[235] The disappearances,and fried chicken.

"Before I had accepted the request, I did some research independently."

Said Sabrina, before explaining further.

"After the Aror Incident, Multiple children, especially those belonging to deceased hunters. Had disappeared from Aror....even though some had family left. Their courtcases even showed weird results. The family was not allowed to partake and the children were sent to Orphanages far from the City, to multiply orphanages in other cities. What was more suspicious was that..."

Sabrina said, And Alan paid close attention to her words.

"The ones who had successfully awakened were immediately adopted."

"Isnt that a good thing?"

Alan asked her...and Sabrina had a grave look on her face.

"Normally, yes. Awakened children do have a high chance of being adopted by families...but the problem is that there is no Record. Their adoptive parents...and most importantly them..."

"No record is there of the children?"

Alan asked Sabrina.