Background Character's Plot Armour

Background Character's Plot Armour

Fantasy46 Chapters257.8K Views
Author: S_Takeshi
Table of Contents

In a cruel world where the strong thrive, the weak are left in the dust, only waiting to die. Protagonists are one big example. They are blessed. They have the knowledge, strength, ability, luck, or even wealth to back them up.

However, what does a mere disposable background character has?

Loi Krist, someone with no talent and affinity with anything, is treated less than livestock. But he persevered and kept living on all for the sake of his family.

Yet, his family was falling apart as his poisoned mother slowly drifts to the underworld.

As a last-ditch effort, he decided to risk his life going to the region of death, searching for the rumoured Artifact of Life that can turn his fate around. The region of death, a cold biome that is home to many vicious monsters, has taken many lives. The cold burns on his skin yet he kept moving, even on the verge of death. However, just like any other adventurers, he succumbed to the cold and died.

Seconds later, he is suddenly greeted with a familiar scene.

Miraculously, he went back to the past with all of his memories intact? And he has seemed to gain some sort of ability to extract the plot armour of various characters in his world.

Talents, Abilities, Affinity, Cultivation, Knowledge, Anything that can make him stronger and allow him to survive in situations he shouldn't are plot armour. And he will extract them all from the blessed!


Original Novel.

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19 Reviews
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Welcome potential readers! This story is a survival journey of a background character who simply wants to save his family and live comfortably. There are many "wholesome family moments" and dark aspects that depict the cruelty of his world, forcing Loi to suffer indefinite unjust. All in all, Loi will make many enemies as he attempts to go against fate using the mysterious system that appeared after his regression. Thank you for reading!

2 years ago

Disclaimer(to avoid complaints and complications): Loi is very weak in his past life. He still has the mentality that he is weak since it has been deeply engraved into his heart. It will take his mind and body a while to finally grasp that he is getting a lot stronger and may subconsciously back off sometimes. His past life age is 32. I wouldn't say that his maturity affects his character very much but instead the decisions he makes. Loi is very selfish in this current life and will do anything to help his family and himself because he knows that kindness only belongs to the strong. But, he is not a monster. Some stupid moments in this story is usually intentional and is not meant to be viewed as a very smart move. In this case, those moments are meant to be either calculative or for the experience. This Fantasy cultivation world operates differently from our world. For example, ways to deal with a spy can differ based on the people responsible. Some might let the spy go due to kindness, which will infuriate readers, while some might be merciless to the core. This Fantasy world do not have any norms when compared to our world and the way things work will be different. Thank you for reading. If you have any more questions, please comment here.

2 years ago

I have been a huge fan of Takeshi's work. Up until the latest chapter, he still doesn't disappoint. The Mc is not arrogant and is very well-rounded in terms of skill. The decisions he makes are backed by a valid judgement although sometimes he could unintentionally be too cautious. World Building is interesting with a mix of cultivation and fantasy, Characters are well built and not stagnant, which is a good thing since they contribute to the story and plot instead of the situation. I like to see where this will go!

2 years ago

Very intriguing plot. I like how Loi didn't use his power on his family first unlike some other MC's out there. The one he stole Plot Armour from didn't even notice it. It's also nice how the MC doesn't just let himself get insulted. 10/10

2 years ago

Why is everybody just blatantly lying? Even halfway through the first chapter, the readability is absolutely abysmal, and that persists throughout; a consistent lack of punctuation, terrible grammar (such as not beginning multiple sentences with a capital letter) and shifty, confusing prose plagues this novel. Ignoring the grammar, some characters are completely one-dimensional, such as a "bully" in the beginning who insults the protagonist, only to crumble when he's shown the slightest backbone (a shoddy insult involving a toilet). Not sure if characters like that are used to make protagonists look cool or whatever, but it's really a massive problem in a multitude of novels. I liked the concept of absorbing plot armour. I've got nothing to say in regards to story development and world background. Haven't gotten far. Don't want to. Overall, I have a large number of gripes, and if the general readability isn't fixed, many others will hop off before even reading the second chapter.

2 years ago

I really like this story it’s a nice way to pass time. I enjoy the systems power of taking plot armor but they do have plot holes like how he can take someone’s technique and they don’t think anything of it. Beside that it’ pretty good a hidden gem. Also is there harem in this author.

2 years ago

Non-Arrogant mc+smart and somewhat relatable decisions. Also, there are many wholesome moments and mc is very family orientated but is selfish against other people! interesting plot and unique world building of slight eastern fantasy mixed with western fantasy.

2 years ago

Nothing i can say expect that the novel is amazing! I just wanted to skim through the fist few chapters but dang, the plot got me hooked! The novel is written with wonderful and well thought out plans and sequence. No typos whatsoever, brilliant characters, a good story and most importantly, a main character that i can freaking pour my heart into. Nice author, I swear you are doing an extremely good work! Keep working hard like this! [img=recommend][img=recommend]

2 years ago

As per the two chapters I read, I must say I'm hooked into this story. The novel has limitless potential. The only thing author needs to work on the character design and the quality of his writing style. There are many errors in the story. Few grammatical and some are related to the smooth-ness of the story development. it's a medium paced story. So, I loved reading it. Compared to other novels I read, this book gets the cake for writing a plot driven story which hooks the audience no matter what. I have high hopes for this novel since it has a unique concept and good plot. With a little bit of modification in the quality, I'm sure this novel will rise to the top and win this godamn contest. This is a high praise given by me which I never give to just anyone. So, What I'm saying is actually genuine and it has the potential to reach that pinnacle if author works hard to improve it. My best wishes to Takeshi. Hope you don't disappoint me, as a fellow reader of your novel.

2 years ago

Sometimes I hate the MC's only because of their incompetent behavior. But the MC isn't arrogant or anything, and I can deal with that.

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

The story is progressing nicely and tied with the nice writing, you could easily understand what the author is expressing. The story itself is fascinating and interesting. Typical system, but with a little twist of stealing plot armor, which is pretty unique. The updates are consistent! My overall review is, quite good, but could be better; Though, it is not free of flaws, there are tons of inconsistensy on the story as I read. During the 1st chapter, the MC did not take the minor characters plot armor because they were theirs, however when he encountered Irine(Main Character) he suddenly stole/took it without reservation, which is odd, considering he didn't take the minor character's plot armor. Oddly, the MC didn't know that his sister is talented despite being 32 years ahead from the future. The MC also acted rashly, for a 32 year old that constantly searched for a cure to help his family, he attacked a noble(baron) son, despite knowing the consenquences that his family would suffer from it. Idk if it was a mistake but, Category 5 danger needs a few core formation stage 2. While Category 6 requires atleast 1 Core Formation. Why does Category 5 sound more dangerous? The world building is a mix of xianxia and western, the power-system is xianxia like but the setting leans more on a western fantasy. Overall, the story is good, but it needs more planning and time to grow. Waiting for future chapters!

2 years ago

This write up is extremely wonderful. The story line is superb and gives us that suspense that makes us want to read more. You are doing well author pls keep it up.

2 years ago

I actaully like this story, always like the weaktostrong and Loi seems well rounded so far in the first few chapters i can definetely see a great build up happen for loi. Grammar and Vocabulary is also great. I definetely recommend reading this book so far.

2 years ago

Very nice! I love it! more, please! I don't want you to stop writing when is the next update! I can't wait to read it! Mc is very good and plot is entertaining 10/10

2 years ago