
These markings... I've seen them before on some corpse I looted in the past. I don't know much about them except that they prevent any important information from leaking out of assassins or spies.

The use of demonic magic is widely looked down on due to its vicious and cowardly nature. Many cities and villages have banned the use of demonic magic, calling them "Witchcraft".

However, I am neither a supporter nor a hater, I use demonic magic but do not promote doing so.

The spell I used just now is called Invasion and is demonic magic that allows one to control the other indefinitely, a widely forbidden spell.

The leaves on the trees dance in the wind, allowing intermittent moonlight to shine on me. The sky is dark, with only one illuminating factor, the moon.


I pull the corpses further into the woods and bury them there, taking whatever valuables they have on them.

"I've given you guys a proper burial so I will be taking your storage rings," I mumble.

Those spies are probably from the Tiger Bandits since they will be the ones to attack the army.

If I can find the root of the bandits and destroy them, I'm sure the king will reward me 'handsomely', he does not have a choice. The Tiger Bandits have terrorized the land for several years as they have ties with corrupted nobles in the capital. From kidnapping and raping villagers to Arson and theft. They have committed every possible crime bandits can.

I went back to my room and rest for the day.


The next day, after a breakfast of a simple loaf of bread, the group set off.


I continue to passively cultivate while walking, the speed is slower but better than doing nothing. Mina notices what I am doing and followed.

The captain was sent back to the capital for treatment and Julius was appointed as the substitute to lead the expedition.

After an hour of walking, my cultivation was interrupted by something I noticed. The silent, too quiet. We are walking on a path between the woods that is paved to connect most of the villages, the woods should be home to many animals or monsters. Yet, I hear nothing, not a single chirp, not a single movement.

I look back. I can see the capital but it is the size of a small coin. Getting back to the capital on foot takes about 2 hours, to call for reinforcement and for reinforcement to arrive, even with agility spells or talismans, takes about an hour. 3 hours is enough to kill both Julius and me.


Am I being too paranoid?

I was proven wrong when a sudden surge in malicious aura appear. Mina's eyes widen as she looks at the woods around us, she has sensed it too.

10, 20... No, 30, around 30 people are waiting to ambush us.

Suddenly, a brick with scrolls pasted to it was flung to the sky above us from the woods.


"Get down!" I shout.


The explosion broke our formation as the archery in the middle disperse or attempt to help their fallen comrade.

"Now!" Someone shouts from the woods.


The first division quickly attempt to get into a circle formation and defend the magicians and archers but was too slow. The bandits charged in instantly and slit the throats of many soldiers.

Shit! Instantly, we lost about 40 men. There are only about 200 people on this expedition.

However, most of the knights have already recovered and are fighting back.

One of the bandits attempts to attack me from behind with a dagger.

I step aside to dodge that attack, grab his arm and break the joints at the elbow with my knee.


I take that chance to pry the dagger from his hand and slit his throat with it.

No, something is wrong. These bandits are too easy to deal with, not to mention, that their cultivation is too low. they are only at the 9th stage of Qi Condensation.

I inspect the body to find one stripe attached to the robes of these bandits.


They are only recruits, where is the main force?

Suddenly, a barrage of arrows rain from the sky.


"Magicians!" Julius shouts. Mina and the 5 other magicians quickly erect a barrier to block the arrows.

Wait, no! Those arrows are imbued with magic to bypass barriers!

Mina notices it as well and jumps back.

"Stop standing there like a sitting duck, run!" I shout.

"What?! Do you want us to break formation? You inexperienced brat-"

However, it was too late, the arrows bypass the barrier and instantly pierces through one-quarter of the remaining knights.

"T-This... Impossible. We are all in foundation establishment... How?" One of the knights says in terror.

I throw a glance at Julius, he is unscathed, I forgot he has immense luck.

I pull out one of the arrows in the soil and inspect it. There was 3 magic imbued in it, the first is to bypass barriers, the second is for the maximum velocity at any given moment, and the third is enhanced penetration magic.

With these three combinations, I'm afraid that even a high Foundation Establishment can suffer heavy injuries.

I gulp. The main force hasn't shown itself yet, the three of the magicians have died, and the only ones who can heal are Mina, me, and the last magician following us.

"Get back into position! Leave the casualties alone!" Julius shouts.


"Shut up! If you want to die, don't drag the rest with you. We will eliminate the enemy first before rendering aid to the rest."


The knights get back into formation.

"Julius-" I attempt to talk to him.

He ignores me.

I sigh. These knights are looking for their death, standing out in the open. The enemy already knows our position and can constantly barrage us with ranged artillery. The best choice is to either retreat or go into the woods to hide our position.

I click my tongue and leave the formation, going into the woods. "Wait, where are you going?" Mason says.

"Survive, follow me if you trust me," I say.


Mason looks at Harper and Edith. Both of them nod.

"Alright, let's go."

We break the formation and enter the Woods. The knights are too preoccupied to notice.


I turn back to find Mina following me. "What?" I say.

"Let me follow you, I can help." She says.


"Suit yourself."

We go into the woods and hide behind a bush not far from the formation.

I cover my body with a pile of leaves and lay flat on the ground.

The others copied my action.

I sigh, to think I would be using this technique to hunt bandits instead of monsters.

However, after 10 minutes, there is nothing. No attack, no movement.

The knights are getting anxious.

"Hey, should we retreat?" One of the knights says. "Our archery is injured and the barrier doesn't work. What if they bombard us with arrows again?"

"We have shields don't we?! Use them!" Julius says. "All of you depend too much on magic..."


"I-I think we should just retreat, they might be waiting for us further on." Another knight says as he breaks formation.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Says Julius.

With one gone, the others are tempted to retreat.

"Hey, let's slowly retreat, it seems that the attack just now was a warning." Says the knight beside Julius.


"Shut up! We are your seniors, we have more experience!" Says the knight behind Julius.

"I... Okay..." Julius gives in.

They slowly retreat while staying in formation. The people in the middle of the formation carry the casualties and move along with them.

Suddenly, I hear some movements to my left. I peek out of the bush to see a masked man holding a square device with a button on it.


It's a detonator!

The bandit presses the button and a small click can be heard.

The knight stops when they smell the gunpowder.



An explosion occurs beneath their feet. However, thanks to their armour and cultivation, they suffer only minor injuries.

But the formation is broken and the knights are sent into disarray.

Footsteps can be heard everywhere as more bandits charge in to kill everyone. This time, the leader shows himself, a big muscular topless bald man with a beard and a scar down his left eye. He is holding a red greatsword made out of Dragon Scales.


"Not yet, stay down," I whisper.

I look at the people behind me. Mina is getting impatient but my division buddies have no obligation to ambush those bandits.

This time, the bandits are much stronger, even on par with the knights. Julius attempts to defend himself but as he does not have experience, he was swiftly pushed back by basic bandits.

"Mina, on my signal, cast a barrage of fireballs and aim it at the leader," I say.

Mina nods.

As most of the knights are annihilated, the bandits start to enjoy the killing more. They start to torture knights instead of swiftly killing them.

The leader walks to Julius, smiling.

I take a deep breath.


A rain of fireballs falls onto the leader.


The fireballs explode upon contact, turning any unlucky bandits to ash. However, the leader is completely unscathed.

Blinded by the smoke, the leader clicks his tongue. "Show yourself!"

"My pleasure," I say from behind.


I draw my sword and unleash all my might into one single slash to the neck.



The leader flies out of the smoke and crashed into nearby trees.


He's not dead?!

The leader coughs out blood, grasping his neck.

Bits and pieces of blue dust dissipate at his neck, there's a cut at his neck but it isn't deep enough to be fatal.

He was using a defensive artifact, damn it!

The leader smirks. "Interesting, you must be Loi. Qi Condensation Realm but a sword intent at the sixth stage. If you were at the Foundation Establishment Realm, I would have died."

Mina widens her eye when she sees the aura on my sword, she realises I wasn't even going serious when fighting against her.

I sigh at her reaction, Mina wasn't going serious in her fight with me as well.


Quest complete:

-Save Julius Linux from the Bandits.

Plot Points +10000


-Fire affinity rank A

-Fire Enhancement(Weapon)(tier 1)

-Duel Casting

-Scroll drawing(tier 1)

