Chapter 0072. Hidden Legendary Class

"Kai, from now on, you're no longer the chief of Rewan village."

"Okay, Shura."

I was speechless at how easily he accepted the request. But I wasn't the one to complain.

"We are going to expand our territories, the abyss needs a new ruler."

My smile crept from one ear to the other and my eyes turned into two crescent moons, looking extremely evil.

"....Yes, Shura. Please be cautious with whatever you're planning to do."

This time, Kai's response wasn't immediate, but he was still supportive of me.

'I was really thinking of delaying this till after the competition, but at least putting a foundation won't hurt me, right?'

It was about time I developed my own forces.

[Are you sure you want to leave the Chrysanthemum Guild?]
