It's a Trap (Part 2) (R18)

"Mmm? And what could this gift be?"

Instead of answering immediately the perverted ebony shook her large tush, dragging her prolapse across the soaked bedding, making her ass clap. "You'll need to reach inside to find out [pɐsɥ] think of it like bobbing for apples except it's in my cum filled belly [pɐsɥ] though I guess you can use your arm if you want[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]"

With each clap another gush of cum shot out her rear as she giggled with delight. That lewd hole of hers twitching happily at the thought of having Azariah plunge deep inside.

Azariah was curious about this gift, so without hesitation she dragged the girl by her prolapse. She put the ass with the 4 feet prolapse just before her face, as she was curious about the taste, she began to lick the tip which was drooling her cum.

"This asshole has serviced more dicks that you have days alive [pɐsɥ] I hope you enjoy the rich taste that comes with such a range[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]"

The enhanced senses granted to Azariah she could to some degree tell apart people with their natural musk - especially something as hefty as baby batter. With a mere sniff or lick the goddess of lust can practically tell the lustful history of any hole; perhaps even being able to tell apart specific individuals should she have prior experience. However, attempts to do that with the dark-skinned girls hole indeed revealed countless pior guests had blasted their potent markings inside her.

One was especially present as she could tell that one particular being used this hole so often that its smell and taste was engraved in the dark-skinned loli bitch hole. This one was particularly strong, so potent that if her soul wasn't this strong and she didn't begin to Cultivate with her Art, she would've already passed out from the taste and smell of mere leftovers that have been here for who knows how much time.

It was at that moment when a graceful voice echoed out causing Azariah's very mind to shudder with thoughts of worship they shook away.

"Although your skill is subpar I can at least congratulate an actor when their performance in playing their part to the fullest their heart & soul can muster. This bird is flabbergasted that you have not broken into a shell of a person - only living for a fix of potent demon semen - from that month old whiff of her excellencies ball brew. It would appear my young master has quite the eye to have chosen quite the impressive protege hahahoho~."

The voice itself was far more beautiful and noble than any sound the futa had had the opportunity to listen to before. In fact the person who used it was no more mesmerising as they entered the room.




A part of the endless white expanse being pushed in as if a door as a graceful figure stepped inside with predator-like eyes trained on Azariah.

They had supple white skin with grey hair tied in a large bun with several feathers poking out while piercing black eyes hid behind a yellow domino mask that had a sharp beak over the being's nose. The top of the mask had several more feathers that stood with grandness. The many feathers had a white base that slowly turned grey only for the tips to suddenly become completely black.

It took a mere moment for Azariah's attention to get brought to the figure's white blouse which contained their impressive bouncing chest. The mere act of walking caused their chest to bounce around and jiggle like jelly; their little black gloved hands carelessly resting under those enticing things. A white tail coat was tied over their waist while letting their bust freely burst out.

However the cuffs were strangely black with the wrists taking a slightly grey tint which was easy to miss just like on those feathers upon their head. Black puffy shorts with a grey leather belt with golden buckle over a pair of yellow pantyhose showed off their long legs. A pair of yellow kitten high-heels with a black bottom upon their delicate feet.

Their plump lips, painted in a rich yellow, arched up into a graceful smirk.

"It would also appear my young master's enhancements have at least made you keep your sanity upon witnessing my grace; however I cannot do anything about my natural beauty…"

With an elegant flick of their right wrist a feathered fan appeared which they used to hide that beautiful smile of theirs. "Though I suppose my bosom is annoying but natural. One would not believe the effort required to have them both become the size size - many foolish servants get too excited and unload too much. In the end I had to manually stuff them hahahoho~!"

"Hmpf you're distracting her from diving in[Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]" The ebony complained with her cheeks puffed up; arms fully spread out across her bloated tummy as she glared at the far more elegant individual.

As could be expected from one as graceful as the newcomer they beautifully snapped their fan closed before placing that hand on their chest. The other hand rested on the crevice of their back while lowering their head. "I apologise, young master."

"Then prove it by making use of yourself[Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]"

"Very well." Turning they looked toward Azariah once as they began to fan themself in a dignified manner. "You may refer to this one as {The Secretary in Yellow}; tonight you have the great honour of having this femboy pleasuring you."

Azariah was a little upset to be interrupted in her tasting session. As she became a Sex deity, or more preciesly a Futanari Goddess, she is very sensitive to sex juices and the particular one she fond was tingling her inside, she wanted to taste it from it source, even thought she is not sure if she'll survive when those little residue already had this much effect.

But when she set her eyes on this new figure, anger completely disappeared. She was amazed, if the girl was the epitome of adorable then the individual presenting itself as {The Secretary in Yellow} was the pinnacle for all secretary fetishists.

They have the appearance for, the perfect behaviour and most of all those perfectly proportioned and symmetrical titties. It's like they are the reflection of one another, a perfect balance. The apex of boobs.

Azariah was listening attentively at the exchange between those two mysterious and opposite beings. The first sentence sent slight chivers to Azariah, if what they said is right then she would've died if not for the protection of the cum filled dark-skinned loli.

Looking at those milkers, Azariah can't help but feel jealous, something so perfect can't exist, they looked like they were copy pasted from the same template.

"With how you look at my chest I cannot help but feel you may want a set of your own filled up so as a reward I may consider it…" The supposed 'femboy' kicked their heels off at the foot of the bed before suavely leaping across towards the pair in a single bound. Their action neither appeared rushed nor required any effort.

Within a moment they stood over the top of the futa who still had her tongue mid lick on the cute ebony girls asshole.

They took no measure to bend the knee to please Azariah, however. Instead they merely had their left hand move down to their shorts - tugging them down only far a large slab to spring out onto the futa's face.


It took a moment for the futa's eyes to focus and realise what was sitting upon her face.

Though it was actually the heavy musk which hit her first; the musk of a huge, veiny, flaccid horse cock which had a thick black base that faded into a meaty red by the fat flat head.

"Well? Get on with it already - we haven't got all night."

The strong smell of the femboy's horsedick filled Azariah's nose, her gaping hole twitching telling to its owner that it wants to be destroyed by this 24 inches erect stallion. Her pussy that seems to have been forgotten also reacted to it, drooling with juice and pulsing as it thought of the massive 15 inches girth stretching her unused walls.

Similar to the girl, Azariah could differentiate different scents and she could smell an incalculable number of different holes, from mouth to pussy, even from non-humans. But one particular smell interpreted her, it was very similar to her 'excellency' smell she felt in the girl's hole and almost as potent, signifying that this Femboy has fucked the one who fucked her young master.

That wasn't the only impressive scent as there was even one that seemed to encapsulate all she could be lusting over in the world. A womanly scent that puts any one else to shame by sheer comparison - though not as oppressive as from her 'excellency'. As if to mark the two brilliant women there were little and big lip marks dotted from the head all the way down to those leathery balls.

Rings of violet & red lipstick almost made it seem like the women were competing for how deep each could go putting other records to shame; yet it was most thick on the head and base where the pair no doubt spent most their time. That was only on the shaft as both balls seemed to have been completely stored in the two mighty womens mouths at some point with how well glazed they were.

The crimson right nut being sucked on by the demon empress while the purple nut was hungrily swallowed by someone who's scent was faintly all over the dreamscape.

"You shouldn't compare yourself to her excellency Violet or young miss Elizabeth as both are monsters in this art. I'm not a cruel person however so if you perform well your womb may even have the honour of tasting my potent seed - not only will I breed you but you'll even get to give your virginity to me. Now go on already and stop gawking like a peon, ruin yourself on my shaft."

Azariah was in no way a bottom but the authoritative and graceful voice from the oversized ass wrecker holder made her want to follow all she said. And she acquiesced without much a thought, the scent she smelled and tasted made her lust explode, if the two in front of her were normal humans- no not even Sky Realm cultivator would've been able to survive under to astronomical amount of aphrodisiac she was releasing unconsciously.

She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, ready to soak this magnificent horsedick of her fluid. Licking the gland, she could taste all the different holes the Secretary has used. She was savouring thousands of different flavours but the same one was over-shadowing the others and she could not have enough of it.

She was playing with the long fleshlight still in her hands as some of her cum was overflowing every now and then. Iicking fervently the stallion's head, saliva was dripping from it, her face covered by it as she took wisp of sniff to engrave 'her excellency' scent in her brain.

Captivated by this dick she only ever saw on her fapping material, she wanted to try and take it in her mouth but to no avail. Her small mouth, not accustomed to its massive girth could not appease the hungry throat that, like her other two holes, was throbbing in anticipation to taste and be stretched by this cum pipe.

Wanting to satisfy the meat holder, she let go of the girl's prolapse and sat on it to rub her unused bottom lips and rosy bean with it. She began to move her hips back and forth, as her juice soaked lips grinded against the prolapse's fleshlight. Her hands were used in parallel to her mouth to please this sword and make it enter one of her three sheaths, hopefully.

Using her saliva as lube she massaged mostly the gland at first, then bit by bit went down without leaving her mouth from the tip as she took all the delicious precum. The precum alone almost made her cum, being the best one she tasted as she carved for more, she wanted their thick and sticky potent impregnating seeds in her narrow throat.

But most of all she wanted this big piece of meat stuffing her inside, filling her hungry hole and breaking her hymen, making her perverted, unused and wet womb into the shape of the 24 inches girthy Femboy dickhorse. Her inexperienced asshole, when compared to the ebony trap, wanted to be turned upside down, her inside transforming into fleshlight as her prolapse exited each time its breaker left its piece of work.

"It would seem I expected too much from an inexperienced human girl barely stepping out from mortal hood." With a snort the secretary moved their right foot, adorned in the golden pantyhose, to press down on Azariah's own shaft. Slowly stroking up and down the quivering rod before slipping up to the sensitive head; gently poking the still sensitive head with their big toe.

Teasing the eager urethra with their delicate foot.


While doing that they also thrust their hips forward to have their balls smother the futa's face giving her no escape from the hypnotic yet overpowering musk.

The overwhelming smell was making her light-headed, their sweat mixed with all those semen left over and holes scent was enough to make her lose her mind.

She does not have a foot fetish but the sensation of their foot playing with her was unexpectedly heavenly. She likes to dominate her sex partener but with the femboy she's discovering a new facet of her personality. Being the one dominated by someone as gorgeous, possessing one of the shafts she dreamed to have in her and being able to blow her mind with only her scent and slight teasing was awakening her bottom side.

She let herself be overwhelmed by the femboy, letting her body be played as she carved for more. She was drooling at the sight of the stallion, their big black leathery sacks filled with milf making baby batter covered by her saliva as she licked them clean. Her hard seventeen inches ass wrecker, pressed under their bare foot as she felt her climax coming.

"I've been completely forgotten about[ǝllᴉdsǝ]" The ebony girl pouted while grinding her prolapsed butt against the sex goddess once more like a poiled child not wanting to wait their turn.

Seeing that the Secretary also spoke up in a graceful whisper. "If you find the present in my young master's rear I'll personally give you the honour of being made into a single Milf in waiting."

Grinding their sack across the futa's face to ensure every inch was marked by the vicious stench of their tesicles.

Azariah relucently put aside the femboy horsecock, removed the fleshlight from under her and began to sink her arm in the girl's prolapse. She had an easy time as her inside was soaked with her semen. But as her arm was completely inside, she found herself in a sea of cum, so finding something in there isn't easy, especially if she doesn't know what she is looking for.

For a full minute she was desperately trying to find whatever it was as the secretary was teasing her cock, leaving her at the verge of cumming each time, and the overwhelming smell that was tittling her senses, making her anticipate what'll happen when it'll wreck her.

Finally, she was able to find something after this incessant search, her hand touching a sort of rolled paper that had been soaked in cum.

She grabbed it as she removed her hand from the cum filled young master, semen following after her as a sudden spurt of cum her hit her right in the face. Not minding her baby batter drenched face, she looked curiously at what she just took out.

As it was soaked in her cum she could not really see what it was, she wiped some off to see a shiny gold papyrus. She opened it to see what all this is about, looking at it she saw some nonsensical words that looked like nothing she saw in all her life and in the background a rich electric blue ankh with a pink love heart being filled with what obviously was a sperm cell in the centre.

Even with the experience she received she could not recognise this writing, but strangely she could perfectly understand what the papyrus was talking about.

A contract.