Chapter 0074. Battle Against The Fire General Of Abyss!

The mansion of the fire general Egran was huge, at least 2000 metres in radius. It was guarded by armoured orcs who patrolled around the perimeters.

There were even a few dog-like monsters called [Abyssal Hound] roaming around. I guessed they were too stationed to look out for trespassers.

However, escaping their sharp noses was an easy feat for my almighty [Camouflage] skill.

Walking inside the mansion, I was surprised to see a few Lizardmen moving around. 

'Aren't Lizardmen water creatures? What are they doing on plain land, that too on the Fire General's  house?'

There were actually a lot of Lizardmen inside the mansion, and from the looks of it, they looked more like residents than guards and housemaids.

'Won't I be able to manage infinite [Camouflage] like this?'

I was surprised at how my mana went down every second only to be filled up again due to the abyss' increased health and mana regeneration.