Overseer Meeting

In chamber 6969 of the Moon and Sun Divine hall's outer sect, three figures could be seen sleeping in the same bed. On the left side of the bed, a sixteen years old boy was sleeping deeply, he seemed to be exhausted.

On the right, at the edge of the bed, a young futanari was sleeping soundly as she was using the second futanari, placed in the middle, as a hug pillow, her arm wrapped around Azariah's breasts while her legs were around her hips.

Azariah did not seem to mind being used as a hug pillow by her slave, knowing her current situation it was the last of her problems. As she was literally getting soul fucked nothing changed to her body, she still has her 'Primordial Yin', no over-stretched cunt nor was her penis awake.

It was like everything that was happening in the Dreamscape was, like the dimension's name, a dream.


While Azariah released her first load in and 'signed' the contract unknowingly, a powerful but stealthy and invisible power entered her soul. It looked like a spermatozoon searching for the egg, it moved through Azariah's soul like the pressure which could destroy worlds brought by a True God soul was nothing.

Before long it found what it was searching for, a ball emanating golden light. This ball seemed harmless but also felt like an inestimable treasure. It was the System.

The sperm-like strand of power charged in the golden light's direction the moment it found it, ready to fertilize it.

The more it approached the ball the more pressure it felt, a pressure enough to destroy universes, but it was only enough to slow down the strange power.

After some time it finally reached the ball's boundary, then it tried to enter but to no avail. With each attempt, the sperm lost more and more power.

{Somewhere unknown}

In a white and seemingly infinite space, a nude 5" girl could be seen lying on a sofa, watching tv as she munched on her chips. She looked average, with b-cup small breasts, hip-length black hair, dark brown eyes and a hairless body.

She was TOB in her everyday form, she was watching a new show that just appeared, Adventure of a Degenerate Futanari in the Multiverse. She looked at Azariah's new life from the third person p.o.v. She could use her Omniscience but she preferred that- knowing everything can quickly become boring.

At the moment Azariah was pulled into the Dreamscape, TOB frowned. She doesn't mind someone messing with Azariah- this can even make her entertainment better. But she doesn't know who those two are, which is not possible as she can feel that Chaos and Secretary are strong, nowhere near her level but enough to be placed in the top 1000.

"Who are they?"

She used her omniscience but she couldn't find any information on them, she could only see that they appeared in her verse at the same time Azariah entered the ATG universe- meaning they come from somewhere else.

She did not panic, it happened sometime that someone could infiltrate her verse and she doesn't mind most of the time- only if they make a mess of her verse. But here they're messing with her entertainment and she does not appreciate it very much.

She used some of her power over destiny and karma to know their origin.

"Chaos J Faust, Primordial God of Chaos, Magic God. {The Secretary in Yellow}, true name: Hastur, eldritch being and Elizabeth, Master of Dreamscape and direct descendent of the 'Infinite Mother'. From verse number *********, under the jurisdiction of 'The infinite Mother'."

Seeing their information she was not really surprised, she could feel the power of Chaos from the effeminate shota and that it was not the True Body of Secretary. As an eldritch being, Secretary can make a person lose its mind just by being in their presence and by pronouncing their True Name you can summon their True Body- which in most cases kills you. And the little part of the Dreamscape Azariah was pulled to was controlled by a dragon from the shadow.

Of course TOB can say it without fear- after all what can a small bird do to her?

"Well let's see what they're doing first…"

"Fufufu indeed I was quite curious what those distasteful children were up to, hohoho~."

From behind the thin lamp appeared a woman that, in simple words, towered over the TOB in both stature and voluptuousness despite how impossible such an instance is. In fact the woman would tower over all like a giant with her impressive height of 7 foot at the very minimum - truly just being the minimum of her height as long as water wasn't present. It wasn't just her height which was impressive however.

In terms of mature charm (as well as breast size) it was hard to find an equal.

Long, wavy, lilac hair flowed behind her with a tricorne hat proudly sat on top with a blue feather plucked from a race of extinct air dragons that once ruled the skies. Of course, she was the one who personally made them extinct. She turned to look at the TOB with a kind motherly smile upon her ample lips yet her eyes remained closed.

She wore a trench coat with elements of a tailcoat at the back and waistcoat. Folding the right over towards the left side would allow for it to be buttoned up but the chest seemed to be given ample breathing room as well as ample room to admire her buxom breasts. They were so outrageously large they appeared to be not only sagging due to their weight but also bouncing along with just the movement of her diaphragm as she spoke.

Unsettlingly it revealed she didn't breath.

Opposing the pirate-like aesthetic would be a simple white coat with an endless knot in black on the back. Imposed on top of that - a brief white outline to make it stand out - would be a single character, 'GOD'.

Held in the sash were three curved sheaths. The bottom one adorned with gold and jewels with a flashy appearance with 'Forgivness' engraved above the scabbards mouth. The one above that would be far simpler with little to no ornaments and would even lack the cord that was commonly seen making it seem like an unfinished project - even then it did have a green fuchi - with 'True Mercy' engraved in the same place on the sheath as the bottom blade…

As for the bottom blade - the aura enough seemed to tell any being how dangerous it was.

TOB looked behind her lazily, not surprised to see the woman appear- after all this space was hers, how can someone enter it easily without her knowing?

"Infinite slut… I thought you had a good hold on your people. I was a little surprised that those two could leave your jurisdiction and they're not anyone from what I saw. The embodiment of Chaos, I can feel him trying to connect to my concept of Chaos and a Dragon, Master of your Dreamscape, they even were able to connect to a part of my Dreamscape, having a small control over it. And then a little bird that had his body sealed away. So tell me, why are those three here? "

Shaking her head softly she held the same motherly warmth on her face.

"You are underestimating Chaos too much - even if I do not particularly enjoy his difficult personality he is a being that has survived being hit by Violet. How many can you name that could do that then continue to cause trouble like he does? Chaos is chaos so it only makes sense he would do things which seem odd to you or I, this isn't even mentioning the fact he's the child of a troublesome black cat. I'm sure you two are quite indignant at her…" The being sighed softly while cradling her own cheek like a mother discussing some drama that happened at her childs football game.

"As for the dreamscape… Well I can only see that being my own Elizabeth helping Chaos out yet why she is doing so I cannot explain since that is not under my authority. I rule the mortal realms so anything outside of that is of little interest; plus even if she is still a child Elizabeth is certainly a being of untold potential which she has been unchained. I did give birth to her after all hohoho~!"

It almost appeared like she was bragging about her own child… Which she was.

TOB of course knew all of this after her deduction but it is still something she has a hard time understanding. The verse ********* is one of the rare cases where it is not completely unders the jurisdiction of one person, this verse is under the jurisdiction of at least five people. 'The Infinite Mother' for the mortal realm as well as the strongest, Violet for the demon Realm and Munzumira an abomination in even TOB's eyes.

She doesn't know if there are more and honestly she does not care, it's neither her verse nor is she close to them, they can die for all she cares.

"Don't make the same error as Atlas and let yourself be killed by those under you. A verse like yours often turns to the worst, if too many people have the same statue it can quickly degenerate. Here is a proof. If Chaos goes to another verse and spreads chaos, it can offend its overseer and get him killed. You will have to bear the consuecancies, you will have to compensate and even sometimes it will cause wars so be careful."

TOB warned her, she saw many verses ravaged by war, she has a lot more experiences than Mother, she was the one who created her verse and let it flourish without her intervention which took a very long time for it to evolve naturally, making her extremely old.

"The reason uncle Atlas died was due to having absolute power, except for Violet, absolute power always corrupts absolutely. For uncle it corrupted those beneath him into usupring him due to wanting free reign to implement their beliefs; as dumb as those beliefs were. It is fully intentional that Violet as well as other archons have been left to 'match me'. As for if another wished to cause me truly I'd just kill them first if they dared - you know I have done it more than once even after achieving my level -though I would be more than willing to point them in the direction of his mother hohoho." 'Mother' herself was a rare being who hadn't been born in control of her verse yet certainly gained enough power to grow uncontested within it.

That never happened though; she did embellish it a little since Violet's strength was clearly no variable she had accounted for.

Of course, with such powerhouses remaining around despite her seeming to succeed Atlas, it had indeed caused problems in the past. Most famous of which being the birth of 'Munzumira' who 'devoured' the realms belonging to other transcendent beings. Unfortunately the girl of shadows was difficult to catch so they turned to Mother for payment and in return she made quick work of them.

If she was not born a god herself some may even call her the most horrendous god slayer.

"Fufufu so what is that little troublemaker up to?"

TOB sat on the sofa to let the busty milf seat with her, she proposed some chips and then pointed at the tv.

"Don't know. Seems your Chaos has a surprise for Az in his ass. I haven't really bothered to see what it is, I want to know at the same time as Az."

"No doubt it is a contract which he probably got through aunty De- Midas."

"So a contract from her eh! I suddenly became a little more interested…"

The events unfolded on the tv, Azariah received her assjob and was brought on edge before finally inserting her dick in the ebony shota loose hole.

Some seconds after Azariah ejaculated, TOB frowned. She sensed someone trying to break in the system she designed for Azariah. It may be a system without many functions but the Laws used to make it are of extremely high level, making even the strongest kill his own to obtain a slight part of it.

"He… Infiltrated Az's soul and is trying to break into my construct. I don't know what he wants to do but he should know that provoking me is not wise. He may think I don't keep an eye on her but to have the guts to try to take control of one of my direct creations… I must applaud him, not anyone even thinks of doing this much less doing it."

"I would like to say that it's because he is confident due to having the backing of my Lizzy… Yet I believe he likely just doesn't care for consequences as the manifestation of chaos. If he truly cared he would have contacted his 'twin sister' who rules over systems since there is no conceivable way he would be able to be better than her at this. Honestly I cannot help but wonder if even his own parents understand what he is thinking hohoho~"

"Well I'll let him take control of a small part and see what he wants to do. If he is content with this I may let him keep control of this part but if he tries to do more… You will have a new Primordial God of Chaos."

TOB is not easily offended but when she sees someone trying to take an arm when you give them a hand she easily snaps. It's already nice of her to not directly punish him- after all she doesn't want a bad relation with an overseer with this much potential.

"Chaos may not seem like a combatant… But it would be best to keep an eye out even if he pushes things to ensure that it doesn't escalate into something unexpected. I cannot even say for sure how strong he is though, despite him currently not seeming it, he's at least on the level of an archon. I won't find fault if he were to disappear yet he only plays the fool… I think." Chaos clearly lived up to his name to leave even the tyrannical overseer befuddled.

"I can say for sure he is in the top 1000 in my verse, but I think his strong point is that he had a great understanding of [Chaos]- no more like he is on the same wavelength to what [Chaos] really is. Not like others that use [Chaos] as a mere source of power, his character is neither good nor bad, it's chaotic. Which makes him one of the best embodiments of [Chaos]. This helped him gain great control of [Chaos] , therefore a better output."

As the two women were discussing the events on TV continued to unfold as Chaos's attempt was finally successful.

The little sperm-like strand of power was happy to finally be able to enter TOB's construct but it quickly found that after entering it had access to only a small part, less than a tenth but enough in TOB's opinion for the embodiment of Chaos to do what he wanted.

Feeling its control over a part seems to satisfy it as it stopped to move and then began to mold this small part in the way it wanted.

"He entered and had received access to a part and then he… he is modifying this part? What is he doing? I thought he'll be greedy and take more or maybe devour but his is only controlling it and modeling the Laws to create something new. I can feel he's trying to add things to the system."

"We seem to have both neglected the fact that chaos can also build; only amateurs can only use it solely to destroy so it's understandable since Chaos is truly unique in this field…"

TOb had a hard time understanding what Chaos was doing. She thought he'll do something like devouring the Laws, trying to control more but she sensed the system expanding, news functions were added and they were completely beneficial to Azariah, Chaos gained nothing doing this from her point of view.

"Well wait, so first it seems that the contract has been activated when Az released her load and then just after her soul was invaded. Then Chaos tried to break into my construct just to… add more things? Seriously? What does he gain doing this?"

"I believe you are thinking about this wrong - why does Chaos need to gain something? He is the embodiment of chaos so anything is not only possible but even probable. Also speaking of this 'Az'... She's a little small for my taste while clearly does not have the same skill my Elizabeth has during intercourse. Will it truly be beneficial to leave her with such power?"

"You're right… This Chaos is really chaotic, there's no point in trying to understand him. As for Azariah, I don't know. I was just bored. I heard stories about mortals becoming overseers after they have been offered some 'powers' by their predecessors so I thought why not try something similar? And you have her. Azariah, 24 years old, a normal androgynous human that by 'luck' earned the right to enter the upper echelon of my verse. As for her size you don't have to worry, she seems to get bigger with each breakthrough."

"Hopefully she'll be less troublesome than Kaiser Mantis in mine… Well regardless it should offer some entertainment to watch her grow, I suppose. Maybe when she gets a little bit more impressive this lady can help her release some built up tension. I did give birth to a demon god of wet dreams even if I don't look a day over 1000 hohoho~! " Licking her plump lips while her tone was also a little bit more tense than the usual kindness.

Due to a momentary lapse her eyes even opened a smidgen releasing a pressure which, should Az had been here, would have likely resulted in her becoming a bit less 'dense'.

"She does not have any grand ambition, at most my verse will become her mating nest. I think in a thousand or so years you'll be able to find a trace of her DNA in twenty five percent of living beings." TOB eyed 'Mother' and smirked slightly. "I'm sure she will be delighted to to have the honor of using your holes." She returned her eyes to the tv and continued. "I can't help but be jealous of your growth, the concept of infinity is really something else. So young and already an overseer…"

"Fufufu 25% is armature numbers where I come from - back in my day we gods would breed entire races into existence! " She paused for a moment. "Though honestly I think no god could beat Violet for getting those numbers up. Also best if you hide that girl from interacting with any demons in case that demon empress gets a whiff and decides to break in your toy, I'm sure she'd struggle to keep her life let alone mind."

Closing her eyes at last she turned to look towards TOB with a 'mature' smile. "If you wish we could see about giving you an egg with such a bloodline hohoho~" That mature laugh was far more suggestive than it was before as she reached for her cleavage only to pull it down to release her breasts. Those snow-like gargantuan mountains flopping around freely for the entire space (which only consisted of the two) to admire.

Each was far larger than TOB's current head while being topped with large brown areola which slowly dissipated out the further the circumference was to those inverted nipples which already seeped fresh divine/gold milk.

On the TV Azaraih was already prosterned before Secretary's horsedick. TOB began to be horny after all the lewd and did not mind to play a little with her junior's busty milf body.

She got up from the sofa and sat on Mother's knee face to face (or face to boob), seeing the milk already spilling she directly took one in her mouth as she used one hand to play with Mother's other breast and her other hand to play with Mother's cunt. However, even the TOB found herself unable to control the powerful mommy milker. Merely being able to sink into that soft flesh.

After some time she let the nipple out her mouth and looked at Mother in her closed eyes.

"You know you can open your eyes- not like the pressure will affect me or the space here. And I must say your milk's quite good, I may pass command some time for a bottle of two."

Then she went back to suck the inverted nipple as she tried to force out the hiding nipple with her tongue, her technique was esquise- even the previous Sex Goddess was took down by TOB's skills.

Her petite body sank in Mother's body, she moved her hips back and forth as her seemingly unused pussy rubbed against the soft and thick thighs of the voluptuous milf. Soon wet sounds could be heard as TOB beame wetter and wetter, the thick thighs covered in TOB's female juice as the two were releasing small moan.