Chapter 0073. Sing A Song

After a while, I had a proper conversation with the Prolus guy. I confirmed there weren't any more people waiting to suddenly start talking in my head, or else I would always be apprehensive.

Although Prolus had written the book of True Alchemy, he was actually a Magi. Magi was also a term for the sorcerer, I wasn't sure what the difference was between a Magi and Sorcerer.

'Why would you write a book of Alchemy when you were a Magi though?'

`Not just a Magi, but a Grant Magi.`

'Yeah yeah, that.'

Turned out that the Prolus guy was just a paranoid man. Even though he was a Magi, he was not confident enough to surpass his predecessors. But he wanted to leave behind his name in the history books, so he started to use his understanding of magic in the field of Alchemy, a relatively less competitive job.