[700] Kizmal(12).

Despite all of Kazikato's attempts at trying to dissuade the rest from challenging the trials, it was all for naught. They were determined to challenge it, especially Alexander and Olivia.

Sabrina was simply here for the knowledge about the array, but it wouldn't hurt her to try her techniques against an actual opponent.

"... Guys, Please, this is a mountainous giant we are talking about..."

Kazikato's murmurs could be heard very well inside the narrow tunnel, words that no one would heed right now, everyone had the goal of clearing the trial in their mind, or trying their best to do it.

They finally reached the end, and stepped into the challenge area, taking it all in with amused and expectant expressions. The area of the trial was very pleasing to them, all of them besides Kazikato who had immediately transformed into a dragon.