It's a Trap (Final Part) (R18)

Yes a contract, a special contract that will let the individual, 'the one formerly referred to by the name of Chaos J Faust', mess with the soul of the one who cum on it.

After receiving this information she frowned. She knew that those two were leagues above her in terms of everything, she couldn't even fathom their level of existence, for now.

It's true that at first she thought it was a dream, but when she heard the girl speak she immediately understood that she was forced here and she highly doubted it was without ulterior motives. But she went along, she did not think too much, maybe the whim of some powerful person who wanted to be inflated by a 'mortal' or maybe she was just chosen randomly.

She did not think too much, she is not dumb but knowing herself at the mercy of this 'child' she could not do much but follow along. So she entered the girl's game, fucked her asshole into a mess beyond recognition and released her impregnating white cream till the girl was far past full.

Then there was the 'gift' which could be something beneficial to her or a disaster. But as she was finally going to know why she was brought here, {The Secretary in Yellow} appeared, awakening her masochistic side.

Finally after all those turns of events she was able to know what the gift was. And she did not like the contract at all, it stated that at the price of letting her soul at the mercy of Chaos J Faust she became their disciple.

The contract was simple in its terms, sell your soul and become a disciple. But what does she gain as a disciple? And what is so special with her soul that a being at this level wishes to mess with it?


Just when such thoughts swirled around her head a familiar piece of heavy meat slammed down upon her back - a pair of hands roughly grabbed her waist to adjust her position. A big dollop of precum dripped from the flat head onto her back. Azariah not even realizing when the femboy had snuck up behind her.

"Let's hope this hole puts up a better performance, shall we?" With little respect to their partner the Secretary spat upon their right hand before moving that hand down to mercilessly press her fingers against her entrance. Her little entrance being unable to deny the powerful force of the being.

Meanwhile the ebony beauty giggled mischievously while trying to stand…

Something that didn't go too well due to the large weight as well as size; making it so she could only fumbling around with her limbs while resting on that gigantic cum-gut. Soon she began to use her smarts instead - rocking back and forth to flip upon her back which allowed for her to have her legs touch the floor. From there it was as easy as just trying to stand since the ebony was also clearly not some weakling despite their appearance.

Finishing the demeaning display they proudly placed a hand upon their pitiful chest while that prolapse still laid in a puddle of cum under her. "Let me reintroduce myself [pɐsɥ] Chaos J Faust [pɐsɥ] one of the few Magic Gods recognised by the Heavens as well as the Archons who are a group of uber powerful people like myself[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]"

Feeling the slender and forceful Femboy's fingers she could no help but shudder. Her hungry insides, despite the reluctant Azariah who still was overwhelmed by the contract, were letting those fingers delve in them as they anticipated when they would finally have a taste of the secretary's horsecock.

She wasn't able to concentrate on the girl's words, but she could sort out the words 'Chaos J Faust', 'Magic God' and 'Archons' which she could not understand the significance of. The word 'God' was easy to understand but what could 'Magic God' mean? In which ways are they different from standard 'Gods'?

When she heard the name 'Chaos J Faust' she knew that her new 'Master' was this ebony perverted loli, which was not a good sign as they seemed to act like a child, something dangerous when you know they possess power above what you can understand.

But, well, even with all those unanswered questions the fingers exploring her unused inside were overwhelming her brain with pleasure and her now free dick which missed the teasing from their foot was releasing precum massively.

"Such a filthy thing - I suppose I should get this over with." That massive penis pulling back from her back before being pressed against the lips that were still far too tight even after being teased with Secretary's fingers.

They hardly cared for that though.

With the power to crush a mountain, those hips swayed backwards before slamming the battering ram of a cock into Azariah's virgin pussy. They didn't give up just because it didn't work the first time - merely pulling back before swinging forward once more to try to forcibly push their way inside of the untouched land. After beating down on the lips for quite awhile the foreign invader finally breached.


Azraiah cried in pleasure and pain, her unused lips's defense broken in two overpowering thrust, her untouched walls stretched to insane degrees and her hymen broken without her noticing as the pain and pleasure she felt by her inside taking the shape of the Femboy's stallion was overpowering the mere this feeling.

That was just the beginning as Secretary thrashed around like a wild beast in order to loosen the hole up; doing a very good job of it as they slowly pushed further inside. As the front door burst open there was little to stop the monster from slaughtering the hallway, quickly shaping the hole beyond recognition, until coming to the vault. An unrelenting door called the uterus did its best to keep the beast at bay.

It was brave yet foolish.

"Hmpf you'll soon be a Mother - maybe even MILF - don't worry."

Azraiah could not make out the words her wrecker was saying. Her inside taking the form of the horsedick was making her head blank, she could not think of anything much less understanding whatever word her assailant was spouting.

Although she doesn't care about losing her virginity, she never thought it'd be like that. Violated till her untouched insides became virgin tight to mega whore loose in mere seconds, taking the shape of the best cock she saw in her life. It is not the best way to have your first time as her insides were forcefully spread to insane proportions which fortunately does not pose a lot of problems, for her that is.

As the Futanari Goddess she is bound to have multitudes of partners possessing different size and shape so she can quickly adapt to anyone, at least on paper. She just began her cultivation journey, she has not trained enough and above all her attainments in her Art were low. She never thought that her first time will be made with a 24 inches Femboy's horsedick, so it took time for her inside to take its shape and the pain to disappear and be replaced with pure pleasure.

And like by instinct her inside contracted at the being's words, trying to milk them as to receive their potent and impregnating juice. Her ovaries, preparing themselves to receive their fertilizers and her womb opening, prepared to carry whatever powerful lineage it will receive.

"Heh look at how quickly you've lost your arrogance [pɐsɥ] if you kotow in acceptance of me as your master then I'm sure my tail can help you regain y-"



The girl was cut off as the room practically shook from the monstrous attempt to force the full length of the stallion cock into the tiny ex-virgin pussy. Secretary reeled their hips back not caring how much of Azraiah's pussy they took with them since they quickly rammed it all back in with one powerful thrust which shook her insides. Even then they barely managed to force more of themselves into the futa.

They didn't let that worry them.











Over and over while only getting stronger and more powerful.

Even when the uterus gave in allowing for the mighty steed to rush into the futa's most sacred place the femboy didn't stop. Instead they just continued to stretch Azariah, making the futa's stomach bulge out with each thrust. Each thrust only got more and more of the cock inside.

After a lot of hard work 'renovating' the sound of Azariah's cheeks being pounded against the Secretary's hips signifying her finally being able to take the stallion balls deep.

Azariah felt like her inside were being rammed by a truck and she liked that, forceful pounding like that made her feel great. The dick's head hitting her womb was turning her inside upside down, her already ready baby bag has its shape distorting in absurd ways with each thrust.

She had heard her 'Master' saying that he'll do something with his fleshlight 'tail' if she kowtow, which in her state is a hope of being it used as her fleshlight, her dick wanting to cum for some time as the precum looked like semen at this point.

She decided, in this state where she couldn't think straight, to accept this powerful loli as her master.

Still being restensly pounded from behind, her climax building up with each thrust, she tried to go on her knees but couldn't as the dick was preventing her from lowering her behind to a certain point. So she used another tactic, bending her arms on the bed she stuck out her rammed behind and bent with trembling knees. Each movement was sending waves of pleasure, making her movement sluggish as she almost fell more than once.

The scene looked almost comical, an inflated loli with a smug look as she looked at a Femboy pounding a young futanari with a massive horsecock who seemed to have lost her mind and was in a weird position as her ass was up, her back arched like the most adept contortionist and her hand and put in a worshiping position.

When she finally was able to kowtow, she was assaulted by a sudden wave of pleasure that sent her mind in a storm of pleasure. Suddenly her back went back to its normal position as a sudden burst of squirt hit the still pounding cock and her cock finally let out its spurt of cum, a powerful blast covering the girl's feet. Her body trembled, if someone could see her face they would see the best ahegao face she made in her life.

Her orgasm did not seem to stop, liters of jizz and love juice gushing nonstop as she lost control of her body. Her body spasmed, her finger and toes curling up as her back arched on the other side.

Despite all of that she still received the incessant pounding of her new favorite thing, {The Secretary in Yellow}'s horse dick.

"Jeez I feel bad and it's dangerous to go alone so take this[sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]"

The loli turned sharply resulting in their prolapse whipping the climaxing futa with a soggy slap making her moan as well. She didn't end it there as she wiggled her hips to the max to slap Azariah with the juicy, sweaty and musky-cum covered 'tail' while waiting for the once aggressive woman to gain her mojo back.

Secretary wasn't as patient as they thrust in once more, creating a powerful *PLAP* against the futanari's already purple buttcheeks, before leaning forward. Pushing their own breasts against Azariah's back while continuing to swirl that monster around - making it clear that they had no intentions of letting the hole find pleasure in an average penis. The femboy's own penis sitting comfortably within the futa's womb also found itself thrust in between her breasts.

The entity grabbed those breasts with claw-like hands before they began to rub them in opposite direction; massaging their cock as well as Azariah's womb.

Not yet satisfied in their treatment of Azariah they even began to do short yet fast & powerful strokes with their gargantuan MILF maker. Whispering softly into the woman's ear with a graceful grin. "You needn't worry since your virgin pussy will always live on as another scent on the tip of my phallus - marking you down as one of many to add such"

Azariah was lost in pleasure, she left her body in the hand of the greatsword wielder as they wrecked her newly loose inside and prepared her womb to carry their progeny. The wet flesh lights slapping her gave her some of her mind back as she grabbed it before using her Master's prolapse as a mere sex toy.

She put her hard and semen-soaked cock in her master's red sticky flesh and began to go up and down, fapping as she received an out-of-this-world pounding from her favourite cock. Her Master moaned as they felt their inside rubbing against their disciple's cock.

She was still sensitive after cumming so much, her tip was throbbing with each movement, her inside trying to contract but with difficulty as with each thrust she became looser and looser.

Her second orgasm arrived fast, she cummed massive amounts of semen in the ebony's prolapse as her belly increased in size and her fleshlight dripped with cum. Her inside suddenly contracted as much as they could but it did not seem to under the endless pounding as more Yin-based juice spayed the bed sheets.

It was at that point when the Secretary also finally came inside of the womb with enough semen to knock a man off his feet. Coming in waves each 'wave' visibly exploded from the head before settling in - only for yet another shot to explode inside.

Azariah felt her womb inflate, her over-stretched womb was full after a few shots as she felt it expand even more to accommodate the titanic amount of semen. Each wave coming with each thrust, the fertilizer hitting the end of her uterus with each spurt before settling with the rest as soon an ocean of cum was formed in its condom.

If we compare the amount she unleashed in the girl previously to a puddle of water, then what the Femboy was filling her was akin to a lake and it keeps increasing. Fortunately for her, her body was especially transforming the more she practised to handle all sorts of kink, inflation being one of them as she could take a colossal quantity of baby batter, her inside akin to a black hole.

Her body was processing the high-quality semen, absorbing everything and putting aside the sperm it deemed worthy of fertilizing its eggs. She may have lost her mind but the instinct she received from the {Sex Goddess Experiences} made so that not everyone could have the honour of having the Futanari Goddess herself carry their progeny, only the highest tier.

She continued to take in it all as the release seemed to never end, the horse cock continuing to fill her with its never-ending potent cum. Her mind strengthening and her soul evolving with every mouthful of semen, her soul cultivation rising rapidly as her mind returned bit by bit with each breakthrough. Although not completely awake she could at least notice the relentless mating taking place with her at the centre.

Azariah, now loose cunt being pounded by the Secretary horsecock and the girl moaning as she used her prolapse to fap her now 20 inches cock, rapidly approaching her virginity taker. And she loved all of it, sex is her passion, being pounded so fiercely and being able to use a prolapse as a fleshlight is like a dream come true.

She never was able to express herself as she liked on earth, she wanted to try a number of kinks but the look people would have given her was enough to discourage her as she did not want to be labeled as crazy or things similar. But as she had the opportunity to travel to different worlds she felt that she could be free, doing what she likes and be the degenerate she is freely.

And this situation is just another way to let her be herself, she may have been the one at the top almost every time but being at the bottom can also be nice and she is a living proof. She dreamed of it, a day where she could do whatever she wanted without being judged, have her belly inflated with pure jizz of a horsecock, a four feet prolapse as a fleshlight and being knocked out as her eggs were fertilized.

But as she was regaining her mind, her body found the perfect sperm that it found worthy of fertilizing its ovaries. It guided it to the ready eggs and the Femboy squirt did not end as Azariah tried to stop the impregnation but to no avail, her body not obeying her.

Suddenly as the sperm passed through the egg's barrier and entered the core, Azariah felt the strongest orgasm she ever felt. Her body convulsed, her loose hole becoming a literal fountain as she squirts profusely and dick releasing spurt after spurt in the girl's inside as she became 99% Azariah's cum. And despite that Femboy continued like nothing happened.

Finally, after ten minutes of non-stop orgasm, her body could not take it anymore and she collapsed. Her dick still inside the overfilled ebony girl and her ex-virgin cunt still being pounded by the soon-to-be Parent of her child.


You surely have noticed but the two last chapters (Its a Trap Part 1 and 2) and this one have different styles of writing than the first 5 chapters.

Its because those three chapters has been co-writed with Basically_God.

Have to give thanks to them as with their help and ideas you were able to have those good quality chapters, something I would've never been able to do alone.

Go take a look on their Scri**le H*b and support them, they have some good story that I highly recommend. Link in comment (If I'm able to with all webnovel bugs)