Chapter 0062. Zephyr

Currently in front of me, stood the damsel of my dreams.

'No, not Scarlett.'

I looked at the Desert Scorpion Red Edition with a tender gaze.

Yes, she was the damsel I was talking about. I had more interest in her than the beautiful Scarlett sitting on its driving seat.

"Are you done staring? We don't have the whole day."

Scarlett said in an emotionless tone, her voice containing a bit of annoyance.

'Is she in a hurry?'

Nevertheless, I didn't want to make things harder than they already were for her, so I sat inside the car.

"Can I drive?"

"Do you have a licence?"


Why would she ask for a licence from a grown man? Anyone would have a licence these days.

".....I didn't have a car, so I didn't feel the need to get a licence."

"Then you are not going to touch its controls until you get one. Off we go now."

The problem with independent and working women was that they were rule followers and didn't know how to let lose once in a while.

—-Tsk Tsk!