Chapter 0108. Invading the Capital of Drisica

"We're here."

I said as I looked at the large walls of the capital of the Drisica Kingdom.

Unlike the last time, this time the scene was different. The walls were heavily guarded and the defences had been fortified.

I had stopped the van about three miles away from the city. The eyes of Arcana were amazing, they could see things that normal eyes can't even begin to decipher.

'If only my hearing was just as good too.'

I could even see the lip moments of the guards and soldiers near the city walls, but I couldn't hear it, neither was I a good lip reader. 

'Well, at least I can see what they're doing.'

"The walls have been fortified, it'd be hard for us to sneak in."

I said as I looked at the people seated behind me.

"You can actually see the walls from here?"

Jane asked, surprised.

"Not just the walls, but also the people guarding it."

I replied, half proud of myself.

"Woah, that's amazing, man."