[699] Kizmal(11).

"What do you mean?"

Alexander inquired, his eyes were dubious, and his instincts were telling him something was wrong, something was going to be wrong. That, and also Festul talking in his mind.

[Be careful... Alex.]

Suddenly, the venerable and somewhat nonchalant dragon had changed, that was the view everyone had of him right now, but it changed. Azmakul turned around, and observed each one of them. 

Everyone was tense, and they all looked at him, with unease apparent in their eyes.

"I believe you all must get the chance to prove yourselves, and I myself, want that beauty to get a chance to perform as well."

He said, pointing towards the array, deeming it a 'beauty'. Sabrina's eyes narrowed. 

Alexander felt...odd. His heart began to beat faster, and his entire body was nervous, but it was out of both joy and fright. It was a feeling he couldn't explain very well, and neither could he explain where it was coming from.