Chapter 0063. Special Invitation

"Fuck, where are all these hoards of monsters coming from?"

"Squad leader, we need backup or the Drisica fortress would fall in the hands of the devils."

The soldiers of the northern fortress were tired and exhausted from the battle that has been going on for weeks now. Not only was the army pushed back, but now even defending the fortress seemed like a challenge.

It was all going smoothly in the beginning under the command of the newly appointed squad leader who was leading the defence of the Drisica fortress. She was none other than Elexis, one of the top royal knights in [Mayhem] and the first ever person to get such a high military rank in an Empire as big as Sahhan.

Under her command, the NPC and Player soldiers wreaked havoc amongst the devil army, with barely any casualties. The devils were getting pushed back so easily that it was unreal.