Chapter 36 - Elise Aindrea P1
Author's Note: Hello Readers! Starting with Chapter 36, the point of view in which the story is told is changing from 3rd person to 1st person. There will be an identifier for every narrator switch.
"'How did Elysium come to be?'" I repeated a question that Athanasia asked. She was busy sorting out the details around the tournament, but decided to take the weekend off after no small amount of pushing from every member of her family, as well as mine. "Hmm..."
"More like, why did you create Elysium?" She clarified.
I took a sip of tea and glanced out of the window. A bird flew by, giving me a light smile. Looking back, I saw a face full of curiosity across the table. "I told you a lot about my life as Elysia Alexandria, but I told you nothing of my life before I reclaimed that name. The reason Elysium was created lies in that chapter."
"Before? Reclaimed?"
I chuckled and brought up the system menu, sending invitations to Layla, James, Allison, Luma, Alethea, Adele, Michelle, Joey, Atalante, and the other governors. "I don't mind sharing that story, but there are a few others that I'd like to hear it, so let's table that topic for this afternoon."
She giggled as she sat her cup back on the table. "Only you would invite an entire audience at a moment's notice and they actually show up the same day."
I shrugged. "Well... old habits die hard, and I don't exactly do this all the time, so I have a bit of credit. And I titled the message 'Alexandrian Lore'. Ahh, they're replying already."
Reading them out loud, I started in order they came in.
>>Alethea: Did you mistype? You said 'before' Elysia. Are you serious?
>>Michelle: I definitely want to be there if only to see their reactions.
>>James: You just opened a message with 'I want to tell you about my life before I was Elysia Alexandria'. Why do I have a feeling we're about to have a huge reveal dumped on us?
>>Allison: Are you certain you want to share that part of the past?
>>Adele: I take it you intend to include the World Tower?
>>Iris: I would be delighted to hear about your early life, My King.
>>Luma: How much detail are we talking? Do you mean all the way back to Elise Aindrea?
>>Joey: Will there be milkshakes?
>>Noah: Your early life in the living world? I know scant little about the living world to begin with. I look forward to it.
>>Atalante: Today? My sisters didn't get an invitation. Do you mean to exclude them?
>>Adaal: I must admit, I'm quite curious. I'm on the way.
>>Layla: Another reveal?
>>Orion: I thought you were born Elysia Alexandria. You had a different name at birth?
>>Nephele: Thank you for the invitation, My King. I'll bring a bag of tea unique to Erytheia.
"My word," Athy said. "Actually, about my mother's message."
"Astarte and Astraia are already supposed to be here this afternoon, so I didn't bother." I quickly sent each of them a message that said, 'Yes, you are invited. You were already going to be here, so I was going to tell you in person.'
"This is quite the gathering," Atalante said as the final guest arrived. The meeting was taking place in my palace in Athas.
I took a sip of tea and used a spell to enhance the volume of my voice. "This room shall now be soundproof and sealed to any recording methods. This conversation cannot leave this room."
A round of nods confirmed their agreement. Before I could begin, Alethea took my hand with a worried look. "Are you absolutely certain about this?"
"Of course she is," came a familiar voice from the center of the room. Mavel had just teleported in, her demon and cat features on display." At my table were two empty seats, one already reserved for her. "Although I question it, she'd already spoken with them before contacting me."
"Miss, who-" Adaal started to ask Mavel her identity, but one glance from her silenced him. There was no bloodlust in her eyes, rather there was something far more intimidating.
Mavel lightened her glare once she gave it a moment of thought. "Right. You all only saw me as a cat person that time." She hid her demon wings and took her seat. "You may call me Mavel."
Another woman in a silver dress appeared as well. Rather than attend as Evelyn, she attended as Eve the Primordial.
"I was wondering if the two of you would show up. I had extra seats prepared just in case." I clapped my hands and began the story. "So, let me start with some basic information. I was born into the House of Aindrea, which governed a county in the nation of Gallia." I glanced at Eve and nodded.
She sighed and answered. "I was Countess Evelyn Aindrea when she was born."
"Evelyn?" James asked.
With a finger snap, Eve's appearance changed to that of Evelyn Barrett for a moment. "I wanted to use my original name in my life here, so I implanted the idea into my mortal parent's minds when I was born. Anyway..." She glanced back at me and I continued.
"Alexandria did not yet exist in the living world. Nacht and Weltwald existed. Actually..." I glanced at Mavel. "Do you think your parents would come here to listen in?"
She shrugged. "Probably. There might be an uncomfortable air, however. Living souls coming to the afterlife isn't a common occurrence. I'm not bothered by it, but the weight of mana of a living soul will be difficult for everyone else here."
"Can't you cancel that out?"
Mavel shook her head. "You know it's best for me to not use my power here. Causality, you know?"
"It's fine," Eve said. "I'll handle it. I can do that without upsetting causality."
The pink-haired catgirl stood up and disappeared. We waited quietly, and about ten minutes later, she appeared with her parents in tow, each holding one of her hands.
"Greetings, King Elysia," said the long black-haired man with a bow. He was quite large and muscular by normal standards, though Adaal was a fair bit bigger. "It's good to see you again."
"Greetings, King Elysia," said the red-haired cat woman with a curtsy. Both were dressed quite opulently, both in black with red and embellishments. "It's good to see you again."
"Velarus, Mabel, welcome to Athas."
Revision: 2025-2-7