Chapter 0069. The Ultimate Pet?

—-Jiggle~ Blob~ Fumu~

I looked at the slimy creature in front of me, jiggling around with two crescent lines, supposedly its eyes looking pleased.


What is this thing?

—-Rub! Rub!

Whatever it was, it was extremely cute and jiggly!

"What are you, little guy?"



Suddenly, I received a telepathic message, the voice sounded like that of a little child.

For a second, I believed that Bloodsong was playing pranks on me!

~~It wasn't me, master!~~

'I know! Don't sulk.'



It was clear this time. I could feel that the telepathic communication was from the little jelly ball. 

'I am not your mama!'


Oh, so it was trying to call me master. 


I dodged a bullet there. But wasn't it just an infant? How did it start talking so soon… Aren't monsters that can talk super rare?