Season 9

Hey, readers! Season 9 is underway!

Ch36. Elise Aindrea: 14 Parts

Ch37. Maya Rosenwald: ~15 Parts

In Season 8, Kye went to the distant past to rescue Atalante's children. She succeeded, her group had to stay in the past for 100 years while building up the mana to traverse time again. They trained for the hundred years while preparing the portal, and were visited by Mavel Nacht Weltwald aka The Almighty. She granted Kye, Sanae, Alethea, Joey, and Kaede her blessing, which allowed them to use the Hand of Justice and Hand of Judgement blessings. After 100 years, they opened the portal and returned to their own time the moment they left, reuniting Atalante with Athanasia, Alexandros, and Artemios. Resuming the meeting that was taking place before the trip to the past, Kye announced Athanasia would work for her, for the betterment of Elysium. And she announced she would not require the satelites to return to Greater Elysium.

Afterward, everything returned to relative normalcy in the Royal Academy. Sometime later, Zen's strange behavoir grabbed Kye and company's attention. One day, Ranna was visited to discuss what to do to help Zen return to normal. Yami and Aliana went into Zen's palace, and found his behavior worse than they'd imagined. They found out that he had tossed his daughter Ren into a portal to stop her crying. Then, an adult Ren showed up and Zen disappeared. Ren told the group about her life after the portal, that she'd lived 270 years, forced to be a mercenary for Phantom. Fortunately, she was not warped by phantom's magic, so they were able to assimilate her into regular life and set her to go to the academy.

Sometime later, Alethea visited a distant planet in the Atlantis Empire to recharge its foundation. As she was leaving, she was confronted by Shiro Shikigami. They spoke briefly, and Alethea used the Hand of Justice blessing to temporarily wield her full power, which she used to execute him and send him to Purgatory, thus permanently removing him from their lives.

Season 9 begins with a storytelling of Kye's life in the living world before establishing the Kingdom of Alexandria when she attented the Gallia Royal Academy under her living world birth name, Elise Aindrea.

The POV shifts from 3rd person to 1st person from Chapter 36 onward, with an identifier for each narrator.