sleeve. Moving those hands up and down as if to help in the process of destroying her little body - her insides squirming in delight. "Give me a perverted body only a degenerate could love [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]"

"You're lucky I am, then~"

"I'm fine with being discarded after use though [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]"

Azariah suddenly slapped her right cheek, leaving a red handmark.

"No, you're coming. I'll never let go of you. You're now my toy~"

Azariah continued to use the little girl as her fuck toy, slamming her hips with enough force to break a normal person and slapping those now deep red almost purple glistening plump asscheeks every now and then.

The bed, by some miracle, was still standing strong even with the strength used in this fierce mating session. The sheets were still clean as not an ounce of cum could escape from this hungry black hole with Azraih's penis acting as a plug to that prolapsed hole.

The little girl's insides were deforming more and more, fleshlight extending bit by bit each time its user thrust back. Her insides were completely upside down, her prolapse threatening to spring out further at any time.




Even with more and more of her insides preparing to become outsides the girl didn't stop her hands from tugging on her flesh. Her little hands drenched in her natural lube while a sloppy noise echoed out - hands sinking in the sensitive flesh - as she continued to vigorously draw more of herself out. The crimson pleasure pipe growing so large it began to bunch up between her & Azraih's hips with the penis long lost between.

"You love my fleshlight don't you[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]" She teased while giving a smug smirk toward the futa. "I think you know the payment this hole desires for its servicing fee so give it to me [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]"

"You have no right as my toy. You should be the one thanking me~"

She then with a last and powerful thrust crushed the red flesh between hers and her toy hips as she let out another mind-blowing amount of her divine nectar into the already filled living condom.

Double the amount of what she let out previously was invading the little girl's intestine. Her stomach was inflating profusely and seemed ready to explode at any moment. Her belly that made her look like a pregnant soon-to-be mother of one, and now it seemed that she was waiting for quintuplets.

Two-thirds of her total weight was now pure jizz and it kept growing. Azariah's heavy balls seemed to hold an infinite amount of the highest quality mommy maker and her cum squirt seemed to be endless.

The living condom was so filled that her belly was used as a support, she could only touch the bed with the tip of her fingers. Azariah was still balls deep in the overfilled loli and continued to cum, her cum was still as thick as at the start, and it seemed that it'll never end.

But finally, after five minutes of a torrent of release, Azariah began to take her cock out but even after all of that, the walls continued to cling to their destroyer.

Azraih forced herself out without minding the fleshlight clinging to her still erect cock. Even when her dick was technically outside, the girl's prolapse didn't want to let go. And after four feet of prolapse out, finally, Azariah's bitch breaker was free with a hearty (and sloppy) pop.


"Ahhh[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ] feels so refreshing to let it all hang out [pɐsɥ] my belly is also serving its purpose as a condom for giants well[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]" The ebony loli seemingly greatly pleased as she practically lay on her cum stuffed tummy with her 'hole' so deformed that the semen was finding it hard to pour out. Some managed yet the gape being 'only' 5 inches left it to make a very little dent in that cum cushion of hers.

It even appeared that her long red fleshlight of an asshole of hers was only slowly getting long as it finally had nothing keeping it in.

"Now I have a little gift for you hidden away[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][ǝllᴉdsǝ]"