[Bonus chapter] Chapter 0070. Vesco Komnen Lazovic

The Chasm Castle

Inside the throne room of the abyss's sole ruler, the emperor of the great Charm Empire, Vesco Komnen Lazovic.

The emperor was sitting on his high throne. Vesco was an arch-demon with dark black hair, two pairs of horns, a humanoid body and a feminine face. He had slit golden eyes, the symbolic trait of an arch-demon, known as the most suitable amongst the demons to be a ruler. 

From ancient times, arch-demons always had higher chances of becoming the ruler of demons, due to their innate ability to command demons. But this didn't stop the other demons from fighting for the throne, and there were many instances where the ruler was just a strong demon, with a race much inferior to an arch-demon.

Prior to Vesco, a sea demon of different races used to be the emperor until he lost his position to Vesco in the battle for the throne that comes every decade.