[236] EAT! EAT! EAT!

"What would you like to Order?"

Maria, the Wife of Mike Ardor, the owner of Ardor Chicken and also acting as a waitress approached the table and asked politely.

"The special feast-fest."

Sabrina said..and Mary paused for a moment.

She leaned to whisper in Sabrina's Ear.

"...Sabrina are you serious? My Husband will milk every penny he can out of you."

Sabrina smirked.

"Are you interested in making a bet? Him against your father."

Maria, who tried to warn Sabrina was surprised...but then she thought.

'I tried to warn her...Oh Well...'


She was Mike's wife, and Elton's mother after all.

Sabrina's smile widened...and Mary went off to inform her father.

"Alan...let's make some money."

She said to Alan, resting her head on her hand...and looked at Alan with shining eyes.

Alan...looking at her thought.

'...you mean 'make you' money...'

He didn't say it out loud though.


"What? Someone challenged me to a food fight?"

Mike said in astonishment...